China's southern city of Shenzhen sees
robust trade growth in Jan-Nov
Xinhua, December 24, 2023
The southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen
saw its foreign trade grow 6.3 percent year or
year to 3.51 trillion yuan (about 494.7 billion
U.S. dollars) in the first 11 months of 2023,
according to local customs
During this period, Shenzhen's exports rose
13.6 percent year on year to 2.24 trillion yuan
and the city's total foreign trade volume
accounted for 9.2 percent of the country's total
data from Shenzhen Customs shows
The imports and exports of private enterprises
in Shenzhen increased significantly. From
January to November, the import and export
volume of private enterprises reached 2.29
trillion yuan, up 12.5 percent year on year,
accounting for 65.4 percent of the city's total
foreign trade volume
The city's exports of mechanical and electrical
products grew by 7.9 percent to 1.62 trillion
yuan, representing 72.6 percent of the city's
total exports in the same timeframe.
Moreover, its exports of the tech-intensive
green trio -- lithium-ion batteries, electric
vehicles and solar batteries - skyrocketed
during the first 11 months by 19.4 percent,
273.9 percent and 32.1 percent, respectively.
Bovendien is de export van technologie-intensief groen trio - lithium-ionbatterijen, elektrisch voertuigen en zonnebatterijen – schoten omhoog gedurende de eerste elf maanden met 19,4 procent, respectievelijk 273,9 procent en 32,1 procent.
Tsjee en de Chinese lithium handelaars maar zeggen er is geen handel.
skyrocketed gewoon.