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Nickel headed for longest rally in a month amid supply concerns

Bloomberg reported that nickel headed for the longest rally in a month in London amid concern that supplies will lag behind demand this year as an export ban in Indonesia crimps ore shipments.

Ms Gayle Berry, a strategist at Jefferies Group LLC, said that “Costs of nickel-pig iron, a lower-grade alternative to refined metal, are rising and pipeline inventories are low so there is potential for restocking.”

She forecast a deficit of about 40,000 tonne after a 45,000 tonne surplus in 2014. In the second half of last year, nickel dropped 20% on signs of slowing demand in China and Europe.

Mr Edward Meir, an analyst at INTL FCStone in New York, said that “The supply condition is a concern and some buyers are back after the big drop in prices. While we may not see a big rally, we could definitely see some support at these levels.”

Nickel for delivery in three months rose 1.4% to USD 15,475 a tonne on the London Metal Exchange. Earlier, the price reached USD 15,567, the highest since December 24th. The metal headed for a third straight gain, the longest run since December 4th.

Ms Berry said that “We think current nickel prices offer a buying opportunity and favor building length on dips below USD 16,000 a tonne in 2015.”

Copper for delivery in three months dropped 0.2% to USD 6,135.25 a tonne. Earlier, prices fell to USD 6,091.50, the lowest since June 2010.

Zinc, tin and lead declined in London. Aluminum slid for a 12th straight session, the longest slump since mid-2013.

In New York, copper futures for March delivery dropped 0.1% to USD 2.7655 a pound.

Source - Bloomberg
Japanese stainless steel scrap exports rebound during Nov'14

The recent data published by the Japanese Ministry of Finance (MoF) indicates that stainless steel scrap exports from the country surged higher during the month of November last year.

Japan's exports of stainless steel scrap during November'14 totalled 9,974 tonne, increasing by 30% when compared with the exports during the previous month. The country had exported 7,672 tonne of stainless steel scrap during October 2014.

However, the average export prices were up marginally by 0.8% over the previous month to JPY 132,392 per ton during Nov '14. The cumulative exports during the initial eleven-month period from January to September this year totalled 98,404 tons.

Source - Scrap Monster
Geerten B
De vakbonden ACV Metea, CNE en LBC, allemaal behorende tot de christelijke ACV, hebben minister van Economie Kris Peeters (CD&V) en zijn regionale ambtgenoten Jean-Claude Marcourt en Philippe Muyters gevraagd om antidumpingmaatregelen te treffen tegen geïmporteerde inox uit China en Taiwan. De bonden berekenden dat circa 5.000 banen in gevaar zijn in Charleroi en Genk, zo staat vandaag in L'Echo.

De bonden willen dat de ministers maatregelen afdwingen op Europees niveau. De markt wordt overspoeld door producten uit China en Taiwan die 20 procent goedkoper zijn dan in Europa, zegt Gabriel Smal van ACV Metea.

De vestigingen van Aperam (ArcelorMittal) zijn ernstig in gevaar. "De rechtstreekse banen van 659 werknemers in Châtelet en van 1.079 mensen in Genk zijn bedreigd, net als vele onrechtstreekse banen. In totaal schatten we dat het om ongeveer 5.000 jobs gaat."


Dit de reden dat de shortpositie steeds groter wordt?
Heb mijn aandelen vanmorgen voor 25,70 verkocht bij ABN, heb nog wat bij de giro staan, laat dit nog voorlopig staan. Heb een mooie winst.

PARTYBEAST... schreef op 12 januari 2015 12:57:

Feli guusje:)
Heb ze lang gehad bij de ABN, je moet ook durven om een keer afscheid te nemen,, zit nog wat bij de giro, die laat ik voorlopig maar staan.
Zijn de shorters weer actief? Is dat de verklaring dat Aperam terugzakt van hoog € 25,80 naar € 25,13 laag of is het puur winst nemen.
Is er misschien ander negatief nieuws?
Geerten B
Groot gelijk Guus.
Ik heb voor mezelf doel van 31 gesteld en ik heb lange adem.
interday gaat het wel heen en weer.
Het is gewoon een aandeel met weinig volume. dus grote partijen laten hem snel heen en weer gaan.

PARTYBEAST... schreef op 12 januari 2015 13:47:

Groot gelijk Guus.
Ik heb voor mezelf doel van 31 gesteld en ik heb lange adem.
interday gaat het wel heen en weer.
Het is gewoon een aandeel met weinig volume. dus grote partijen laten hem snel heen en weer gaan.
Aperam blijft het goed doen, krabbelt ook wel weer snel op,
je raakt er aan gewend dat het aandeel zo koerst.

herbie bell
European stainless steel prices have been on a
relative uptrend last week with some prices
unchanged and others slightly increasing. Asian
prices on the other hand have recorded a slight
decrease (see Chart 7).
East Asian sales were slow, which was to be
expected during the holiday season. That said, the
European Central Bank contemplates a quantitative
easing which would drive down the rate of the euro
against the dollar according to a Chinese exporter.
"A weak euro would reduce China’s exports further
as now we are already experiencing a drop in orders
due to anti-dumping probes,” he added. Regarding
production, currently Chinese mills seem to destock
and prepare maintenance for the Chinese New Year.
In the year-end, US stainless scrap prices kept
their downward trend due to sluggish sales and
volumes for major domestic consumers heading
towards January Metal Bulletin reports. End of
December marked the second week in a row that
stainless scrap prices had fallen following the nickel’s
huge price drop on the LME (see chart 8). A source
told Metal Bulletin: "The consensus view was that the
first quarter would see a strengthening in the North
American stainless market with much increased
demand”, however, with recent developments it
seems more likely that we are in for a long, hard slog
through the first half of 2015.”Another source told
Metal Bulletin: “we’re looking at declining nickel,
declining ferro-chrome and, maybe not declining
(ferrous) scrap prices right now but it’s difficult
to see it go up appreciably."
Imports and low capacity utilisation to dent Indian stainless steel sector

Business Line reported that Lower capacity utilisation and competition from Chinese imports would dent India's stainless steel industry, which operates at about 55% capacity utilisation of the total installed capacity of 5 million tonnes per annum.

Mr Ratan Jindal chairman of Jindal Steel Ltd said that "The stainless steel sector requires Government support in the form of encouragement for exports and import restrictions on finished and semi-finished goods."

Raising the issue of increasing dependence on imports and under-utilisation of production capacities, Mr Jindal said that "Our imports of stainless steel have doubled in the past one year. Whereas our capacity utilisation is about 55%."

He said that in recent years, stainless steel has found application in areas other than conventional utensils. He added that "Stainless steel now finds application in consumer durables such as washing machines, fridges, ovens, and the entire kitchen. What we are aiming at is to increase India's per capita stainless steel consumption from 1.6 kg per annum to that of some of the developed nations."

Europe has an average per capita stainless steel consumption of about 10 kg, while China consumes about 6 kg. Taiwan has among the highest stainless steel consumption levels of about 15 kg.

Source – Business Line

NEW YORK (AFN) - De aandelenbeurzen in New York openden dinsdag met winst. Aluminiumproducent Alcoa zorgde voor positieve verwachtingen voor het cijferseizoen dat het bedrijf maandagavond aftrapte met beter dan verwachte resultaten. Alcoa koerste ruim 2 procent hoger.


viermeiden schreef op 13 januari 2015 15:53:


NEW YORK (AFN) - De aandelenbeurzen in New York openden dinsdag met winst. Aluminiumproducent Alcoa zorgde voor positieve verwachtingen voor het cijferseizoen dat het bedrijf maandagavond aftrapte met beter dan verwachte resultaten. Alcoa koerste ruim 2 procent hoger.

Zo als een andere poster al opmerkte:

Alcoa (aluminium) heeft weinig tot niets met RVS (en of staal) te maken....

Toch bedankt voor je bericht natuurlijk.
X2 Resources considering to bid for Vale SA's nickel assets - Report

Bloomberg reported that Mr Mick Davis, Former CEO of Xstrata Plc, is considering a bid for the nickel business of Vale SA, the world's top producer of the metal, according to people with knowledge of the situation.

Two of the people, who asked not to be identified because the negotiations are private, said that Mr Davis's investment vehicle X2 Resources values Vale's nickel business at USD 5 billion to USD 7 billion. There hasn't been any formal negotiation between X2 and Vale about the assets yet.

X2 has raised about USD 4.8 billion from equity investors including Asia's largest raw-materials trader Noble Group Limited, private-equity fund TPG Capital and sovereign-wealth and pension funds to create a mid-tier mining company. It has been hunting for assets to buy from the world's largest miners such as Vale, BHP Billiton Limited and Anglo American Plc.

X2 Resources declined to comment, while Vale said that it hasn't received any proposal or held talks with X2 about its nickel assets.

Should X2 make an offer, it won't be the first time Mr Davis has targeted major nickel assets. As CEO of Xstrata, he completed a hostile USD 18 billion takeover of Canadian nickel miner Falconbridge Limited in 2006. Falconbridge and Inco were two of Canada's largest miners at the time, with adjacent mining areas in Ontario.

Vale bought Inco in a USD 18.2 billion deal, with current Chief Executive Officer Murilo Ferreira leading the acquisition at the time as the company's head of base metals.

Source - Bloomberg
herbie bell
Nickel exchange prices have kept falling in the first half of
the month. As of January 15, they reached $14,570/t,
settlement, down 5% w-o-w (quotations were comparatively
stable in late December and the first week of January). The
exchange stock levels have risen by 5,100 t to 418,300 t
since the beginning of the year.
The price decrease is explained by lower imports to China
in December and lower industrial production in the EU in
November. Another reason is the essential strengthening of
the US dollar.
However, nickel prices have been supported by
the intention of the People?s Bank of China to allocate
RMB 50 million ($8.1 million) for crediting of small and medium
business. This will propel the economic growth and nonferrous
metals consumption and prevent nickel quotes from another
herbie bell
Metal Pages reports that according to a report issued
by the investment bank Jefferies, The European
steel sector may hit a turning point in 2015 amid
stronger nickel prices, potential protectionist
measures and higher capacity utilisation rate.
The bank believes that the European stainless steel
industry is hitting a “turning point” following years of
consolidation and capacity closures which lead to
restructuring. The report notes that on the one hand,
the European steel melt capacity may decrease by
30% by next year due to closures at some European
stainless steelmakers. On the other hand this would
boost utilisation rates to 81% by 2017 from only
60-65%in 2010-2011. Other critical points highlighted
by this report are that as prices should gradually
increase as utilisation rates rise, and nickel price
strength is expected to support stainless steel
volumes and prices. That said, European prices
remained unchanged last week (see Chart 8).
ISSDA urges government to act against stainless steel imports from Malaysia

Indian Stainless Steel Development Association, the flagship body representing the domestic stainless steel manufacturers has urged the Indian government to have a check on the Stainless Steel exports from ASEAN countries and certain domestic importers, who are working in collusion with foreign firms in order to claim undue preferential tariff benefits under the CECA & FTA agreement between India and Malaysia.

It said “In the light of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between Government of India and the Government of Malaysia with a view to promote trade and boost economic development, some companies are twisting the rules and indulging in the malpractice of abusing the rules of origin of the partnership agreement.”

Mr NC Mathur President of Indian Stainless Steel Development Association said “The basic custom duty on import of Stainless Steel Flat Products in India is 7.5%. However, imports of such products from Malaysia attract nil duty because of the tariff concessions offered by the Government of India under the CECA. The fundamental premise for claiming such benefit is that the export product should have undergone minimum 35% value addition in the country of export.”

A bare perusal of the internationally published prices for grades 304 & 316 given below clearly shows that the extent of value addition between HR and CR is way below the threshold level of 35%:

The ISSDA release added “It is a matter of knowledge that there are no melting/hot rolling facilities for stainless steel in ASEAN countries (including Malaysia) and accordingly the entire input (Hot Rolled coil) required for cold rolling is imported from countries outside the ASEAN region like China. In order to gain undue tariff benefits, some foreign companies are furnishing Preferential Certificates of Origins to convince custom authorities in the country of import that the material has originated in the country of export.”

“Giving the example of Bahru Stainless in Malaysia, which is a subsidiary of Acerinox of Spain and imports Hot Rolled coils from its group companies/ parent company Columbus of South Africa, Acerinox of Spain and China, have got preferential Certificate of Origin (Form A1) from Malaysian authorities by claiming 35% value addition by abusing the provisions related to Rules of Origin under the Free Trade Agreement” the association feared that some other companies might also be abusing the FTA agreement in order to gain undue advantage, which at large should be categorised into unethical practices.

The Association asked the government to probe that how Bahru Stainless, Malaysia is able to get a preferential Certificate of Origin (Form A1) from Malaysian authorities by claiming 35% value addition because they are only undertaking limited cold rolling operations

The association also requested the Indian government to investigate all those cases where preferential tariff benefits have been availed by Bahru Stainless, Malaysia on exports to India

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Nickel Asia Corporation nickel ore output soars in 2014

Philippines nickel mining company Nickel Asia Corporation reported a record high output of iron ore in 2014.

The company’s nickel ore output came to 17.9 million wet metric tonne in 2014, compared from 14 million wet metric tonne in 2013.

The company said the value of its nickel ore shipment soared to PHP 23.7 billion, soaring by 130% from year ago.

Nickel Asia is the largest producer of lateritic nickel ore in the Philippines and operates a number of mines in the country.

Source - www.yieh.com
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