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Voluntarily surrendered stakes in 2 Odisha coal blocks - ArcelorMittal

ArcelorMittal said that it has voluntarily surrendered its stakes in 2 coal blocks Rampia and Dipside of Rampia following its decision to exit from the USD 12 billion steel project in Odisha in July last year.

It said “Accordingly, the company had informed the government about its decision to surrender stakes in the two blocks and was awaiting consent and approval of the Coal Ministry since then.”

In July 2013 ArcelorMittal revisited its industrial plan inter alia due to delay in grant of prospecting licence for the coal block and decided not to pursue with its Odisha project and voluntarily surrendered its stake in Rampia. Accordingly, a communication was sent to the Ministry of Coa

The 2 coal blocks, Rampia and Dipside of Rampia, were allocated in January, 2008 to the 6 firms.
The government had decided to de allocate the two blocks but the decision was kept on hold due to a case being heard in the Delhi High Court on the matter. The case has been filed by Rampia Coal Mine and Energy Private Limited, the JV of 6 allottee firms Sterlite Energy, GMR Energy, Lanco group, ArcelorMittal, Navbharat Power Pvt Limitrd and Reliance Energy.

For ArcelorMittal, coal from the block was meant for its captive power plant, which was to be constructed for supplying electricity to its 12 million tonne steel plant in Odisha.

Source - PTI
Dit is mijn korte 360graden analyse:
AM is het aandeel waar ik momenteel het meeste ruis zie qua TA. Wel zie ik hogere bodems en lagere toppen (dus de koersrange wordt verkleint/kruipt naar elkaar toe). Een slot boven de 12,30 of onder de 11,88 zou richting kunnen geven, op dit moment is er te veel ruis.
Rsi schommelt rond de 45-55, trix is aan het zijwaartsen.

FA ziet er op korte termijn slecht uit (Chinese economie koelt wat af en heeft een grove voorraad aangelegd aan grondstofmetalen). Uit Spanje komen wat betere berichten, in Italië wil men uitbreiden, maar ik zie nog een hoop miljard aan goodwill op de balans staan. Kan iemand mij enigszins informatie verschaffen wat hier qua verwachting nog van afgeschreven zal worden of dat er nu een reële prijs in de boeken staat voor de komende 2 jaar?
Wellicht is de 2e helft van het jaar qua FA gunstiger. Groene/Zwarte 1e kwartaalcijfers zouden mooi zijn, maar er is nog een hoop werk te verichten:
1. nettoschuld verlagen (kan door desinvesteringen of door de operationele kasstroom op te voeren en van daaruit meer kasgeld te genereren om af te lossen zodat per saldo de kaspositie redelijk gelijk blijft). (Correct me if I am wrong);
2. operationele kasstroom verhogen cq. EBITDA opvoeren, dat kan op allerlei manieren, ik wil mijn stukje niet te lang maken;
3. vul maar aan.

En qua beurssentiment lag AM i.i.g. in het schophoekje als de AEX daalde en kreeg het de wind tegen toen de AEX steeg. Dat kan draaien maar dan moet er wel eerst uit het convergerende trendkanaal worden gebroken.

Ga er maar vanuit als ze Italie kopen is het voor een grijpstuiver, vanwege wat daar allemaal moet gebeuren.

Klous Kazimir schreef op 23 februari 2014 04:40:

Dit is mijn korte 360graden analyse:
AM is het aandeel waar ik momenteel het meeste ruis zie qua TA. Wel zie ik hogere bodems en lagere toppen (dus de koersrange wordt verkleint/kruipt naar elkaar toe). Een slot boven de 12,30 of onder de 11,88 zou richting kunnen geven, op dit moment is er te veel ruis.
Rsi schommelt rond de 45-55, trix is aan het zijwaartsen.

FA ziet er op korte termijn slecht uit (Chinese economie koelt wat af en heeft een grove voorraad aangelegd aan grondstofmetalen). Uit Spanje komen wat betere berichten, in Italië wil men uitbreiden, maar ik zie nog een hoop miljard aan goodwill op de balans staan. Kan iemand mij enigszins informatie verschaffen wat hier qua verwachting nog van afgeschreven zal worden of dat er nu een reële prijs in de boeken staat voor de komende 2 jaar?
Wellicht is de 2e helft van het jaar qua FA gunstiger. Groene/Zwarte 1e kwartaalcijfers zouden mooi zijn, maar er is nog een hoop werk te verichten:
1. nettoschuld verlagen (kan door desinvesteringen of door de operationele kasstroom op te voeren en van daaruit meer kasgeld te genereren om af te lossen zodat per saldo de kaspositie redelijk gelijk blijft). (Correct me if I am wrong);
2. operationele kasstroom verhogen cq. EBITDA opvoeren, dat kan op allerlei manieren, ik wil mijn stukje niet te lang maken;
3. vul maar aan.

En qua beurssentiment lag AM i.i.g. in het schophoekje als de AEX daalde en kreeg het de wind tegen toen de AEX steeg. Dat kan draaien maar dan moet er wel eerst uit het convergerende trendkanaal worden gebroken.
De intrinsieke waarde ligt momenteel rond de € 24,- nu de G20 eveneens de komende jaren flinke groei verwacht is dat de leidendende factor voor mij en zal de koers het komend jaar zeker een beduidend hoger koers gaan noteren.

gpjf schreef op 23 februari 2014 13:00:

Dat dacht ik ook, ben benieuwd wat de beurzen doen
Die extra 1500 miljard die men boven op de reeds ambitieuze plannen door de G20 gaat investeren de komende 5 jaar gaan de beurzen hoe dan ook het komend jaar flink omhoog helpen en dan is MT bij voorbaat het aangewezen aandeel dat hiervan als eerste van gaat profiteren.
Shanghai rebar near record low spelling doom for Chinese steel sector

Reuters reported that Shanghai steel futures fell for a third day in a row to trade near all time lows amid a shaky outlook for demand in top consumer China, denting appetite for raw material iron ore.

The most-traded rebar for delivery in May on the Shanghai Futures Exchange hit a bottom of CNY 3,386 per tonne for the session near the CNY 3,380 low reached on February 10,which was its weakest since the exchange launched rebar futures in 2009.

Shanghai rebar futures have mostly fallen since early December and prospects for a recovery are dim on signs that China's economic growth will cool further this year, led by weak manufacturing activity.

That has put renewed pressure on spot iron ore prices stalling a recovery from 7 month lows and high stockpiles of imported material in China suggest there is no urgency among steel producers to buy more.

Source - Reuters
Alcoa Australia announces smelter closure sacking 1000 workers

US based Alcoa announced it would close its Point Henry smelter, in Geelong, Victoria by August. Two rolling mills in Geelong and western Sydney will also be shut down before the end of the year, directly destroying a total of 980 jobs and triggering an estimated 3,000 layoffs in related industries.

Alcoa’s announcement is part of an onslaught on the wages and conditions of workers in Australia. Amid a worsening global economic crisis, and the end of the mining investment boom that sustained economic growth in Australia immediately after the 2008 financial crash, every few days sees a new corporate announcement of another plant closure or mass sacking. The sweeping restructuring is being jointly coordinated by the major corporations, the trade unions and the Liberal-National government.

Alcoa executives in the US said a review, begun two years ago found that the smelter and two mills had no prospect of becoming financially viable. The Point Henry facility was established in 1963 and the company has for years refused to invest the necessary resources to upgrade operations, which were among the least efficient internationally. Half the aluminium production at the smelter was exported, and executives said the high Australian dollar was also responsible for declining revenues.

The federal government attempted to blame the former Labor government’s carbon tax for the company’s problems. Alcoa, however denied this was a factor, and an Australian Financial Review analysis indicated that the company profited from the carbon tax, by about $46 million a year, via the lucrative corporate compensation and tax exemptions that Labor built into the carbon price mechanism. This was in addition to a direct Labor government subsidy of AUD 40 million handed over to Alcoa in 2012.

The Point Henry closure underscores the ruthless global restructuring of the aluminium industry. Its shut down follows the closure of the Kurri Kurri smelter in New South Wales two years ago, and leaves Australia, previously one of the world’s largest aluminium producers, with just four remaining smelters. Three of these four were withdrawn from sale last year after Rio Tinto failed to find a buyer.

Global production is being shifted from advanced capitalist countries to the Middle East and Asia, mainly to capitalise on lower energy costs. The restructuring is being accelerated by an oversupply of aluminium on world markets, largely due to slowing Chinese demand. Aluminium prices have fallen from about $US3,200 a tonne in 2008 to about AUD 1,800 per tonne.

All the major producers are shutting down their least profitable plants. Alcoa is building the world’s lowest-cost smelter in Saudi Arabia, using electricity generated from the country’s cheap oil reserves, while closing smelters in the US, Italy, Spain and now Australia. The company is also threatening to shut down its three facilities in Quebec, Canada, after hikes in electricity costs there.

Source -
China steel production to hit in 2014 - MEPS

According to MEPS, a well known steel information consultancy, China’s steel production will hit 0.83 billion tonnes in the whole year of 2014 at the rate of 5% an increase of 40 million tonnes than 2013.

In addition, the growth rate of hot rolled production will decrease from 10% in 2013 to 2.5%. The production of shipbuilding steel will pick up. And the production of flats will increase by 66.5 million tonnes driving by the growth of household appliances.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database

Dicall69 schreef op 23 februari 2014 12:55:


De intrinsieke waarde ligt momenteel rond de € 24,- nu de G20 eveneens de komende jaren flinke groei verwacht is dat de leidendende factor voor mij en zal de koers het komend jaar zeker een beduidend hoger koers gaan noteren.
Ik ben ook nog steeds onverminderd positied over mittal op middellange tot lange termijn, maar Mittal zal toch echt een keer uit dit trendkanaaltje moeten breken met lagere toppen en hogere bodems (nu 11,88-12,30). Maar verder heeft u fundamenteel geen zin te reageren? Spijtig.
ArcelorMittal (MT), the world’s biggest steelmaker, has a “minor e-platform business for selected customers,” it said in an e-mailed comment., a unit of ThyssenKrupp AG (TKA), Europe’s second-largest steelmaker, conducts web-based sales from a warehouse in Seattle, according to the company’s website. The World Steel Association doesn’t keep figures for online sales, Soo Jung Kim, a spokesman, said in an e-mail.

Severstal said online sales from its smelter at Cherepovets, the city between Moscow and St. Petersburg where the steelmaker was founded, have risen from no more than 1,000 tons a month in early 2012 to 10,000 tons now. That’s still just 1 percent of the unit’s monthly sales. “There is a huge potential for this service’s growth,” said Dmitry Goroshkov, the local head of sales.

GVteD schreef op 23 februari 2014 22:12:

ArcelorMittal (MT), the world’s biggest steelmaker, has a “minor e-platform business for selected customers,” it said in an e-mailed comment., a unit of ThyssenKrupp AG (TKA), Europe’s second-largest steelmaker, conducts web-based sales from a warehouse in Seattle, according to the company’s website. The World Steel Association doesn’t keep figures for online sales, Soo Jung Kim, a spokesman, said in an e-mail.

Severstal said online sales from its smelter at Cherepovets, the city between Moscow and St. Petersburg where the steelmaker was founded, have risen from no more than 1,000 tons a month in early 2012 to 10,000 tons now. That’s still just 1 percent of the unit’s monthly sales. “There is a huge potential for this service’s growth,” said Dmitry Goroshkov, the local head of sales.
Extra aanbod is leuk voor het volume, maar de staalvraag mag dan ook mee omhoog, anders krimpen de marges.
World 2013 ferrous scrap consumption nearly 528 million tonnes

The world's ferrous scrap consumption totaled nearly 528,329,000 tonnes in calendar 2013 up 4,606,000 tonnes or 0.9% from a year ago, topping 500 million tonnes for three consecutive years from calendar 2011, when its annual ferrous scrap consumption marked a new high.

It is difficult to grasp the world's total ferrous scrap consumption by combining the consumption volumes of various nations. As a result, the world's apparent ferrous scrap consumption by subtracting the total of its pig iron and DRI production from its crude steel production on the basis of statistics from the World Steel Association. The calculation took as apparent ferrous scrap consumption the result of subtracting the total of pig iron and DRI production on the assumption that total consumption of iron source material equals 1.09 times crude steel production, given differences between crude steel production and iron source material input.

The world's crude steel production totaled 1,607,229,000 tonnes in calendar 2013 up 3.1% from a year ago when its pig iron production totaled 1,164,612,000 tonnes up 4.1% and its DRI production totaled 58,939,000 tonnes up 4.0%. TEX Report applied each production volume in its calculation and estimated the world's apparent ferrous scrap consumption in calendar 2013 at a total of 528,329,000 tonnes up 0.9% from a year ago.

In TEX Report's similar calculations, the world's annual ferrous scrap consumption in recent calendar years indicated 457,782,000 tonnes in 2008 up 1.4% from a year ago ; plunged to 360,248,000 tonnes in 2009 down 21.3% likewise; and recovered remarkably to 467,914,000 tonnes in 2010 for an all time high, up 29.9%. Then, it hit 527,295,000 tonnes in 2011, topping 500 million tonnes for the first time, but it dipped by 0.7% from a year ago to 52,372,3000 tonnes in 2012. In 2013, though, it marked a new high of 528,329,000 tonnes with YoY increase for the first time in two years.

Source - The TEX Report
Arcelor haalt Lenin weg bij fabriek Oekraïne

MAANDAG 24 FEBRUARI 2014, 18:22 uur | 38 keer gelezen

LUXEMBURG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft een standbeeld van Lenin bij één van zijn fabrieken in Oekraïne weggehaald om zijn gebouwen en personeel te beschermen. Dat maakte 's werelds grootste staalproducent maandag bekend.

Het besluit om het standbeeld van Lenin verwijderen bij de fabriek in Kryvyi Rih volgt op het neerhalen en beschadigen van tientallen Lenin-beelden in Oekraïne sinds het begin van de protesten in het land. ArcelorMittal zal later in overeenkomst met de Oekraïense wetgeving beslissen over het uiteindelijke lot van het beeld.

ArcelorMittal meldde verder dat een aantal buitenlandse werknemers en hun families in Oekraïne uit veiligheidsoverwegingen zijn overgeplaatst naar het buitenland. De activiteiten bij de fabrieken in Oekraïne gaan gewoon door, aldus het bedrijf.

Klous Kazimir schreef op 23 februari 2014 04:40:

Dit is mijn korte 360graden analyse:
AM is het aandeel waar ik momenteel het meeste ruis zie qua TA. Wel zie ik hogere bodems en lagere toppen (dus de koersrange wordt verkleint/kruipt naar elkaar toe). Een slot boven de 12,30 of onder de 11,88 zou richting kunnen geven, op dit moment is er te veel ruis.
Rsi schommelt rond de 45-55, trix is aan het zijwaartsen.

En qua beurssentiment lag AM i.i.g. in het schophoekje als de AEX daalde en kreeg het de wind tegen toen de AEX steeg. Dat kan draaien maar dan moet er wel eerst uit het convergerende trendkanaal worden gebroken.
*Zucht* Mocht de 11,60 in beeld komen en gebroken dan verwacht ik een soort bodempje rond de 11,-
Ik zie nog geen omkeerpatronen op mijn 10 dagengrafiek (wel in de dagchart, daar wordt een zijwaartse beweging gevormd).
mvliex 1
Grote order Deutsche Bahn voor ArcelorMittal

Gepubliceerd op 25 feb 2014 om 12:13
LUXEMBURG (AFN) - Staalconcern ArcelorMittal heeft in februari van het Duitse spoorconcern Deutsche Bahn een order ontvangen voor de levering van 129.000 ton aan treinrails in 2014. Dat maakte ArcelorMittal dinsdag bekend zonder financiële details van de bestelling te vermelden.

Beide partijen tekenden ook een optie voor de levering van 194.000 ton aan rails in 2015. De rails hebben een lengte van 120 meter en worden gemaakt in een nieuwe installatie bij een fabriek van ArcelorMittal in Polen die maandag werd geopend en bij een vestiging in Spanje. Met die installatie was een investering gemoeid van 46 miljoen dollar (ruim 33 miljoen euro), aldus ArcelorMittal. De fabriek leverde eerder rails met een lengte van 30 meter.

Deutsche Bahn zal de rails gebruiken voor de modernisering en uitbreiding van het spoornetwerk. In 2014 wil het spoorbedrijf meer dan 3000 kilometer aan spoor vervangen.
China iron ore stockpiles at ports hit record 101 million tonnes

Reuters reported that stocks of imported iron ore piled across China's major ports reached an all time high of 100.9 million tonnes as of Friday trumping a previous record set a week ago.

The growing use of iron ore, China's top import commodity by volume as a loan collateral amid tight credit conditions in the country has helped inflate the port inventories. The iron ore inventory at 43 Chinese ports topped the prior peak of 100.25 million tonnes recorded on February 14.

The growing iron ore stocks have curbed the urgency for Chinese steel mills to buy forward cargoes, traders said, cutting short a recovery in spot prices from last week's 7% month lows. Iron ore for immediate delivery to China .IO62-CNI=SI dropped 0.8% to USD 122.90 per tonne falling for a second day.

An iron ore trader in Shanghai said that "I think we will see a continued buildup of iron ore stocks unless the Chinese government changes its policy on credit. China's key money rates dropped to 4 month lows this week and traders said the government may be loosening liquidity ahead of an annual parliament session in early March.”

The fall came after a weak manufacturing survey earlier this week, which showed factory activity shrinking for a second straight month in February, that may prompt China's central bank to relax a clampdown on excessive credit growth that it launched in mid 2013.

China, which buys around two thirds of the world's iron ore, imported a record 86.8 million tonnes of the steelmaking raw material in January, surpassing a previous record that was set only two months earlier.

Source - Reuters

Silencing China zombie steel mills no solution for smog

Reuters reported that reforming the bloated steel sector in northern China's Hebei province is a key part of Beijing's efforts to cut air pollution but it is the market, not the government that is doing most of the work.

Environmentalists and industry experts said that undermines state media claims that the government is going the extra mile to clean up Hebei, China's biggest steel producer and home to seven of the 10 most polluted cities in the country.

Stirred by growing public anger over smog that often spreads to neighboring Beijing, the government summoned Hebei's leaders to a series of meetings in the capital last year and urged them to draw up plans to slash steel capacity. They eventually agreed on a target of 86 million tonnes, about 35% of current capacity by 2020.

With heavy smog again engulfing much of northern China since last week, Beijing has sent inspection teams to Hebei and elsewhere to see how authorities are responding and the steel sector is high on their list of targets. But many mills are already near bankruptcy because of slowing demand, plunging steel prices and a liquidity crisis that would have forced them to shut anyway.

Source – Reuters
China steel and iron ore futures hit record lows on lending curbs

Reuters reported that Chinese steel and iron ore futures fell to their lowest levels since they were launched following media reports of tighter lending to steel and other property linked sectors, dimming the outlook for demand.

The official Shanghai Securities News, among other publications said that some banks had started to curb loans to steel, cement and other property related sectors. Several banks have issued denials but the report has sent Chinese equities and most industrial commodities into a tailspin.

The most-traded rebar for May delivery on the Shanghai Futures Exchange hit a session low of CNY 3,308 per tonne its weakest since the bourse launched rebar futures in March 2009. It was down nearly 2% at CNY 3,327 by 0301 GMT.

Iron ore for delivery in May at the Dalian Commodity Exchange touched a trough of CNY 823 per tonne, its lowest since its October launch and was last down 2.7% at CNY 827.

Ms Helen Lau senior analyst at UOB Kay Hian Securities in Hong Kong said that “Tighter lending is making markets jittery and will force traders to sell down their inventory to get their cash back. Some mills will have to close down because they can't continue producing as the banks can't give them the cash they need."

The credit curbs have pushed Chinese mills and traders to use iron ore as a loan collateral, inflating imports and stockpiles of the raw material to record highs. Inventory of iron ore at China's major ports reached an all time high of 100.9 million tonnes as of Friday trumping a previous record set a week ago.

Ms Lau said that “Stocks of steel products held by Chinese traders also reached near record levels last week. Traders may be forced to liquidate those stocks which would increase supply and pressure prices further.”

According to data from industry consultancy Mysteel, the volume of five major steel products among Chinese traders stood at 20.59 million tonnes at the end of last week up nearly 4% from the previous week and near the record 22.45 million tonnes reached in March last year.

The weakness in the steel market is likely to cut appetite for spot iron ore cargoes further. Iron ore for immediate delivery to China.IO612-CNI=SI dropped 0.4% to USD 122.40 per tonne on Friday, moving closer to a 7 month low of USD 120 reached earlier in the month.

Source – Reuters

Staking dreigt bij ArcelorMittal in Gent

DINSDAG 25 FEBRUARI 2014, 22:27 uur | 67 keer gelezen

GENT (AFN/BELGA) - Medewerkers van ArcelorMittal in Gent hebben het voorstel voor een nieuwe cao massaal verworpen. Daarmee is volgens de betrokken vakbond de weg naar een staking vrij.

De werknemers zijn het onder meer niet eens met de voorgestelde verhoging van de pensioenleeftijd en de manier waarop die wijziging wordt gefinancierd. De directie van de staalfabriek liet dinsdag weten zich op verdere stappen te beraden.
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