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VW's Seat brand to hire 250 staff in Barcelona plant

Reuters reported that Volkswagen's Spanish division Seat would hire 250 more workers at its plant near Barcelona to respond to plans to increase production. Seat, which returned to profit in 2016 for the first time in about a decade, has recently expanded capacity at the Martorell factory to 2,400 cars per day from 2,300 to service growing demand for its models.

The carmaker also said it has agreed with labour unions to run additional production shifts on weekends in coming months.

Source : Reuters
Audi recalled 1.6 million vehicles worldwide

Economic Times reported that talk German luxury car brand Audi recalled some 1.16 million vehicles worldwide last week. According to reports, the recall was over a coolant pump issue, which posed a fire risk.

Around 342,000 vehicles in America alone have been recalled, as per data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And while this is cause for concern, Indian Audi owners can rest easy. At least that’s what members of the Audi India team told ETPanache.

Source : Economic Times
@ ffff,

hier is de draad naar toe gegaan. Met alle oude topics die er ooit zijn gepost over Volkswagen. Ik hoop jouw bijdragen op deze draad weer spoedig te lezen.

Ex-topman VW aangeklaagd om dieselschandaal

Gepubliceerd op 3 mei 2018 om 21:44 | Views: 13

175,78 -1,62 (-0,91%)

DETROIT (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Voormalig Volkswagen-topman Martin Winterkorn is in de Verenigde Staten aangeklaagd vanwege zijn rol in het dieselschandaal. Winterkorn wordt beschuldigd van samenzwering en het overtreden van milieuregels.

Volkswagen raakte in het najaar van 2015 in opspraak toen bleek dat het bedrijf jarenlang vals had gespeeld bij toelatingstests voor dieselmotoren. Die waren voorzien van verboden software waardoor ze in het laboratorium veel schoner uit de bus kwamen dan ze bij normaal gebruik op de openbare weg waren. Winterkorn stapte kort nadat het dieselschandaal aan het licht kwam op als baas van de Duitse automaker.

De affaire heeft al geleid tot de nodige boetes en schikkingen, waar bij elkaar vele miljarden mee gemoeid zijn. In de Verenigde Staten werden eerder al enkele voormalige medewerkers van Volkswagen tot gevangenisstraffen veroordeeld. Ook lopen talloze schadeclaims tegen het bedrijf.
Advisor Hermes opposes election of VW supervisory board candidates

Economic Times quoted shareholder adviser Hermes EOS as saying that it had recommended clients vote against the election of two candidates to the supervisory board of carmaker Volkswagen and called for a review of the company's corporate culture.

Hermes, which helps guide the voting choices of pension funds and others with 336.1 billion pounds (USD 458 billion) in assets, said it recommended its clients reject the election of Marianne Heiss and Wolfgang Porsche at the company's annual meeting on May 3.

Michael Viehs, Associate Director of Responsibility, said in a statement that "The election of the candidates will result in a board with almost zero independent representation, which clearly goes against good corporate governance practice.”

Instead, Hermes said it wanted the company to create an external supervisory board and undertake a review of the company's corporate culture.

Source : Economic Times
'Nieuwe VW-chef krijgt vrijgeleide van VS'

Gepubliceerd op 7 mei 2018 om 11:02 | Views: 995

172,90 -2,88 (-1,64%)

WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De nieuwe baas van Volkswagen hoeft naar verluidt niet te vrezen voor justitie in de Verenigde Staten. De Amerikanen hebben Herbert Diess een vrijgeleide gegeven. Daardoor staat het hem vrij om de wereld over te trekken voor allerhande bijeenkomsten, zonder dat hij hoeft te vrezen voor een eventuele arrestatie, zo meldden ingewijden rond de kwestie.

Vorige week werd de voormalige baas van Volkswagen Martin Winterkorn aangeklaagd vanwege zijn rol in het dieselschandaal. Hij wordt beschuldigd van samenzwering en het overtreden van milieuregels. Volkswagen raakte in het najaar van 2015 in opspraak toen bleek dat het bedrijf jarenlang vals had gespeeld bij toelatingstests voor dieselmotoren.

Volgens kenners is de vrijbrief voor Diess uitzonderlijk. Dit impliceert mogelijk dat hij niet schuldig is aan het schandaal. Mogelijk heeft hij zijn medewerking toegezegd aan justitie voor het afwikkelen van de kwestie. Toch suggereert een dergelijke overeenkomst ook dat Diess zich wel zorgen maakt over het onderzoek.
meer sjoemelsoftware-problemen voor Volkswagen ; Audi schorst de leveringen op van de Audi A6 en A7 .. : .
No cars in US affected by latest emissions issue - Audi

Economic Times reported that no Audi cars in the United States were affected by its latest emissions software issues. Volkswagen's main luxury division said it contacted Germany's KBA automotive watchdog of its own volition about the problem and stopped deliveries of the affected models.

Audi said that about 60,000 diesel-engined A6/A7 models have been detected with previously unknown emissions software issues.

Source : Economic Times
New VW CEO testified in US on emissions scandal - Report

Reuters reported that Volkswagen Chief Executive Herbert Diess travelled to the United States this month to testify to authorities there about the carmaker's emissions scandal. German newspaper Bild without citing the source of the information said that Mr Diess, who took office last month after his predecessor Matthias Mueller was ousted as CEO by major stakeholders, spoke with representatives of the US Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newspaper said that Mr Diess, who joined Volkswagen in July 2015, about two months before the "Dieselgate" scandal broke, was accompanied by Larry Thompson, the US monitor appointed last year to oversee reforms at the German group.

VW declined comment on the report.

A person familiar with the matter confirmed that Diess and Thompson had traveled to the US recently for talks with relevant authorities, without being more specific.

Source : Reuters
Circa 60.000 Porsches terug naar garage

Gepubliceerd op 18 mei 2018 om 14:46 | Views: 621

WOLFSBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Automaker Porsche moet in Europa circa 60.000 sportieve terreinwagens terug naar de garage roepen. In Nederland gaat het zeker om 700 auto's. De SUV's zijn uitgerust met illegale software die de uitstoot van de dieselmotoren manipuleert. De Duitse toezichthouder heeft beslist dat deze software moet worden aangepast.

De terugroepactie is een nieuwe klap in het gezicht voor moederbedrijf Volkswagen dat gebukt gaat onder de nasleep van het omvangrijke dieselschandaal. De kwestie met de sjoemelsoftware heeft het bedrijf al de nodige miljarden gekost. Ook het imago van de Duitse autoreus heeft een deuk opgelopen.

Volgens het Duitse ministerie van Transport is in auto's van de types Macan en Cayenne software gevonden die emissietesten kon beïnvloeden. De terugroepactie geldt voor 52.831 auto's van het type Macan die zijn uitgerust met een 3.0-liter V6 dieselmotor en 6755 Cayenne 4.2-liter V8 motor.


Volgens autobedrijf Pon, de Nederlandse importeur van Porsche, gaat het in ieder geval om 700 Macans in Nederland. Of er ook Nederlandse Cayennes bij betrokken zijn, is nog niet duidelijk.

De motoren die Porsche gebruikt zijn door Audi geleverd. Dat zusterbedrijf zei in maart al dat er nog omvangrijke terugroepacties staan te gebeuren.
Volkswagen en Apple gaan samenwerken in autonoom rijden, nadat eerder overleg van Apple met BMW en Mercedes mislukte ; .
Volkswagen sales rise by over 10pct in April 2018
Auto News - Published on Fri, 25 May 2018

Times of India reported that Volkswagen Group's global sales rose 10.2 per cent to 927,200 units in April, led by the Volkswagen Passenger Cars (519,700 units), Audi (160,900 units) and SKODA (107,100 units) respectively. The German giant has also delivered over 3.6 million units to Asia-Pacific customers since the beginning of the year.

Mr Fred Kappler, Head of Group Sales at Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, said that "The Volkswagen Group’s upward trend continues into the second quarter. Positive developments in Europe and the home market of Germany as well as in South America are particularly encouraging."

Mr Kappler said that company's resolve to "continue to work on the attractiveness of brands and products in the second quarter."

In the Asia-Pacific region, deliveries since the beginning of the year rose to just short of 1.5 million (+12.0 per cent). The Group handed over 360,000 new vehicles to customers in the region in FY18, representing growth of 12.2 per cent. Deliveries in the Chinese market grew further in April, with 334,800 vehicles being (+11.7 per cent) handed over to customers there.

In Europe, the company claims that over 1.5 million new vehicles were handed over to customers in the first four months (+5.4 per cent), of which 402,600 units were delivered in April'18 representing an increase of 9.2 per cent compared to April'17.

The Group handed over 333,900 new vehicles to customers in Western Europe in April (+9.5 per cent), of which 126,200 were delivered in the home market of Germany (+11.5 per cent). Deliveries in the markets of Central and Eastern Europe grew 8.0 per cent to 68,700 vehicles, claims the Volkswagen Group.

In the North American market, the company reports that it has undertaken deliveries of around 300,900 units (+2.6 per cent) since the beginning of the year. 79,900 units were handed over to customers in the North America region in April (+0.5 per cent) and over 53,700 U.S. customers took delivery of a new vehicle from the Group in April – an increase of 3.2 per cent.

Source : Times of India
Volkswagen wil productie in Wolfsburg tijdelijk stilleggen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volkswagen wil in de komende dagen met zijn personeel aan tafel zitten om te overleggen over het tijdelijk stilleggen van de productie in Wolfsburg in september, om zich klaar te maken voor de nieuwe teststandaard WLTP. Dit meldde de Duitse autobouwer woensdag.

Volkswagen wil bespreken hoe lang de productie moet worden stilgelegd bij de hoofdfabriek in Wolfsburg. "Na de vakantie zullen we alleen nog voertuigen bouwen die voldoen aan de laatste standaard", zo stelde CEO Herbert Diess. "De uitrol [van de aangepaste modellen] zal geleidelijk aan plaatsvinden als de benodigde goedkeuringen binnen zijn."

"Maar veel voertuigen zullen tot dit moeten moeten worden opgeslagen. Om de voorraden niet te veel te laten oplopen, is het plan om de productie enkele dagen stil te leggen tussen de vakantie en eind september." De nieuwe standaard WLTP zal per 1 september ingaan.

Het aandeel Volkswagen koerste woensdagmiddag 0,1 procent lager.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Volkswagen sees production stoppages due to new testing rules

Reuters reported that Volkswagen faces production stoppages next quarter due to bottlenecks caused by new lab tests for emissions and fuel consumption, and will discuss the implications for workers in the coming days.

Europe's largest automaker said that adapting to meet the new Worldwide Harmonised Light Duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), which is based on real-driving data rather than theoretical scenarios, would require "a feat of strength."

It said that carmakers are rushing to get models through WLTP tests on a limited number of exhaust emission test benches as they won't be able to sell new vehicles after Sept. 1 without the testing. At the German company's VW brand alone, more than 200 models require new emissions and fuel economy readings.

Production at the main Wolfsburg plant, which employs 62,000 staff and builds the Golf, Tiguan and Touran models, will be halted on certain days in August and September, group Chief Executive Herbert Diess told a staff gathering.

Diess said that "We will only build vehicles in Wolfsburg after the (July 7-27) works holiday that fulfil the new standards."

Source : Reuters
Scandal Emissions - Germany orders recall of 60,000 Audi cars - KBA
Auto News - Published on Mon, 11 Jun 2018

PTI quoted the KBA vehicle licensing authority as saying that Germany this week ordered the recall of tens of thousands of cars produced by Volkswagen subsidiary Audi over "illegal software" designed to conceal levels of harmful emissions. "We have ordered that the illegal 'defeat devices' uncovered should be removed and the vehicles refitted according to the regulations," a KBA spokesman told AFP.

"Defeat devices" refer to physical or software systems designed to reduce polluting emissions during regulatory tests, while allowing them to rise in real driving conditions.

The firm said that around 60,000 Audi A6 and A7 diesel cars in the European Union are affected by the recall, some 33,000 of them in Germany.

In early May, Audi said it had stopped delivering some A6 and A7 versions to customers after finding "irregularities" in their onboard software, adding that it was working on a fix.

At the same time, the KBA said it was launching an inquiry into "suspicions of manipulation" in the cars.

News magazine Der Spiegel reported that the suspect software related to AdBlue, a fluid injected into the exhaust system to neutralise harmful nitrogen oxides (NOx).

The programme reduced the amount of the liquid sprayed into the catalytic converter, aiming to lower consumption in between check-ups on the cars -- but allowing for higher emissions of the polluting gases.

German authorities warned Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler and Audi owner Volkswagen earlier this year that they could face mass recalls after similar AdBlue trickery was uncovered.

Meanwhile, prosecutors searched homes and offices belonging to Audi employees in Germany in February and in April.

Source : PTI
Porsche to name its first all-electric model Taycan

Reuters reported that sport car maker Porsche will name its first all-electric car model the Taycan, a year before it plans to launch serial production of a vehicle that will compete with Tesla's Model S. The name, announced by Chief Executive Mr Oliver Blume at Porsche's 70th anniversary celebration, means "lively, young horse", reflecting the iconic rearing black horse on Porsche's coat of arms.

The four-seater electric sports car due to roll off production lines in 2019 has so far been known as Mission E.

Porsche said it plans to double its investment in hybrid and fully electric vehicles to more than EUR 6 billion by 2022 as parent Volkswagen seeks to overcome an emissions-cheating scandal and tap into growing demand for greener transportation.

It said that battery-only vehicles could account for a quarter of its sales by 2025.

Source : Reuters
Volkswagen launches sport edition of The Polo, Ameo and Vento

Volkswagen announced the introduction of the special edition model of its popular carlines the Polo, Ameo and Vento. It's called the Sport Edition and comes with changes made to the exterior of the cars. The special edition of all three cars will see them get a glossy black roof foil and side foil.

The cars also come with a black rear spoiler and a carbon finish ORVM cap. The company has made no mechanical changes to the any of the cars. In fact there are no changes in the prices of the cars either. The Sport edition models of the Polo, Ameo and Vento will be available across all Volkswagen dealerships in India. Prices for the Polo start at INR 5.41 lakh, while the Ameo costs INR 5.50 lakh onwards. The price of the Vento begins from INR 10.70 lakh.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ex-Volkswagen CEO summoned to testify in emissions lawsuit - Bild

Former Volkswagen Chief Executive Mr Martin Winterkorn has been asked to testify before a German court in connection with a lawsuit seeking damages from the carmaker over its emissions cheating scandal, a German paper reported.

Judge Fabian Reuschle of the Stuttgart regional court has summoned 28 individuals to testify at a trial which starts in mid-September, Bild said, explaining that Bosch CEO Volkmar Denner and Audi CEO Rupert Stadler were among those facing questions.

Bild, citing a letter it had obtained, also said that Reuschle has asked the German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer to appear.

Martin Winterkorn could not be reached for comment. A lawyer for Winterkorn declined to comment, but confirmed his client has been summoned.

A spokeswoman for Bosch declined to comment. Audi, the Transport Ministry and the Stuttgart regional court could not immediately be reached for comment outside business hours. Volkswagen declined to comment.

Source : Reuters
Volkswagen says 250,000 cars could be delayed by new testing rules

Reuters quoted Volkswagen as saying that production of up to 250,000 cars from its group brands in the second half will be delayed because of effects from new mandatory lab tests for emissions and fuel economy. Implementation of the so-called Worldwide Harmonized Light Duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) on Sept. 1 for new cars will temporarily restrict the availability of some models and could affect working capital by driving up first-half inventories, Volkswagen (VW) said on Friday, without being more specific.

Carmakers are facing bottlenecks as they rush to get models through the more complex WLTP tests on a limited number of exhaust emissions test benches as they won't be able to sell new vehicles after Sept. 1 without the new carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel consumption readings.Porsche, the second-biggest contributor to VW group profit said last week it would temporarily limit the number of models it sells in Europe because of the implications of WLTP.

Porsche, the second-biggest contributor to VW group profit said that it would temporarily limit the number of models it sells in Europe because of the implications of WLTP.

VW said that "Because of the introduction of the new WLTP testing procedure, we expect in the second half of 2018 an effect at the VW group of around 200,000 to 250,000 vehicles that we will build later than originally planned."

Although, effects on sales cannot be ruled out from the launch of WLTP which replaces the outdated New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) and aims to better reflect real-driving data, VW on Friday reaffirmed its goal for group deliveries to moderately exceed last year's record 10.7 million units.

Source : Reuters
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