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Beursblik: bedrijfsresultaat ArcelorMittal omlaag

Analisten hopen op hogere winstverwachting.

ArcelorMittal heeft in de eerste drie maanden een flink lagere operationele winst behaald onder invloed van de lage staalprijzen. Dit blijkt uit een consensusverwachting van 22 analisten die het staalbedrijf zelf heeft opgesteld.

Het bedrijfsresultaat is volgens de consensus met een derde gedaald naar 920 miljoen dollar. In het eerste kwartaal van 2015 was dit nog 1.378 miljoen dollar. In het vierde kwartaal van 2015 kwam het bedrijfsresultaat van ArcelorMittal uit op 1.815 miljoen dollar.

Analisten van RBC Capital Markets schreven in een vooruitblik dat de resultaten van ArcelorMittal waarschijnlijk wederom zwak zullen zijn, vanwege de vertraagde impact van de wereldwijd lage staalprijzen die eind 2015 hun bodem bereikten. De marktvorsers verwachten dat beleggers vooral uitkijken naar uitspraken van het management over de houdbaarheid van de hogere staalprijzen op de markt voor directe levering. Ook hoopt RBC op een verhoging van de winstverwachtingen voor het hele jaar.

De aandacht gaat tevens uit naar nieuws over het verkoopproces van de Italiaanse staalfabriek ILVA. RBC, maar ook marktvorsers van Berenberg zien ArcelorMittal als de meest logische koper. Berenberg schreef dat de staalproducent zijn Europese bezittingen verder kan optimaliseren met de overname van ILVA. Daardoor zou de volatiliteit in de Europese staalprijzen afnemen en zou ArcelorMittal wellicht hogere prijzen kunnen bedingen.

Net als RBC houdt ook Berenberg er rekening mee dat de onderneming de verwachtingen voor het bedrijfsresultaat dit jaar gaat opschroeven. Bij de presentatie van de resultaten over 2015 zei Arcelor eerder dit jaar te mikken op een bedrijfsresultaat van meer dan 4,5 miljard dollar.

Deutsche Bank voorziet margedruk voor het staalconcern in alle markten. De analisten van de Duitse zakenbank verwachten dat de nettoschuld is toegenomen van 15,7 miljard dollar ultimo 2015 tot 16,6 miljard dollar. De impact van de recente aandelenemissie en de verkoop van het belang in Gestamp door ArcelorMittal zal pas in het tweede kwartaal merkbaar zijn.

Het staalbedrijf maakt de kwartaalcijfers bekend op vrijdag 6 mei.

Door ABM Financial News. +31(0)20-26 28 999
Explosie in hoogoven ArcelorMittal in Duinkerken

Geen gewonden en materiele schade gering.

Het productiecomplex van ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) in het Noord-Franse Duinkerken werd woensdagmorgen opgeschrikt door een explosie, waarbij geen gewonden zijn gevallen en de materiële schade beperkt is gebleven. Dit maakte het staalconcern woensdagmiddag bekend.

De explosie ontstond door gasvorming in een hoogoven, die na drie weken onderhoud weer werd opgestart, meldde woordvoerder Paul Weigh van ArcelorMittal desgevraagd aan ABM Financial News.

Enkele medewerkers werden door de eigen medische dienst van het bedrijf behandeld voor lichte shock-verschijnselen, aldus de woordvoerder.

De materiële schade wordt nu hersteld en het bedrijf hoopt de faciliteit spoedig weer in gebruik te kunnen nemen, voegde de zegsman toe.

Op een rood Damrak noteerde het aandeel ArcelorMittal woensdagmiddag 1,3 procent lager op 4,58 euro.

Door ABM Financial News. +31(0)20-26 28 999
Lagere omzet en bedrijfsresultaat Aperam

Bodem staalmarkt is bereikt volgens fabrikant roestvast staal.

Aperam heeft in het eerste kwartaal een lager bedrijfsresultaat behaald, maar verwacht dat de winstgevendheid in de loop van het jaar zal verbeteren. Dit meldde de fabrikant van roestvast staal woensdag nabeurs.

"Wanneer we vooruitkijken blijven we voorzichtig gezien de economische omstandigheden. Het eerste kwartaal bevestigde echter dat in het vierde kwartaal de bodem werd bereikt qua marktomstandigheden en we geloven dat we onze winstgevendheid verder zullen verbeteren", zei bestuursvoorzitter Timoteo Di Maulo.

De Luxemburgse producent verwacht dat het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) in het tweede kwartaal licht zal stijgen ten opzichte van de eerste drie maanden.

Het bedrijfsresultaat kwam in het eerste kwartaal uit op 112 miljoen dollar. In hetzelfde kwartaal een jaar terug was dit 133 miljoen dollar. Door ABM Financial News geraadpleegde analisten hadden ook gerekend op 112 miljoen dollar. In het vierde kwartaal lag het bedrijfsresultaat op 105 miljoen dollar. Aperam gaf ook aan bij de laatste jaarcijfers voor het eerste kwartaal te rekenen op een licht stijgend bedrijfsresultaat op kwartaalbasis.

Het kostenbesparingsprogramma van Aperam heeft sinds het begin in 2011 in totaal voor 487 miljoen dollar bijgedragen aan het bedrijfsresultaat. Aperam mikt op een totaal bedrag van 575 miljoen dollar per eind 2017.

De nettowinst steeg in het eerste kwartaal op jaarbasis van 42 miljoen naar 49 miljoen dollar. De staalproducent zei dat dit het beste nettoresultaat was sinds de afsplitsing van ArcelorMittal vijf jaar geleden.

De omzet zakte van 1,3 miljard terug naar 1,1 miljard dollar. Aperam verscheepte 483 duizend ton staal in de eerste drie maanden. Een jaar eerder was dit nog 469 duizend ton en in de laatste drie maanden van 2015 was dit 476 duizend ton.

De nettoschuld steeg van 316 miljoen dollar eind 2015 naar 338 miljoen aan het einde van het eerste kwartaal, conform de door Aperam afgegeven outlook. De onderneming heeft de schuldenlast in de afgelopen jaren echter flink verlaagd. Eind 2014 bedroeg deze nog 536 miljoen dollar. Aperam verwacht in het lopende kwartaal de schuld opnieuw te kunnen verlagen.

Het aandeel Aperam sloot woensdag vlak op 33,22 euro.

Door ABM Financial News. +31(0)20-26 28 999
Iranian steelmakers consider import tariff hikes as insufficient

Financial Tribune recently reported that the Iranian steel industry’s path to growth is influenced by factors, such as the global steel supply, iron ore prices, import tariffs and the prevailing political climate. Most of these determinants have taken a turn for the better during the past few months, except for import tariff rates that remain a debatable issue between steelmakers and the government.

The government did finally respond. First, steel importers were barred from using the official exchange rate (which is set lower than market rates) during the first months of the previous Iranian year (started March 20, 2015), and in line with a promise made in February, the government raised import tariffs on steel products to a maximum of 20%.

Mohammad Nahavandian, the chief of staff of Iran’s president, addressed domestic steelmakers during the Iranian Steel Market Conference 2016 back in February and said: “Iranian steelmakers have voiced their concerns, and we are planning to take action by further increasing import tariffs and adopting other supportive policies.”

The newly approved import tariffs, based on the government’s approval, include a 5% hike for steel ingots to 15%; 10% jump for hot and rolled sheets to 20%, in addition to a 10% rise for plated steel sheets to 20%.

Many steelmakers believe the government took the right measures at the right time, but did not go far enough. Mr Mohammad Reza Modarres, managing director of Khuzestan Steel Company, was quoted as saying by Donya-e-Eqtesad that “The announced import tariffs are considerably lower than what we asked for.”

Source : Financial Tribune
Steel rebar cargo of 5,000 tonnes from China under scanner in Philippines

The Inquirer recently reported that Philippines Bureau of Customs is looking into a shipment of 5,000 metric tons of deformed steel bars that arrived here starting on April 21.

Lawyer Ernelito Aquino, BOC Subic district collector, said personnel of the Port of Subic were notified about the shipment amid suspicion that the steel bars were being smuggled into the country.

Mr Roberto Cola, president of the Philippine Iron and Steel Institute, had asked the agency to suspend the processing of the import entry documents of Mannage Resources Trading Corp., the consignee of the steel bars.

In an April 25 letter to Aquino, Cola said the steel bars had not been subjected to quality inspection and lacked the required import commodity clearance. Mr Cola also asked Aquino to issue a warrant of seizure and detentionfor the shipment to ensure the safety of the general public and consumer protection from substandard steel products in this seismic region.”

But Aquino said a government agency has to determine the quality of the steel bars before he could act on Cola’s request. He said “I will invite the Department of Trade and Industry and Bureau of Product Standards to confirm the compliance [of the steel bars] to quality standard.”

Source : The Inquirer
MIP and steel rally to ease pressure from China imports- Mr RK Goyal Kalyani Steel

In an interview with CNBC-TV18, Mr RK Goyal, MD, Kalyani Steel, discussed the sharp rise in steel prices and the impact it would have on the local industry.

Below is the verbatim transcript of RK Goyal’s interview with Ekta Batra & Anuj Singhal on CNBC-TV18.

Ekta: The minimum import price (MIP) has helped plus there is a recovery that we have seen in steel prices in China over the past one month. Can you just give us the sense in terms of what the on ground situation is when it comes to off-take of steel currently in the domestic market?

A: After the MIP in February, the production for domestic large integrated steel manufacturers has gone up. They could definitely increase the prices and I understand all around there is an improvement in profitability. While all the mid-size plants manufacturing, engineering steels etc, where there is no impact of MIP, they have started suffering much more. Because the input prices have gone up and they could not do anything on the selling price and their margins are further squeezed. Now as far as China is concerned, recently there is an increase in prices of all metals, as far as steel is concerned including steel raw materials. Therefore the impact of MIP has gone down because now as such the prices have gone up and imports from China may reduce basically because the prices in China are much higher than MIP.

Anuj: Can you quantify because Nigel tells me that coke prices have gone up than 50 percent in past three months. If you could confirm if that is the right number and what would that mean for your margins going forward?

A: As far as the coke prices are concerned, they have reached a low of around USD 115 CIF India, it has gone up to almost USD 190 CIF India and this all has happened in last one month. Coupled with that, many of the people who had booked the coke and they are not performing the contracts, so this will lead to further scarcity, further non-availability of metal because the metal which was to be shipped is not coming. As far as the prices in China are concerned, it has gone down to around USD 280 per metric tonne which is now hovering around USD 480 or so.

Ekta: Going forward, I am not talking about quarter four numbers, you declared 22 percent margins in quarter three what would be may be a sustainable run rate for you in FY17?

A: We have to watch very closely the volatility in the market. Like currently the coke prices have gone up, iron ore prices have gone up this metals will be getting sometime in June and all so then it will definitely have an impact on our margins if we are not able to pass on this increased cost of raw materials to our customers.

Anuj: If you could give us some numbers because as Ekta said you had 22 percent margin and with the kind of price increase that we have seen in raw material what kind of hit do you think you are going to take?

A: The cost push is close to Rs 3,000-4,000 per metric tonne. Now it is yet to be seen to what extent we are able to pass it on to our customers so then only we will know, yes whether there is a hit on our margins or we are still able to manage.

Ekta: Coming back to the steel off take that we are seeing in the domestic market can you just quantify to us in terms of volumes as well as price what has been the change or the hike that we will see in steel in the domestic market pre MIP and post MIP accommodating higher prices in China also?

A: Pre MIP and post MIP as far as the prices of TMT or HR coils are concerned I think there is an increase in price to the extent of anything between Rs 6,000-7,000 per metric tonne. As far as engineering in steels are concerned products which we produce customers have started asking for price reduction. Now after the increase in cost of all the major inputs they are not asking for that reduction but we have not received any hike on our products.

Anuj: One more question on the price hike that NMDC recently took. If you could you tell us the difference between the domestic prices and international prices right now?

A: As far as the NMDC prices are concerned last two months they have increased price by Rs 400 to 500 per metric tonne. When you add up all the taxes, royalty and all the landed cost for us has gone up by almost Rs 1,000 per tonne of steel. As far as the international prices are concerned I don’t think it is workable to import iron ore and produce steel from there as international prices have also harden anything between USD 10-18.

Ekta: What about liquidation of inventory?

A: As far as inventory levels are concerned it has gone up in last few months but we are not in a hurry to liquidate the inventory and to sell at a loss. I believe with an increase in price of all the raw materials prices should strengthen further.

Anuj: Would it be fair to say that we can expect another price hike from NMDC since we just discussed the difference between the domestic and international prices?

A: Technically they should not increase because that is the advantage you have producing steel in India. However, they may increase anytime, they are yet to announce what their price increase or decrease for the month of May.

Source : CNBC-TV18
ArcelorMittal contracts SMS group for revamp of its Gijón rail rolling mill

ArcelorMittal Espana SA has contracted SMS group to revamp its rail rolling mill in Gijón. The modernization project will entail the conversion from conventional two-high rolling to the more economical universal rolling method. The project is also intended to increase the selling length of the rails from 90 to 108 meters.

Rails rolled on universal mills are produced at lower costs, feature improved dimensional accuracy and enhanced surface quality and are the rails of choice for high-speed railway lines.

The central element of the revamp will be the installation of a mill train consisting of a universal stand and an edger, both of which will be designed as CCS® stands (Compact Cartridge Stand). This stand type has been successfully in operation in numerous rail and section mills. Additionally, the existing finishing stand will be replaced by a universal stand. All stands will feature hydraulic screwdown. This ensures a higher rail quality and provides higher availability and flexibility of the rolling mill.

The order scope also includes adaptations to the reversing break-down mill, to the roll shop and to the media supply system. SMS group will install the equipment and adapt the automation system. Also the roll pass design and the mill guides for all stands will be supplied by SMS-technology that has proved highly successful in numerous rail rolling mills.

To minimize the production loss, the modifications to the equipment will be implemented during several scheduled line stoppages of short duration. The main activities will take place in summer 2016.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Rebar price spike in UAE will subside soon - Danube Group

Gulf News reported that according to the chairman of Danube Group, with the exception of steel, building material prices in the UAE have remained largely stable since the start of the year,

Mr Rizwan Sajan said “Steel is now at AED 2,500 a tonne from the AED 1,600-1,700 last year and that’s had some impact on project pricing. The spike has got nothing to do with the current softness in the dollar and consequently raising the cost of steel imports. These are due to more localised issues... it’s my expectation that steel would settle back to the median.”

Source : Gulf News
Plea to save Vizag steel plant from water crisis

The Hindu Business Line reported that the Visakhapatnam steel plant is facing severe water crisis and even the production may be hit, if the State Government does not take immediate steps to augment water supply

In a petition submitted to the Chief Minister, B. Ganga Rao, secretary, said the plant required 33 million gallons per day (MGD) and the present supply was hardly 10 MGD. Visakhapatnam city needs 78 MGD but the supply has slumped to 37 MGD.

He said water levels in the Kanithi balancing reservoir had gone down drastically and the water may hardly be sufficient for 15-16 days. The steel plant had already scaled down its production.

The pipeline bringing Godavari water to the city and the steel plant was also not being maintained properly, aggravating the problem.

He urged the Chief Minister to respond to the crisis and take steps to increase supply to the steel plant and the city.

Source : The Hindu Business Line
Tata Steel UK bags order for DSAW large dia pipes for Gulf of Mexico

More than 140 kms of pipeline manufactured by Tata Steel has achieved an industry first by becoming the deepest to be laid in the Mexican section of the Gulf of Mexico, the company has said. The company was awarded a contract to supply 457mm OD x 28.6mm WT API 5L PSL2 X65MO line pipe from its large diameter 42" Double Submerged Arc Welded mill in Hartlepool, UK for the development.

The project marked the first where a pipeline had been laid at water depths greater than 3,000 feet in the Mexican section of the Gulf. Tata Steel was selected for the project due to its extensive experience in the manufacture of small diameter and thick wall deepwater line pipe. The mill has been the focus of significant recent investments to enhance technology and processes and increase power efficiency. More than 125 improvements were completed in 2015 to strengthen its overall operational and performance capability.

Mr Richard Broughton, Commercial Manager, Energy and Power, Tata Steel said: "Our investment in the DSAW mill and our continuous improvement discipline enables us to offer extremely high integrity solutions to our clients for the most challenging of offshore and onshore projects."

He added that the overall benefit of the investments can be seen in the welding quality performance achieved during the project in the Gulf of Mexico where small diameter and thick wall pipe is typically more challenging. He said "On this project, a combined repair rate of 0.25 percent was achieved. This was delivered not only due to the investment in welding technology but also through a programme of continuous improvements in the welding area which has seen similar developments across many sizes of pipe.”

Source : PTI
Balochistan CM seeks Chinese investment for steel Mills

The News reported that Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Khan Zehri who along with Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal on visit to China has invited Chinese investors to establish Steel Mills in Balochistan.

The Government would extend all out cooperation to the chinese investors including security. He said this during his visit to office of Tianjan Chan Ting Thermal Power Company Limited and Tianjan Iron and Steel Mills in China.

The Chief Minister told Chinese officials and investors that Balochistan was rich in natural resources including iron chromite and other minerals.

He invited the chinese investors for establishing a Steel Mill in Balochistan and assured them that his government would extend all out cooperation to them in this regard including provision of foolproof security to Chinese investors engineers and technical staff.

The CM was told that Tianjan Company was meeting 80 percent requirement of electricity and steel in the area by availing modern technology.

Nawab Zehri invited the company to invest in Balochistan in different sectors including power generation and steel production.

Source : The News
Kleine vraag Voda.. Handel jij in Turbo's? Het valt me namelijk op dat de ING maar 1 turbo aanbied op Nikkel als future en het is nog een short ook nog... Nu handeld de ING zelf in Sprinters,maar het valt me op dat ze nu net deze ene aanbieden,waar de kans op winst minimaal is.. Worden deze Turbo's geschreven zoals opties? ( Een bank brengt een turbo long op de markt op een onderliggende waarde XYZ die €30 kost. Stel hiervan financiert de bank 25 euro. De belegger betaalt dus 5 euro. De verhouding tussen de koers van de onderliggende waarde en de koers van de turbo staat bekend als de hefboom van de turbo, in dit voorbeeld dus 6. Op de door de bank gefinancierde 25 euro betaalt de belegger op jaarbasis rente (ca. 11%).) Zo zo... Die hebben lef.. Hahahaha..

ToTheTop schreef op 4 mei 2016 21:22:

Kleine vraag Voda.. Handel jij in Turbo's? Het valt me namelijk op dat de ING maar 1 turbo aanbied op Nikkel als future en het is nog een short ook nog... Nu handeld de ING zelf in Sprinters,maar het valt me op dat ze nu net deze ene aanbieden,waar de kans op winst minimaal is.. Hahahaha..
Nee, ik handel niet met Turbo's noch één of andere speeder, optie, put of enig andere derivaat. Ik veracht die dingen. Voor mij pure aandelen, ook al zijn die "verwaterd" sinds de afschaffing van de papieren aandelen.

Maar ja, men moet helaas met de tijd meegaan.

voda schreef op 4 mei 2016 21:28:

Nee, ik handel niet met Turbo's noch één of andere speeder, optie, put of enig andere derivaat. Ik veracht die dingen. Voor mij pure aandelen, ook al zijn die "verwaterd" sinds de afschaffing van de papieren aandelen.

Maar ja, men moet helaas met de tijd meegaan.
Ik heb de info al gevonden.. Ze hebben deze dus nog niet zo lang geleden geschreven en je bent goed de pineut als je hem koopt.. Min of meer komt het er in dit geval dus op neer,dat de bank willens en wetens iets aanbied waar het zelf de grootste kans in heeft aan te verdienen.. Dat zegt voor mij weer even voldoende.. Om het even duidelijker te maken.. Ik heb er nog nooit in gehandeld (Wel in opties) De opties weigeren ze me,maar deze die ze zelf schrijven en ik niet ken kan ik kopen.. Hahahaha.. ;o)

florida7 schreef op 3 mei 2016 23:04:

LONDEN (AFN/RTR) - Staalbedrijf Liberty House brengt dinsdag een overnamebod uit op Tata Steel UK, dat samen met de hoogovens in IJmuiden de Europese divisie van de Indiase staalfabrikant vormt. De Britse tak werd eind maart in de etalage gezet en een deel werd eerder deze maand verkocht aan investeerder Greybull Capital.
Liberty House krijgt, als het bod geaccepteerd wordt, onder meer de grootste staalfabriek in het Verenigd Koninkrijk in handen. Die staat in Port Talbot in Wales. De verkoop van Tata Steel UK, ingegeven door aanhoudend moeilijke marktomstandigheden, leidt mogelijk tot het verlies van duizenden arbeidsplaatsen.
Naast Liberty House is ook Excalibur Steel geïnteresseerd in een overname van de Britse activiteiten van Tata. De Britse overheid zou om banenverlies te voorkomen de uiteindelijke koper met honderden miljoenen ponden willen ondersteunen. Het gaf aan een belang van 25 procent te willen nemen in het bedrijf.
De vraag is dan bij een Brexit of die industrie dan nog wel echt goed levensvatbaar is.. Aan de andere kant...
Zelfs als Britten nee zeggen tegen de EU, is Brexit nog ver weg

Zelfs als de Britten voor een ‘Brexit’ stemmen, zal hun land niet zomaar kunnen vertrekken uit de Europese Unie (EU). Politici in het Hogerhuis van Groot-Brittannië schatten in dat het zelfs negen jaar kan gaan duren.

Volgens de Lords in Westminster heeft Groot-Brittannië veel langer de tijd nodig dan de twee jaar die het volgens Europees recht heeft om afsplitsing van de EU te regelen.
'ArcelorMittal ziet resultaten verder teruglopen'

Gepubliceerd op 4 mei 2016 om 15:11 | Views: 5.551

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - ArcelorMittal heeft zijn omzet en bedrijfsresultaat vorig kwartaal naar verwachting aanzienlijk zien dalen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Dat voorspellen analisten in een vooruitblik op de kwartaalcijfers die de staalproducent vrijdag voorbeurs presenteert.

De analisten voorzien in doorsnee een omzetdaling van 18 procent tot 14 miljard dollar. De ebitda zakte naar schatting van 1,4 miljard naar 920 miljoen dollar.

Daarmee zou de omzet wel stabiliseren op het niveau van de laatste drie maanden van vorig jaar, terwijl het bedrijfsresultaat verder zakte. ArcelorMittal voorspelde in februari al dat het resultaat op kwartaalbasis verder zou slinken.

Het staalconcern kondigde bij de jaarcijfers aan zijn kapitaal met 3 miljard dollar te gaan verhogen. De emissie die daarvoor moest zorgen is inmiddels afgerond.
JSW Steel very competitive in terms of capacity, cost of production: Seshagiri

Economic Times reported that Mr Seshagiri Rao of JSW on the run up in steel prices and the sustainability said that it is not sustainable taking into account this demand supply scenario in the steel sector across the world

He told ET “I think it is very important to see what is happening in China if we want to understand the global steel industry dynamics. If you see the 2015 calendar year the total steel production in the world came down by 0.8% and also the demand fell over 3%. Almost 40 million tonnes of steel demand fell in the year 2015. When the steel
demand is falling across the world if you look at China, China's demand also fell from 710 million tonne to 672 million tonne which is 5.4%, whereas the production has not come down, production came down only from 822 million tonne to 804 million tonne.”

He said “Therefore, the major problem in the steel sector is non-adjustment of production capacity in line with the fall in demand in China that is a major factor. In relation to that their exports have increased to 112 million tonne from 90 million tonne in the previous year in 2015. So they have dumped steel across the world which has caused a huge problem. What is also very important is whether China is competitive in terms of export of steel. Marginal profit of 2014 in steel companies in China turned into a big loss in the year 2015. In spite of that, fall in demand has not made China to reduce the production. So they continue to export, they dumped the steel across the world.”

He added “I am not seeing that to happen. If you see the world steel has given a guidance for the year 2016 that the steel demand will fall by 0.8% from 1500 million tonne to 1488 million tonne. 12 million tonne fall in steel demand across the world. In China they predicted that the steel demand will fall by 4% that is from 672 million tonne to 645 million tonne. When the demand is expected to fall in the calendar year 2016, whether China is adjusting production, we are not seeing that to happen.”

He said “In the month of March China produced second highest ever production of 71 million tonnes. Therefore the problem remained as regards to non-adjustment of production in line with the fall in demand in China and also huge amount of exports at any price are the reasons for the distress in the steel sector across the world.

He concluded “If you look at Brazil, Russia, Europe or US, any of those countries we are not seeing a huge absorption of this surplus steel which is available in the steel sector. That is whatever run up we have seen in the last few weeks. We feel that it is not sustainable taking into account this demand supply scenario in the steel sector across the world. We feel that that that it is not sustainable taking into account this demand supply scenario in the steel sector across the world.”

Source : Economic Times
ArcelorMittal’s $6.5 bn Jharkhand project hangs in balance

The fate of ArcelorMittal’s 12-million tonne, $6.5 billion steel project in Jharkhand appears to be hanging in the balance as a new clause has been put up by the company for which there is no approval yet, state government officials said here on Friday.

The second stage of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Mittal steel and the Jharkhand government was proposed to be signed on Friday. But the company representatives did not turn up for the signing. Along with Mittal, Bhushan Steel representatives also did not turn up to sign another MoU.

Three MoUs were to be signed but only Vedanta executives turned up.

“Mittal steel has come out with a new clause. We are yet to get the requisition for the new clause. We will initiate process once we get the written requisition,” said K. Ravi Kumar, director of the Jharkhand Industries department, without spelling out what the clause was.

“Bhushan steel is yet to come with a new date. The director of Bhushan steel is not in Ranchi.”

But some government sources said Mittal steel was not showing interest in the steel plant due to the slump in the sector. The company officials here could not be reached over phone, despite several attempts by IANS to get their version.

The company had first signed the pact with the state government in 2005 for the 12-million tonne steel plant at an investment of Rs.40,000 crore. This MOU expired in 2010. The second-stage MOU was proposed on May 6.

Due to land acquisition problems, Mittal Steel in the past could not make much headway with the project. It was allocated iron ore mines at Karampada village. This apart, the state government also gave a prospective license for mining.

But the allocated coal block was cancelled.

The Mittals had also identified a site on the border of the Khuti-Gumla districts for the unit. But due to land acquisition problems, they decided to shift to Bokaro. When the MOU was signed in 2005, the company was also eyeing Chiria iron ore mines.

Again this was opposed by the state-run Steel Authority of India, which was awarded the mines.
Beursblik: mijnbouwfondsen onderuit na daling ijzerertsprijzen

Ook ArcelorMittal flink onder druk.

Mijnbouwfondsen, maar ook staalbedrijf ArcelorMittal, zijn maandag sterk onderuit gegaan als gevolg van dalende prijzen voor ijzererts. Dit schreef marktanalist Jasper Lawler van CMC Markets in een rapport.

"Industriële metalen daalden vorige week sterk en droegen maandag bij aan de verliezen. Chinese ijzerertsvoorraden zijn tot het hoogste niveau in meer dan een jaar gestegen, nadat toezichthouders de speculatie in markten voor de metaal-futures aan banden hebben gelegd", schreef Lawler.

Op een lichtgroen Damrak was ArcelorMittal maandag veruit de grootste daler met een verlies van bijna twaalf procent tot 4,08 euro. De in de AMX genoteerde producent van roestvast staal Aperam verloor 5,6 procent tot 32,23 euro.

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Vertraagd 3 mei 2024 17:35
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Volume 1.804.974
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