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Velen hakken hier vooral in op Ruli vanwege zijn felle scheldpartijen richting oelewappers die hem zonder aanwijsbare reden bedelven onder hun usurperende uitwerpselen.
U maant echter de verkeerde!

Aub CORDON SANITAIRE rondom mensen als Floris Fortuin, behorend tot het legertje van Laffe Lullen die - altijd anoniem -serieuze beleggers als ondergetekende onder hun strontbijdragen menen te mogen bedelven.
Ik beloof hierbij plechtig NOOIT meer op de Flauwe Kul van Floris Fortuin te reageren.
Wanneer u dit laatste zinnetje van mij straks ergens tegenkomt weet u dat HIJ zo nodig weer ""moest"'...

Robin Good

Partoutje schreef:

Ik beloof hierbij plechtig NOOIT meer op de Flauwe Kul van Floris Fortuin te reageren.
Mooi, je maakt het me wel heel gemakkelijk.
Lijkt me overigens een zwaktebod.
Maar iets zegt me.....

Overigens, voor de wat minder getaalden onder ons: USURPEREN = -inlijven -overweldigen -toeëigenen -veroveren -wederrechtelijk bezetten -wederrechtelijk in bezit nemen
Ik beloof hierbij plechtig NOOIT meer op de Flauwe Kul van Floris Fortuin te reageren.
Robin Good

Partoutje schreef:

Ik beloof hierbij plechtig NOOIT meer op de Flauwe Kul van Floris Fortuin te reageren.
Hahaha.... ik wist het.... schitterend.
Hou op man, wordt toch eens volwassen.

Geniet er van... de AEX komt je voor 1,5% tegemoet.
[Modbreak IEX]: Gelieve niet over elkaar te discussiëren, maar over hetgeen wat jullie hier samenbrengt: Beleggen. Wij sluiten de thread als er weer overmatig over elkaar gediscussieerd wordt.]
Russia Fears Korea Conflict Could Go Nuclear

The world has entered a period of great economic depression, increasing social unrest and war. This is very much like the period 1929 – 1939 with 1918 Spanish Flu added in. The signs are there for all who wish to see: Cataclysmic change has started. At the end of this period we are under going, it will be an entirely different kind of world. Old assumptions and rules no longer apply. Reuters reports :

Russia is taking security measures as a precaution against the possibility tension over North Korea could escalate into nuclear war, news agencies quoted officials as saying on Wednesday.

Interfax quoted an unnamed security source as saying a stand-off triggered by Pyongyang’s nuclear test on Monday could affect the security of Russia’s far eastern regions, which border North Korea.

“The need has emerged for an appropriate package of precautionary measures,” the source said. “We are not talking about stepping up military efforts but rather about measures in case a military conflict, perhaps with the use of nuclear weapons, flares up on the Korean Peninsula,” he added. The official did not elaborate further.

North Korea has responded to international condemnation of its nuclear test and a threat of new U.N. sanctions by saying it is no longer bound by an armistice signed with South Korea at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War.

Itar-Tass news agency quoted a Russian Foreign Ministry official as saying the “war of nerves” over North Korea should not be allowed to grow into a military conflict, a reference to Pyongyang’s decision to drop out of the armistice deal.

“We assume that a dangerous brinkmanship, a war of nerves, is under way, but it will not grow into a hot war,” the official told Tass. “Restraint is needed.”
In the past, Moscow has been reluctant to support Western calls for sanctions. But Russian officials in the United Nations have said that this time the authority of the international body is at stake.

Medvedev told South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, who called him on Wednesday, that Russia was prepared to work with Seoul on a new U.N. Security Council resolution and to revive international talks on the North Korean nuclear issue.

“The heads of state noted that the nuclear test conducted by North Korea on Monday is a direct violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution and impedes international law,” a Kremlin press release said.
laatst gewijzigd: 28-05-2009 12:46

België heeft voor het eerst in 50 jaar te maken met dalende prijzen
De inflatie in België is in mei voor het eerst sinds 1960 in de min gekomen. De inflatie komt uit op -0,37 procent, waar dat in april nog 0,60 procent was. Dat meldt De Tijd.

Vooral aardgas, verse groenten, elektriciteit, wagens en vakantiedorpen werden deze maand goedkoper. Motorbrandstoffen, aardappelen, snijbloemen en huisbrandolie werden dan weer duurder.

Goedkopere olie
De inflatie bereikte in juli 2008 met 5,91 procent zijn hoogste niveau in 24 jaar. Sindsdien was er een sterke terugval die grotendeels verklaard kan worden door de prijsdalingen van olie. In eerste instantie daalden alleen de prijzen voor huisbrandolie, benzine en diesel. Sinds februari 2009 vertonen elektriciteit en gas ook sdalingen.

De prijs van een vat olie maakt flinke sprongen. In juli 2008 deed een vat maximaal 147 dollar. Eind december was de prijs voor een vat gezakt naar 30 dollar. Momenteel wordt een vat olie (159 liter) alweer verhandeld voor 60 dollar.

Nog geen deflatie
Met een inflatiecijfer van -0,37 procent zit België voor het eerst in bijna 50 jaar met een negatieve inflatie. Er kan echter nog niet worden gesproken van deflatie. 'Het gaat om een scherpe daling van de prijzen van een bepaalde productgroep waar uitstel van consumptie in anticipatie op verdere prijsdalingen, niet of nauwelijks optreedt', klinkt het op het Ministerie van Ondernemen.

Negatieve inflatie is in feite deflatie. Verschillende economen willen echter pas van deflatie spreken wanneer een ruime waaier van prijzen over een langere periode daalt. Het Federaal Planbureau gaat ervan uit dat de inflatie tot oktober negatief zal blijven.

p.s. geen goed teken lijkt mij...
John Jansen on the record Treasurys spread established yesterday: 'I always thought that the 2year/10 year and the 2year/30 year record wides... were the bond market equivalent of the Dimaggio 56 game hitting streak in baseball.' Well, the streak was broken on the 2/10.

Yield Curve Steepens to Record as Debt Sales Surge (Update1)

By Dakin Campbell

May 27 (Bloomberg) -- The difference in yields between Treasury two- and 10-year notes widened to a record on concern surging sales of U.S. debt will overwhelm the Federal Reserve’s efforts to keep borrowing costs low.

The so-called yield curve steepened to 2.75 percentage points, surpassing the previous record of 2.74 percentage points set on Aug. 13, 2003. Yields on 10-year notes have risen more than 100 basis points since Fed officials said in March they would buy up to $300 billion of U.S. debt over six months to drive consumer rates down and lift the economy from recession.

“The markets are starting to grapple with the issue of what happens when the Fed exits and the Treasury needs to continue at the same pace,” said David Greenlaw, the chief financial economist in New York at Morgan Stanley, one of the 16 primary dealers that trade with the Fed and are required to bid at government bond auctions.

Treasuries fell for a fourth day amid concern record supply will overwhelm investor demand as the economy begins to show signs of stability. The U.S. will likely sell $3.25 trillion of Treasuries in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 to fund bank bailouts, stimulus spending and a record budget deficit, according to primary dealer Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

Ten-year notes have lost 10.3 percent this year, according to Merrill Lynch & Co. indexes, while 30-year bonds have lost 27.5 percent. Two-year notes have gained 0.2 percent.

‘Convexity Selling’

Rising 10-year Treasury yields are pushing yields on mortgage bonds higher, prompting holders of the securities to sell government debt used as a hedge to protect portfolios against rising interest rates.

As mortgage rates rise, the expected average lives of mortgage bonds and mortgage-servicing contacts extend as potential refinancing drops, leaving holders with portfolios of longer-than-anticipated durations. Duration is a measure of bond price sensitivity to interest-rate change.

“The back-up is mostly related to convexity selling by mortgage investors,” said Gary Pollack, who helps oversee $12 billion as head of fixed-income trading at Deutsche Bank AG’s Private Wealth Management unit in New York. “This will be a test for the Fed.”

The central bank has bought $130.534 billion in U.S. debt as part of a $300 billion effort to lower consumer borrowing costs. Officials have also embarked on a plan to buy as much as $1.25 trillion in so-called agency mortgage-backed securities

Balance Sheet

Government securities declined even as today’s auction of a record-tying $35 billion in five-year notes drew the most demand in three months from a group of investors that includes foreign central banks.

The Treasury plans to increase its debt sales after selling $1.9 trillion securities maturing in one year or less in the fourth quarter. Officials have boosted the sizes of all auctions and moved 10-and 30-year bond sales to monthly from eight and four times a year, respectively.

President Barack Obama has pushed the nation’s marketable debt to an unprecedented $6.36 trillion and raised estimates for the deficit this year to a record $1.84 trillion.


The unprecedented government borrowing has created concern about a rise in consumer prices. Policy makers have expanded the Fed’s balance sheet to $2.2 trillion while excess reserves at U.S. banks have increased to $896.3 billion.

“Inflation is in the headlight of many investors,” wrote Andrew Brenner, co-head of structured products and emerging markets in New York at MF Global Inc., in a note to clients today. The firm is the world’s largest broker of exchange-traded futures. “A few are starting to think the Fed will raise rates sooner rather than later.”

Central bank official have held the federal funds rate, the overnight lending rate between banks, in a range of zero to 0.25 percent since December.

Ten-year breakeven rates, the difference between yields on 10-year inflation-indexed bonds and nominal Treasuries of the same maturity, touched 1.9405 percent today, the widest the spread has been since Sept. 23.

To contact the reporter on this story: Dakin Campbell in New York at dcampbell27@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: May 27, 2009 17:55 EDT

zie grafiek:
Wary of US Debt, China Shifts Gears on Investment

The signs are there for a collapse of the bond market. The 10 year treasury bond yield has risen by more than 1% and is hitting 3.33%. It is a oversold at the moment and will pause a bit before resuming the sell off.

The FedRes said they will be executing Quantitative Easing by printing money out of thin air and buying treasury bonds. IMO, not only do they have to make up the short fall in demand from the Chinese and other foreigners. They will have to buy up all the excess supply when foreigners dump their existing holdings. If they don’t bond yields will rise to well above 10%. This will put an end to all the talk of ‘green shoots’. If they do buy aggressively to depress bond yields, they will flood the world with USD and create hyper-inflation. Either way America is heading towards the major economic crisis soon.

China is moving to the short end of the treasury market. In the event of a USD or treasury bond collapse, they are limited in their exposure.

Reuters reports :

China has engineered a subtle yet significant shift in the investment of its foreign exchange reserves, a sign of how it is willing to act on concerns about financing an explosion of U.S. debt.

Beijing has been far and away the single biggest foreign buyer of Treasuries over the past year, but this apparent vote of confidence belies how it has turned its back on long-term U.S. debt in favor of shorter maturities.

China’s move to the shorter end of the U.S. debt spectrum is a defensive tactic adopted by the wider market as well on the view that the United States will have to raise interest rates down the road to control inflationary pressures when the economy recovers from the financial crisis.

But the shift also comes after pointed comments from Beijing expressing worries over the security of its U.S. investments and calls from Chinese government economists for a tough line with Washington in return for continued access to loans.

“The United States is making policy decisions purely according to domestic considerations and is giving little thought to the outside world,” said Zhang Ming, an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), a leading think-tank.

“This being so, the Chinese government should prepare its defenses,” he said. “We can keep buying U.S. debt but we have to attach some conditions.”

But China’s leverage may be limited, despite sitting on the world’s largest stockpile of foreign exchange reserves at $2 trillion. The very surge in U.S. debt — the Treasury plans gross issuance this fiscal year of $8 trillion — means China’s heavy buying is increasingly looking like a drop, albeit a very big one, in the ocean.
Dollar Is Dirt, Treasuries Are Toast, AAA Is Gone

The day of reckoning is inching closer day by day. The US Dollar index is breaking to new lows for the year. It looks like it will be heading for a test of 78 soon. And thereafter will drop to 72. Will it go even lower? Yes definitely! It will go as low as 52.

What is not so apparent is the fact that most fiat currencies in the western world is wobbling. I still think there will be a global monetary crisis this year. Gold will fare very very well.

The odds on the dollar, Treasury bonds and the U.S. government’s AAA grade all heading for the dumpster are shortening.
Several policy missteps suggest that investors should stop trusting — and lending to — the U.S. government. These include the state’s pressure on Bank of America Corp. to buy Merrill Lynch & Co.; the priority given to Chrysler LLC’s unions over the automaker’s secured creditors; and the freedom that some banks will regain to supersize executive bonuses by giving back part of the government money bolstering their balance sheets.

Currency markets have been in a weird state of what looks almost like equilibrium for the past couple of months. What’s really going on is something akin to an evenly matched tug of war that fails to move the ribbon tied around the center of the rope, giving the impression of harmony while powerful forces do silent battle until someone slips.

“All currencies are being debased dramatically by their central banks at extraordinary speeds and so in relative terms it appears there is no currency problem,” Lee Quaintance and Paul Brodsky of QB Asset Management said in a research note earlier this month. “In reality, however, paper money is highly vulnerable to a public catalyst that serves to acknowledge it is all merely vapor money.”

Flesh Wounds
Why pick on the dollar, though? Well, not necessarily because the U.S. economy is in worse shape than those of the euro area, the U.K. or Japan. The biggest problem is that external investors — particularly China — have more skin in the dollar game than in euros, yen or pounds, which makes the U.S. currency the most likely candidate to meet the cleaver in a crisis of confidence about post-crunch government finances.

China owns about $744 billion of U.S. Treasury bonds in its $2 trillion of foreign-exchange reserves. Chinese exports, though, are dropping as the global economy weakens, with overseas shipments declining 23 percent in April from a year earlier, leaving a nation that has already expressed concern about its U.S. investments with less to spend in future.

‘Heavy Hand of Government’
Those kinds of concerns are starting to surface in a steepening of the U.S. yield curve, driven by an increase in 10- and 30-year U.S. Treasury yields. The 10-year note currently yields 3.23 percent, about 235 basis points more than the two- year security, which marks a near doubling of the spread since the end of last year.

“When the government parks its tanks on capitalism’s lawns, that spells trouble for those who invest, add value and create jobs,” says Tim Price, director of investments at PFP Wealth Management in London. “Trillion-dollar bailouts do not only leave massive public-sector deficits in their wake, they also leave the presence of the heavy hand of government all over industry and markets, so the outlook for government bonds is less promising than the economic textbooks on deflation would have us believe.”

Earlier this month, the U.S. reported the first budget deficit for April in 26 years, with spending exceeding revenue by $20.9 billion, even though that’s the month when taxpayers have to stump up to the Internal Revenue Service and the government’s coffers should be overflowing. So far this fiscal year, the U.S. shortfall is $802.3 billion, more than five times the $153.5 billion gap in the year-earlier period.

Deathly Deficit
For the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, the Congressional Budget Office forecasts a record deficit of $1.75 trillion, almost four times the previous year’s $454.8 billion shortfall and about 13 percent of gross domestic product. Bear in mind that the target demanded of European nations wanting to join the euro was a deficit no greater than 3 percent of GDP.

David Walker, a former U.S. comptroller general, wrote in the Financial Times on May 12 that the U.S.’s top credit rating looks incompatible with “an accumulated negative net worth” of more than $11 trillion and “additional off-balance-sheet obligations” of $45 trillion. “One could even argue that our government does not deserve a triple A credit rating based on our current financial condition, structural fiscal imbalances and political stalemate,” he wrote.
Using the definitions outlined by Standard & Poor’s, a one- step cut into the AA rated category would nudge the U.S.’s creditworthiness into a “very strong” capacity to fulfill its commitments, just weaker than the “extremely strong” capabilities demanded of AAA rated borrowers. That seems an appropriately nuanced sanction — albeit one that the rating companies might turn out to be too cowardly to impose.
The Fed has been buying US Treasury because they want the mortgage rate keep floating below 5%. However, the above chart is clearly showing that Treasury is trading against what Fed wishes.

Fed has failed?! It would be little early to say so right now. But some economists have predict this will not work. I would say so it does not work because the chart is showing what is going on. Doom to US.

Forget to say, GM is going to bankrupt. Also, California is asking US government bail out with its debt of over $41 Billions. Well, if our WTF administration going to bail out California, you all will expect more states, cities.....will ask for the same package.

WTF, keep print print print.....US$$. There is no end our national debt for sure.
Ik zie een hoop ezels die met hun kop door de betonmuur willen.
Hoe vaak wilt u hier afketsen?
10-20-100 keer?
Prima, count your blessings!

Ruli blijft short, met uw welnemen.
Goed weekend.

Robin Good

Partoutje schreef:

Ik zie een hoop ezels die met hun kop door de betonmuur willen.
Hoe vaak wilt u hier afketsen?
10-20-100 keer?
Prima, count your blessings!

Ruli blijft short, met uw welnemen.
Goed weekend.
Ik zie op zijn minst één ezel die uit koppigheid achteruit blijft lopen, waardoor de voerbak steeds verder uit het zicht raakt.

Partoutje schreef:

Ruli blijft short, met uw welnemen.
Goed weekend.
Ben je niet bang voor meevallende cijfertjes vanmiddag Ruli ?...........stom van me, natuurlijk niet. ;-)

Pentagon: Preemptive Nuclear First Strike on North Korea Likely?

* With American forces bogged down in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, will Obama move towards a preemptive first strike on North Korea? This could mean the employment of tactical nuclear war heads to destroy military objectives. This piece by Turner Radio Network is probably highly speculative. But who knows?

North Korea yesterday withdrew from the Armistice that halted the Korean War. Today, official Washington is abuzz with not so secret “Top Secret” plans for the United States to make a limited nuclear first strike to wipe out the North Korean threat in one fell swoop.

Russia has been alerted to “make plans” for radiation fallout in its eastern border area. In consultations with China, the U.S. Ambassador to Beijing was said to be stunned when he was told by the Chinese government “Kim Jung Il is out of control and dangerous. He has become a serious liability for China. Do what must be done, but please do it in a manner that minimizes risk to China.”

China was then briefed about US plans and asked to prepare its southern population areas for radiation fallout. It is expected that prevailing weather patterns will disperse fallout over the sea, causing it to thin out dramatically before moving over land.

Worst development since World War 2
Our source in the State Department explained today why this situation got so bad, so fast. “The Korean War legally never ended.” he said. “There is no peace treaty, there is only an Armistice, a formal cease-fire. When North Korea officially withdrew from the Armistice yesterday, it automatically brought us back into a hot war. “he continued.

Speaking on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media, the high ranking state department source told Turner Radio Network (TRN):

“Of all the scenarios involving North Korea, withdrawing from the Armistice was the one thing we thought they never would do. Since the War, everyone has known that withdrawing from the Armistice means the cease-fire is over. Today, that cease fire is over; we are back at war with North Korea and this time, the outcome will not be negotiated. Withdrawing from the Armistice was the last mistake North Korea will ever make. Their leadership must surrender now or they are nothing more than dead men walking. It’s over for them” he finished.

Pentagon: Nuclear first strike “Likely”
Early in the evening on Tuesday, President Barack Obama gave permission for the US Military to airlift “Patriot Missile Air Defense” systems to South Korea and additional units to bolster 16 systems already in Japan. Those systems were airborne hours later and arrived in South Korea and Japan today.

The model of Patriot Missile systems sent is “PAC-3″ and they were accompanied by M-901 control stations and AN/MPQ-53 phased array radar. Sources with acute knowledge of the plans for North Korea have confirmed to TRN that a US nuclear first strike is going to be launched.

The first strike will be carried out through submarine-launched, BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles, model TLAM/A whose explosive payload can be “dialed” to be anywhere from 100 kilotons to one point five megatons nuclear yield per missile.

There will be no warning. North Korea will not be able to track the incoming cruise missiles via radar. The only way they will know the attack is taking place is when they see a blinding white flash as the temperature rises to ten thousand degrees and the wind gusts to 650 miles per hour.

North Korean troops along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) will be hit first to prevent them from invading south Korea. Multiple cruise missiles using Time of Arrival (TOA) control will detonate simultaneously along the DMZ, wiping out over one million North Korean troops in seconds.

Minutes later, after the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) confirms that the North Korean leadership has been told by their own command structure that their troops at the DMZ have all been killed, Kim Jung Il will be contacted and asked if he is willing to surrender. It is expected he will not.

At that point, a B-2 Stealth Bomber will be sent in to deliver the final blow. Pyongyang will be hit with a surface detonation of a massive nuclear bomb, wiping out the entire city and the entire government of North Korea.

As soon as that surface detonation takes place, several hundred additional cruise missiles carrying conventional payloads and launched from land, air and sea sites, will hit every North Korean military facility in the entire country, instantly crippling their entire command and control system. Carrier based Aircraft will then fly in to clean up whatever resistance remains.

It is expected the war will be over within one or two days. Korea will be reunited. It’s Capitol will be Seoul and its government will be democratically elected.

One strike, two purposes
This difficult decision to make a nuclear first strike was arrived at because the threat of North Korea invading South Korea once hostilities resume was too great a danger to world stability. The world does not need or want another large, lengthy war.

The decision to use a nuclear first strike serves another purpose as well: sending a clear message to countries like Pakistan, India and Iran about what they can expect if they continue traveling down the nuclear road.

The thinking in Washington, Beijing and Moscow is that the world needs to send this message and there will not be a better reason or better time to send it than now.

p.s. te veel onzekere factoren komende tijd... watch out :)
Amerikaans leger naar DEFCON-2 na dreigementen Noord Korea

Reuters: Rusland vreest uitbreken kernoorlog

Volgens diverse bronnen is voor het Amerikaanse leger in de Pacific (regio Stille Oceaan) Defense Condition (DEFCON) 2 afgekondigd, het op één na hoogste niveau. Een voormalige kapitein van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht zegt op grond van zijn ervaring met Korea in de jaren '70, dat de Amerikaanse troepen in Zuid Korea -ca. 30.000 à 35.000 in getal- waarschijnlijk al naar DEFCON-1 zijn gegaan, wat betekent dat er op ieder moment een militaire aanval van Noord Korea wordt verwacht.

Noord Korea zegde deze week éénzijdig de al 56 jaar durende wapenstilstand met Zuid Korea op, nadat Seoul besloot om zich aan te sluiten bij het Amerikaanse Proliferatie Veiligheids Initiatief, waarbij verdachte schepen worden aangehouden en gecontroleerd op (onderdelen voor) massavernietigingswapens. De Noord Koreanen dreigen nu, dat als er ook maar één schip naar het land gestopt wordt, dit als een oorlogsdaad zal worden opgevat, en 'verschrikkelijke gevolgen' zal hebben. Gedreigd wordt met aanvallen op Zuid Korea en Amerikaanse oorlogsschepen in de regio.

De communistische dictatuur in Pyongyang is eveneens woedend dat de internationale gemeenschap eensgezind de recente ondergrondse kernproef en rakettesten van Noord Korea veroordeeld heeft. Langs de grens met Zuid Korea heeft het minstens 1 miljoen man sterke Stalinistische leger zo'n 11.000 stuks artillerie verborgen, die granaten en raketten, die zijn voorzien van chemische- en kernkoppen, kunnen afvuren.

Volgens Richard Radcliffe, een voormalige kapitein van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht, is het onmogelijk om deze enorme hoeveelheid wapens in korte tijd uit te schakelen, zelfs niet door een preventieve aanval. Dat betekent dat Noord Korea een groot deel van het noorden van Zuid Korea -inclusief de hoofdstad Seoul- in het geval van een oorlog volledig kan vernietigen. Ook kunnen de Noord Koreaanse raketten heel Japan bereiken.

Radcliffe was als piloot aanwezig bij het zogenaamde 'boom incident' uit 1976, toen het kappen van een boom in de gedemilitariseerde zone tussen Zuid- en Noord Korea, en de dood van 2 Amerikaanse militairen door toedoen van Noord Koreaanse, bijna leidde tot een totale oorlog. De Amerikaanse luchtmacht had toen al zo'n 100 vliegtuigen de lucht in gestuurd, inclusief enorme B-52 bommenwerpers.

De voormalige kapitein denkt, dat noch Noord-, noch Zuid Korea zonder zwaar gezichtsverlies kunnen terugkomen op hun genomen besluiten - iets wat beide landen zeer waarschijnlijk niet zullen willen doen. Daarom vreest hij dat de situatie onvermijdelijk zal escaleren naar 'een zwart gat, waar iedereen in zal verdwijnen, en waaruit alleen chaos uit zal voortkomen.'

Het internationale persbureau Reuters meldde gisteren, dat Rusland voorzorgsmaatregelen gaat nemen over het mogelijk uitbreken van een kernoorlog met Noord Korea. Russische officials hopen, dat de landen in de regio het niet zover zullen laten komen.

In het verleden was Rusland terughoudend bij het steunen van de Westerse oproepen aan de VN-Veiligheidsraad om sancties in te stellen tegen Noord Korea. Maar in dit geval, na de tweede Noord Koreaanse nucleaire test, 'staat de authoriteit van de internationale instelling (de Veiligheidsraad) op het spel,' aldus een Russische official.

Burlington schreef:

Pentagon: Preemptive Nuclear First Strike on North Korea Likely?
Alle Noord Koreaanse troepen liggen met hun chemische wapens aan de grens, op sommige plekken minder dan 80 km van Seoul.
Als ze die gaan bestoken met kernwapens komt de fallout op Seoul.
Niet erg waarschijnlijk dus.
De kans is groter dat de VS en Zuid-Korea toegeven, en meer hulp sturen naar NK.

tripwire schreef:

Alle Noord Koreaanse troepen liggen met hun chemische wapens aan de grens, op sommige plekken minder dan 80 km van Seoul.
Als ze die gaan bestoken met kernwapens komt de fallout op Seoul.
Niet erg waarschijnlijk dus.
De kans is groter dat de VS en Zuid-Korea toegeven, en meer hulp sturen naar NK.
Hee Trippie, alles goed? :)

Ik kan je standpunt wel inzien :)

Nog goed getraded vandaag? (het lijkt wel casino tegenwoordig)...
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