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Fortis: woensdag 23 december 2009.

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GDF Suez houdt Bel20 boven water
dinsdag 22 december 2009 Bron: TIJD Auteur: hrt

Op Euronext Brussel is de Bel20 dinsdag in lijn met de andere Europese indexen hoger gesloten. De beurskorf zet daarmee de klim van maandag rustig verder. De winsten in Brussel waren wel opmerkelijk kleiner dan elders in Europa.
Microsoft moet Word aanpassen

Microsoft heeft een patentgeschil verloren en moet zijn Word-applicatie snel aanpassen om te vermijden dat het een van zijn meest gebruikte programma's vanaf 11 januari niet meer mag verkopen.
Deflatie knabbelt aan loon 777.000 werknemers

Door de negatieve inflatie van 2009 valt het loon van 777.000 werknemers in januari 0,43 procent lager uit dan nu. Dat berekende De Tijd.
Chinese invasie in Belgisch telecomland

De Chinese telecomfabrikanten hebben opnieuw een contract binnengehaald op de Belgische markt. BASE gaat immers in zee met het Chinese ZTE om de komende jaren zijn 3G-netwerk verder uit te bouwen. ZTE haalde het van Ericsson, de huisleverancier van BASE, en enkele andere partijen.
From Times Online
December 22, 2009
US stays out of recession despite output fall
Official third quarter GDP for America are revised down but the economy remains in positive territory, unlike Britain which is mired in the longest-ever recession.

(Mike Segar/Reuters)

Official third quarter GDP for America are revised down but the economy remains in positive territory, unlike Britain which is mired in the longest-ever recession.
Elizabeth Judge and Christine Seib

The US economy grew at a slightly slower pace than previously thought in the third quarter, it emerged today, as Britain cemented its position as the only G20 country still in recession.

The Commerce Department's final calculation of gross domestic product (GDP) – a key measure of a country’s economic health - was 2.2 per cent for the three months to September 30, down from a second estimate of 2.8 per cent and below the 3.5 per cent originally reported.
From Times Online
December 22, 2009
Lloyds fined $217m for sanctions breach
Christine Seib in New York

Lloyds Banking Group will do an annual review of its US transactions as part of a deal to settle allegations that the British bank violated American sanctions.

The US Treasury also levied a $217 million (£136 million) fine against Lloyds, which will be covered by $350 million the bank paid in January to settle Department of Justice allegations over the same sanctions violations.

According to the Treasury, Lloyds routed at least 4,281 electronic funds transfers worth $37 million through the US on behalf of clients in Iran, Sudan and Libya.
From Times Online
December 22, 2009
Hedge fund manager in line for $2.5bn payday
David Tepper, Appaloosa Management

David Tepper, who runs the US hedge fund Appaloosa Management, is in line for a profit share of around $2.5 billion (£1.5 billion) this year after betting heavily on a recovery in the stocks of banks including Citigroup and Bank of America.

Appaloosa has made about $7 billion profit so far this year, according to the Wall Street Journal, with Mr Tepper set to gain about $2.5 billion of this, one of the biggest personal annual pay rewards of recent years.
From The Sunday Times
December 20, 2009
Where next for the soaring price of gold?
Alexandra Goss

Gold has glittered particularly brightly this year, soaring to a record high of $1,226 an ounce at the beginning of this month. Despite dropping back since then and finishing the week at $1,110, the gold price has been one of the star performers of the decade, having risen more than 300% since 1999.
Interview mit Norbert Walter: „Die Marktwirtschaft ist in Gefahr“
Quelle: Andreas Reeg

Provokante Thesen und eine hohe Medienpräsenz haben Norbert Walter zu Deutschlands bekanntestem Ökonomen gemacht. Im Interview mit dem Handelsblatt erklärt der scheidende Chefvolkswirt der Deutschen Bank, warum Deutschland die Krise noch nicht überstanden hat, wo die Politik dringend Konzepte entwickeln muss und welche Risiken die Staatseingriffe in die Wirtschaft bergen.
Einnahmenschwund: Unternehmen zahlen kaum noch Steuern

Die Wirtschaftskrise macht den Kommunen über Steuerausfälle schwer zu schaffen. Den Städten und Gemeinden geht das Geld aus, im dritten Quartal 2009 zahlten die Betriebe rund ein Drittel weniger Gewerbesteuer als noch vor einem Jahr. Experten rechnen damit, dass sich diese Einnahmekrise sogar noch verschärft.
Sicherheitsbedenken: Obama stoppt Verkauf von Goldfirma nach China

Rohstoffe und die Firmen, die sie fördern, veredeln und verkaufen, sind rund um den Globus heiß begehrt. Und China interessiert sich ganz besonders für solche Konzerne, wie auch nun wieder für den US-Minenbetreiber Firstgold. Eigentlich war der Deal schon so gut wie durch, bis sich die Obama-Regierung einmischte.
Landesbank: EU nimmt Bad Bank der WestLB unter die Lupe

Schlechte Nachrichten für das Top-Management der Düsseldorfer WestLB kurz vor Weihnachten. Die EU-Kommission zweifelt an der Rechtmäßigkeit des neuen Rettungspakets für die Landesbank. Sie will die darin vorgesehene Gründung einer Bad Bank genau unter die Lupe nehmen und hat sie am Dienstag deshalb nur vorläufig genehmigt.

Het zal een kleine schok veroorzaken, maar tienduizenden werknemers in ons land gaan vanaf januari minder verdienen. Als gevolg van de automatische loonindexering gaan de salarissen in een aantal sectoren omlaag. De inflatie, gemeten door de gezondheids­index, was de afgelopen twaalf maanden immers negatief. En omdat de loonontwikkeling daaraan gekoppeld is, krijgen heel wat werknemers in januari een lager loon uitbetaald.
DECEMBER 22, 2009, 8:52 P.M. ET
U.S. Housing Data Boosts Asian Markets

SINGAPORE -- Asian share markets were trading higher Wednesday following a strong showing on Wall Street spurred by better-than-expected U.S. housing data.
Flaherty Says China, Russia May Raise Canada Holdings (Update1)
By Theophilos Argitis

Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Canada’s Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said China, with the world’s largest currency reserves of $2.3 trillion, may be poised to buy Canadian dollars as it seeks to shield its reserves against the U.S. dollar’s decline.

“It does not surprise me that China and Russia would take greater positions in the Canadian dollar than they have previously,” Flaherty, 59, said during an interview in his office in Ottawa. “I would expect countries looking around the world to invest in market currencies that are reliable.”
Russian Central Bank May Cut Rates Again in 2009, Ignatiev Says
By Paul Abelsky

Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Russian central bank Chairman Sergey Ignatiev said interest rates may be cut before the end of the year and forecast the economy may grow 5 percent or more in 2010, faster than the government is estimating.

The country will post “steady economic growth” next year because the negative factors that led to the worst slump since the 1998 default are “no longer in effect,” Ignatiev said in Moscow yesterday. Output will return to its pre-crisis level in less than three years, he said.
U.S. Economy Grew at 2.2% Annual Rate Last Quarter (Update2)
By Timothy R. Homan

Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The economy in the U.S. expanded in the third quarter at a slower pace than anticipated as companies curbed spending and cut inventories at an even faster pace, reductions that have set the stage for acceleration in growth.
Goedemorgen Fforummers, weer tijd voor mijn ontbijt.
Aansluitend nog wat zorg voor het trottoir.

Tot straks.

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Markt vandaag

923,71  +0,35  +0,04%  07 jun
 Germany40^ 18.547,30 -0,56%
 BEL 20 3.900,39 -0,42%
 EURO50 5.042,41 0,00%
 US30^ 38.783,90 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 18.997,40 0,00%
 US500^ 5.344,04 0,00%
 Japan225^ 38.664,30 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.293,78 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0818 0,00%
 WTI 75,26 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


BESI +2,85%
Nedap N.V. +2,60%
Alfen N.V. +2,55%
Sligro +2,36%


Arcadis -5,00%
CTP -2,50%
WDP -2,48%