Crucell « Terug naar discussie overzicht

Theetantes, tunnelvisie, seniel.

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ronbanged2 schreef:

It is with some amusement that I read that some say my points have no basis in fact. That I have made things up out of whole cloth. Of course I have not. If you want to see a company that has stuck to their mission it is Galapagos.

Which parts of what I have said is wrong?
OK, let's score it.
1. That Crucell is languishing 45% below its high?
In itself this is factual true.
It is also true that Crucell hovers about 912% about its low (1.40, march 2003).

It is also true that the AEX languishes 51% below its high (slot 701.56, sep 4, 2000)

Gilead hovers 21% below its high
Genzyme languishes 35% below its high
Amgen meanders 35% below its high

Genvec trails its 2001 pps by 80%
Vical crowls 95% below its high
Novavax cruises down its high by 82%

So while in itself it is factual true that Crucell pps is 45% below its ATH (BTW it is predicted that it may reach its ATH in march 2010 again), if you would want to use that as a negative argument for investing in Crucell. E.g., with your favorite index for comparing Crxl pps, the AEX. It appears that the AEX is still lower compared to its high, which it reached even longer ago.

So factual true, but as proof for an underperformning Crucell pss not justified. I'll give you 25% out of a 100% for the effort.

2. That Crucell gives no information.
Obviously, factually untrue.
At every Q reporting, Crucell gives info about all its products in pipeline, its sales, general financial info, all new licenses. Inbetween all important deals and all Quinvaxem deals are reported.
If you mean that for some deals financial info is not given, and for some deals not even the targets/diseases, yes (e.g. Wyeth deal). A bit unsatisfactory. Sometimes clients demand secrecy. Sometimes Crucell management adds a little secrecy itself, maybe sometimes unneccesary.
Sometimes there's some frustation here on the lack of news. That's usually because there's nothing important to report.
Overall score: 25% out of 100%

3. That Crucell has received about 10 million Euro total over the past 5 years for the 4 "Biggest deals ever"
You have to be much more specific on this.
I suspect you may have included any of the following:

-the Sanofi flu deal of January 2004 (runs now 6.0 years) (total possible milestones and R&D funding 30M euro)

-the Sanofi rabies Deal of december 2007? (runs now 2.0 years) (10M direct, + 66.5M Euro milestones)

-the Medimmune deal of october 2007? (runs now 2.2 years) (upfront, annual and R&D milestones > 40M$)

-the Wyeth cmo deal signed end of 2005 and effectuated in 2007 for meningitis vaccin (runs now 3 years)

-the Wyeth vaccine deal of march 2008? (runs now 1.8 years) (financial details not disclosed)

the J&J fluMabs deal of september 2009 (runs now 0.4 years). (301M euro equity deal, +milestones)

Oh, and since these 5 deals are generally much younger than 5 years, most of them by definition didnt generate anything for the first of your 5 years (Sanofi flu deal is the exception).

Obviously, for their uber-largest deal ever, they received 301m Euro.
For Rabies, they netted 10M directly.
We know for sure Crucell received a milestone for the Sanofi flu program. I suspect there was a milestone from Sanofi for Rabies.
There was an Upfront amount from Medimune.
Wyeth CMO deal is 'having business impact' revenue since 2007.
So, even without including the monies from J&J, there has certainly been more money than your quoted 10M.

Score: 0% out of a 100%

4. That Crucell's malaria program is now fallen years behind because of incompetence and the snubbing of GSK.
The malaria phase I trial was dramatically slow. That is a fact. I don't see what this has to do snubbing of GSK. Not a fact. But it may be attributable to manamegement. Opinion.
I'll give you a generous

75% of 100%

5. That SARS, West Nile, Biosimiliars and Factor V were hyped and abandoned,
They all were abandonded. Fact. Biosimilars and especially Factor V were hyped. SARS and West Nile were not hyped, and it was a very good business decision to stop furter development, so no points for them. Again, a generous

75% out of 100%

6. That management lied about Factor V POC(this one is forgotten by the Brus worshippers, but not by the Street)
100%. As a non-Brus worshipper, you may remember I agreed with you right away.

7. That Crucell said they would not dilute shares because they were profitable...then diluted shares...with a subsequent 20% drop in share price. Galapagos share price has not declined 20% in the last 5 months.
Give me quote of Crucell saying the WOULD not dilute shares because they were profitable. In reality, they don't HAVE to dilute for keeping the business running, because they are profitable. Obviously, Crucell still can and will issue shares for expanding the business. I'll give you 25% since they issues new shares without making 100% clear what it is for.
25% out of 100%

8.That Crucell lost market share, not just the India/Pakistan market they anticipated, but other markets as well.
It was not only India/Pakistan that was anticipated. It was anticipated that new producers would enter the market, not only for India. There will be more competitors in the future. The total market is 100%. More competitors will mean marketshare of initial producers will get lower. This is not rocket science.
Still, you get 25% for effort.

9. That Wyeth is still a mystery.
That is obviously a fact. Probably because Wyeth demands it, but still. You get 100%

Which of these have I made up? Because I mentioned them more than once they are not true? Ostriches bury their heads in the sand. Putting your hands in front of your eyes does not make things disappear.
Your total score is 450% out of 900%, or 50% total.

Doing away with nuance doesn't make things true.

Very few things in life are 0% or 100%

Emotion is not a good basis for investor decisions.

xynix schreef:

Ik laat me leiden door de cijfers, de technische innovatie en de deals die gemaakt worden. Ik laat me niet leiden door opportunisten en draaikonten, die het ene jaar jubelen en dan weer door een wat mindere beurskoers lopen te janken.
Tunnelvisie is een modieus woordje wat mij nix zegt in dit verband. Ook in de tunnel kan je je lichten aan doen en kom je sneller van A naar B.
Die strategisch zeer belangrijke ontwikkelingen zijn: bedreigingen voor de enige kurk waar Crucell op drijft, het mogelijk ingehaald worden van PER.C6, het volledig teloor gaan van STAR, in de cijfers onzichtbare "biggest-deals-ever" (dus gejokt?!) en de voortdurende verschuiving van R&D-targets (met fluMabs t.z.t. als volgend "slachtoffer" gezien het gebrek aan commitment aan "afreken-milestones"?).

Ik zie die zorgelijke punten (mede door posters als Ron en Josti) en volgens mij gaat het om potentieel significante problemen. Op dit moment denk ik / hoop ik dat dat tij nog te keren zal zijn, maar ik houd mijn ogen open. Ik heb er steeds minder vertrouwen in dat Brus daar de juiste man voor is.

Omdat Crucell zelf nul zinvolle informatie geeft voel ik me steeds meer gevangene van mijn mogelijk op "tunnelvisie" gebaseerde geloof/hoop/liefde, aangewakkerd door schijnbaar hoopgevende berichten uit de Flosz-koker (tendens dalend!), zonder interpretatie/nuance. Ik ben waarschijnlijk de enige niet.

Dat heeft niets met hype-achtig hijgerig, springerig gedrag te maken. Je weet dat ik net als anderen al lang long zit. Daarbij is de ooit door mij beschreven geschreven put aanpak effectiever dan pure BAH. Maar dat boeit niemand, dus daar ga ik het verder niet over hebben.

Een heel verhaal!! Maar me concentrerend op de kernpunten van je betoog ga ik in op de "potentiele significante" problemen die je schets en die de laatste tijd ook continue door Ron B en consorten worden genoemd:
Waarbij ik trouwens de term potentieel significant tegenstrijdig met elkaar vind. Het probleem is ofwel aantoonbaar (significant) of mogelijk (potentieel), maar een probleem als mogelijk aantoonbaar definieren gaat vanuit beleggingsperspectief niet op. Beleggen is geen exacte wetenschap.
Quinvaxem (de kurk waarop Crucell drijft) is niet het enige produkt dat Crucell verkoopt.Crucell verkoopt meerdere produkten geografisch op steeds meer markten.Daarnaast is het gedifferentieerd in het aanbod; ze ontwikkelen en verkopen niet alleen, maar zijn ondersteunend met diverse technieken. Het marktaandeel van Quinvaxem gaat wellicht door meer concurrenten naar beneden, maar absoluut gaan ze door een groeiende markt meer verkopen. Daarnaast verdienen ze ook nog aan de concurrent Shanta en Novartis (niet WHO markt).In mijn optiek dus een gelegenheidsargument.

De vaccin en antistoffen markt is een groeiende markt (verdubbeling komende 5 jaar) die hoofdzakelijk egg-based is. De cellijn produktie is de innovatie op deze markt, die op het punt staat de oude techniek te verdrjven. Om nu al te concluderen dat Per C6 achterhaald is, lijkt mij opportuun. Dat er meerdere cellijnen ontwikkeld worden lijkt mij,gezien de effectiviteit en efficientie van produktie tov egg based logisch en horen bij een competatieve markt. Ik heb nog geen cijfers of ontwikkelingen gezien dat Per C6 of STAR achterblijft bij andere cellijnen of tecnieken. Sterker nog door de samenwerking met DSM ziet het ernaar uit dat efficientie en effectiviteit toeneemt.

De biggest deal ever bestaat tot nu toe uit het maken van klinisch materiaal voor Wyeth, die weldegelijk bij overige inkomsten wordt geboekt.
Naarmate de ontwikkeling tot verdere fases leidt zal dit neem ik aan in verhouding toenemen. Volgens Cees de Jong zijn de targets met Wyeth behaald en zullen deze inkomsten gaan toenemen.
Wyeth doet trouwens niet zomaar een poging tot samenwerking, die weten echt wel wat het gaat kosten indien het vaccin daadwerkelijk op de markt komt.

Verschuiven vn R&D targets dan doel je op Flavimum en Flucell. Flavimum is gecommuniceerd; destijds is gekozen voor Moru Viraten. Flucell laat zich raden maar het is niet ondenkbaar dat Sanofi het proces vertraagd, mede gezien de ontwikkelingen naar universele vaccins.

Indien J&J alleen geinteresserd zou zijn in Flumab waarom dan een belang en afspreken dat je in de toekomst nog 4 andere vaccins samen wil maken?

de tuinman schreef:

Sssst.... Maxen en Babylon spreken.......
Is inderdaad wat anders dan de duimzuigerij van sommigen...

AB'tjes voor die twee!

de tuinman schreef:

Sssst.... Maxen en Babylon spreken.......

laat je handen vrijuit praten tuinman!
Stilte is niet gepast op een markt als deze.
[Modbreak IEX]: Gelieve niet over elkaar te discussiëren, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]
de tuinman

babylon schreef:

[quote=de tuinman]
Sssst.... Maxen en Babylon spreken.......

laat je handen vrijuit praten tuinman!
Stilte is niet gepast op een markt als deze.
Maar als je heel stil bent......en heeeel goed luistert.......heeel goeed.....dan kun je iets horen van Cr.......of toch niet...???
Deze 3-jaarsgrafiek geeft volgens mij al aan, waarom dit zo eens, geroemde kwaliteits forum, naar de knoppen is gegaan.
In de koersontwikkeling zit geen fantasie meer.

Vele posters zijn al verdwenen, ik zie de laatste tijd alleen maar "persoonlijke" aanvallen, en "gehakketak".
Heel erg jammer. Het forum zakt weg, niet alleen in de Top-10. Spijtig, dat ondanks sommige goede posts van oud-gedienden ik toch een algemene achteruitgang zie. Heel erg jammer.
A good forum cannot be maintained when the shareholder is kept in the dark about all financial matters of the company.

A good forum is hard to maintain when the company in question is obviously in decline.

A good forum cannot be maintained when the management of the company constantly misleads, obfuscates and misinforms the shareholders.

A good forum cannot be maintained when a company fails to keep it's promises. attention boys and is impossible to maintain a positive forum when it is obvious that the price of the stock will not go up for at least 2 full years. The forum is not abandoned because of negative is the stock which is abandoned because it hold no opportunity to make money. The posters(shareholders) did not leave the stock, the stock, and its management left the posters Duh!!!!!!

All these problems are what Crucell and the management team, led by Ronald Brus, have given us.

Lies, missed estimates (and Crucell missed by a WWWIIIIDDDDEEEE margin in the last two wasn't even close), removing the possibility of a takeover (please...only J+J can buy the company now...18% is too big a margin to overcome), and the inability to actually get a product to market are red meat to short sellers.

If you want to have a "fun" forum again, one in which almost all the posts are positive, the answer is simple...get management to put shareholders first...not last, have them stick to promised timetables and statements such as (We will not dilute the shares to raise capital...please, that is exactly what they did).
The price will then go up....what a concept...and as strange as it might seem to many is a good thing when the stock price goes sucks when it goes down and sideways for years on end.

Go Crucell!

ron banged schreef:

Lies, missed estimates (and Crucell missed by a WWWIIIIDDDDEEEE margin in the last two wasn't even close.

Go Crucell!

marge 2Q:
08 -> 36% ; 09 -> 39%

marge 3Q:
08 -> 50% ; 09 -> 39%

Marge in 2008 -> 45% ; marge-Y2E 2009 -> 41%. Voorspelling voor 2009 is een marge van 46%.

Nu zat in 3Q2008 10,4 miljoen aan milestones in een omzet van 82,1 miljoen en in 3Q2009 aan milestones 3,8 miljoen in een omzet van 94,3 miljoen. Is ook tijdens de kwartaalcijfers toegelicht en in het engels nog wel en gezegd dat die milestone in het vierde kwartaal aanstaande is (geweest). Hoef je geen rocket scientist te zijn om te weten waar dat verschil in marge dus zit.
maxen shreef
"Your total score is 450% out of 900%, or 50% total.

Doing away with nuance doesn't make things true.

Very few things in life are 0% or 100%

Emotion is not a good basis for investor decisions."

I could counter argue with your beliefs...

I could counter with the fact that we will split the difference and say that my statements are 72.5% right.

Suffice it to say that some of my statements are correct, Where some would say none of what I say is right.

50% is better than most on this board who say the company is doing great when all it does is go down or sideways for years.

Only one thing I want everyone to believe...that is for this company to move forward FOR SHAREHOLDERS, we must

Deny the MT any more shares to squander
Give them no more options to buy shares
Get rid of Brus

Bottom line...Who to believe...

But there is one truth...stock is heading one wants to buy it or hold it...down she goes.


babylon schreef:

POC stands for "Proof of Concept"
It means you are going into the Clinic soon

Laughing my ass off

I just went back to the August 2008 press release, the CC where Ronald Brus announced the POC for
Factor V. It has been altered...this is now the blurb for Factor V

"Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C: Preclinical work on this program continues but conclusive proof of concept is not expected in the near future."

Ronald, I do not forget. I remember complaining that they had said they had achieved POC, but gave no date as to when they would enter Phase I

If you need any more proof of the dishonesty of this Management team...this is it.
Typisch geval van gelegenheidsargument en oude koeien uit de sloot halen.
MT heeft duidelijk gecommuniceerd over Factor V dat het resultaat niet voldeet aan verwachting en het programma daardoor op een lager pitje is komen te staan. Heeft niks te maken met oneerlijk gedrag, gewoon zakelijke beslissing over een project in ontwikkeling. Dat de beslissing aandeelhouders op de korte termijn pijn doet en hun schaadt in hun derivaten posities is inherent aan beleggen. Maar dit is geen aanleiding ze uit te maken van oneerlijk gedrag.
Gewoon grote meid zijn en niet loop janken!!
Ik geloof niet dat je begrijpt wat ik zeg. Ik zeg veranderden ze het persbericht van 2Q 2008

Het citaat gaf ik was niet wat ze zeiden in de oorspronkelijke release van augustus 2008 ... in dat release ze zei: "ZIJ had gekregen EEN POC voor factor V"

Ze loog over de POC, en hebben de originele PR deze BS zeggen veranderd. Ze heeft gelogen, en nu hebben gelogen over liegen.

Neem niet mijn woord te geloven ... Vraag het aan de andere oldtimers als ze niet verkondigen zij hadden POC voor Factor V in augustus 2008.

Ze veranderde het persbericht om hun sporen uit te wissen ... ze gelogen en zijn nu liegen over liegen.


I don't believe you understand what I am saying. I am saying THEY CHANGED THE PRESS RELEASE FROM 2Q 2008

The quote I gave was not what they said in the original release from August that release they said "THEY HAD GOTTEN A POC FOR FACTOR V"

They lied about the POC, and have changed the original PR to say this BS. They lied, and have now lied about lying.

Don't take my word for it...ask the other old timers if they didn't proclaim they had POC for Factor V in August 2008.

They changed the Press Release to cover their tracks...they lied and are now lying about lying.

[Modbreak IEX]: Gelieve niet over elkaar te discussiëren, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]

ronbanged2 schreef:

POC stands for "Proof of Concept"
It means you are going into the Clinic soon

Laughing my ass off

I just went back to the August 2008 press release, the CC where Ronald Brus announced the POC for
Factor V. It has been altered...this is now the blurb for Factor V

"Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C: Preclinical work on this program continues but conclusive proof of concept is not expected in the near future."

Ronald, I do not forget. I remember complaining that they had said they had achieved POC, but gave no date as to when they would enter Phase I

If you need any more proof of the dishonesty of this Management team...this is it.
Ik geloof niet dat je begrijpt wat ik zeg. Ik zeg veranderden ze het persbericht van 2Q 2008
Het citaat gaf ik was niet wat ze zeiden in de oorspronkelijke release van augustus 2008 ... in dat release ze zei: "ZIJ had gekregen EEN POC voor factor V"
Ze loog over de POC, en hebben de originele PR deze BS zeggen veranderd. Ze heeft gelogen, en nu hebben gelogen over liegen.
Neem niet mijn woord te geloven ... Vraag het aan de andere oldtimers als ze niet verkondigen zij hadden POC voor Factor V in augustus 2008.

Ze veranderde het persbericht om hun sporen uit te wissen ... ze gelogen en zijn nu liegen over liegen.


I don't believe you understand what I am saying. I am saying THEY CHANGED THE PRESS RELEASE FROM 2Q 2008

The quote I gave was not what they said in the original release from August that release they said "THEY HAD GOTTEN A POC FOR FACTOR V"

They lied about the POC, and have changed the original PR to say this BS. They lied, and have now lied about lying.

Don't take my word for it...ask the other old timers if they didn't proclaim they had POC for Factor V in August 2008.

They changed the Press Release to cover their tracks...they lied and are now lying about lying.

Natuurlijk, dit alles na MAART...12 MAART 2008!!!
First of all, we produced it in PER.C6, which went okay. And then -- and maybe we underestimated it to some extent,we had to set up models for it. So you have mice models, you have also a lot of others, but the easiest and most established in
models of hemophilic mice.
And I show you here in this slide, which is now in front of you, you can clearly see that if you deplete a normal serum from Factor VIII, so there's no Factor VIII in that serum left. And if you subsequently start to supplement or compliment, so to speak, what you see in this slide to the blue column at the left, and you see the same at the right, so you could look at these two plasmas, what you see is that when you have no Factor VIII in this experiment, which is an in vitro experiment, you see a very long clotting
time. In other words, it takes a very long time to clot blood. And as you know, there are two ideas about the blood stream, one is blood should flow in the blood stream and when you get wounded it should clot. Very simple strategy.
Now what you see is that you add Factor VIII, what you see is that reduces your clotting time in vitro. And Factor V Leiden, to our happiness and delight, actually reduced it even better. When we confirmed that experiment into a plasma from a severe hemophilia A patient, you saw exactly the same. So in vitro, we had to prove that it worked in the sense of reducing the ability to reduce the amount of blood. Now the next question you will immediately ask is does this work also in vivo? In other words, in real life situations?
When we did this experiment and we reported to you the first experiment -- and then the scene at the left. What we observed in that experiment and we had to set up these mice models, which is quite hard to do, it took us about a year to get all the tools in place. And we maybe looked upon that a little lightly, but we got it working quite beautifully, even better than many others.
What you can see at the left is an interesting observation we had about end of last year, I think, or the middle of last year. We observed that Factor VIII is very well able to reduce blood loss in such a mouse. And subsequently we observed that the combination of Factor VIII and Factor V, the two things to show you here, first of all, it reduced the amount of Factor VIII that
was needed. And secondly, you saw a kind of synergistic effect.
We said, now this is a very interesting observation. And then came somewhat of a disappointment to us. The disappointment
was, we hoped, of course, because if you want to have a general bleeding indication, we hoped, of course, that Factor VIII -- Factor V Leiden Cambridge would have this effect also on its own. Now very obvious from the right panel is in this particularmodel, which are very difficult to set up, it was not the case.
This had an enormous consequence on our thinking and still has, because we are working on that. First of all, we had to ask ourselves, is this the right model. But that's the easy out for a scientist, you say, okay, [reduce] the right model and it's not the science I favor. So you would say you need a better explanation to say the model is not good if you first set it up for a whole
year and say it is the right model. So accept the model.
And then you have to say, okay, what does this mean. Now it means for sure that it is very hard to move this project at this point
on into development, because if Factor V in this model does not work on its own, it essentially means that the main indication, those are the hemophiliac patients with antibodies to Factor VIII, does not -- do not benefit from it.
And the second point is that, in general, it cannot compete in the situation where you need it as a stand-alone product. So we were very disappointed. We're still working in that area. We think it is an important area to work in. However, if we look at what we have to conclude for it, it's guess PER.C6 produced protein can, in vitro, work, and particularly even in this concept.
Second, in vivo, in the best model we could use and we could make, we needed still Factor VIII and that means to us that the consequences that you cannot use Factor V Leiden Cambridge alone, at least we didn't feel comfortable by doing so. And we keep on working now by improving that situation. But it really -- it means to us that we cannot move this into development.
Now what does that mean? That's the bottom panel you see here, it's essentially we moved it back to research, discovery and innovation. However, we are planning to stay active in the area of hematology.

flosz schreef:

POC stands for "Proof of Concept"
It means you are going into the Clinic soon

Laughing my ass off

I just went back to the August 2008 press release, the CC where Ronald Brus announced the POC for
Factor V. It has been altered...this is now the blurb for Factor V

"Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C: Preclinical work on this program continues but conclusive proof of concept is not expected in the near future."

Ronald, I do not forget. I remember complaining that they had said they had achieved POC, but gave no date as to when they would enter Phase I

If you need any more proof of the dishonesty of this Management team...this is it.
Ik geloof niet dat je begrijpt wat ik zeg. Ik zeg veranderden ze het persbericht van 2Q 2008
Het citaat gaf ik was niet wat ze zeiden in de oorspronkelijke release van augustus 2008 ... in dat release ze zei: "ZIJ had gekregen EEN POC voor factor V"
Ze loog over de POC, en hebben de originele PR deze BS zeggen veranderd. Ze heeft gelogen, en nu hebben gelogen over liegen.
Neem niet mijn woord te geloven ... Vraag het aan de andere oldtimers als ze niet verkondigen zij hadden POC voor Factor V in augustus 2008.

Ze veranderde het persbericht om hun sporen uit te wissen ... ze gelogen en zijn nu liegen over liegen.


I don't believe you understand what I am saying. I am saying THEY CHANGED THE PRESS RELEASE FROM 2Q 2008

The quote I gave was not what they said in the original release from August that release they said "THEY HAD GOTTEN A POC FOR FACTOR V"

They lied about the POC, and have changed the original PR to say this BS. They lied, and have now lied about lying.

Don't take my word for it...ask the other old timers if they didn't proclaim they had POC for Factor V in August 2008.

They changed the Press Release to cover their tracks...they lied and are now lying about lying.

Natuurlijk, dit alles na MAART...12 MAART 2008!!!
First of all, we produced it in PER.C6, which went okay. And then -- and maybe we underestimated it to some extent,we had to set up models for it. So you have mice models, you have also a lot of others, but the easiest and most established in
models of hemophilic mice.
And I show you here in this slide, which is now in front of you, you can clearly see that if you deplete a normal serum from Factor VIII, so there's no Factor VIII in that serum left. And if you subsequently start to supplement or compliment, so to speak, what you see in this slide to the blue column at the left, and you see the same at the right, so you could look at these two plasmas, what you see is that when you have no Factor VIII in this experiment, which is an in vitro experiment, you see a very long clotting
time. In other words, it takes a very long time to clot blood. And as you know, there are two ideas about the blood stream, one is blood should flow in the blood stream and when you get wounded it should clot. Very simple strategy.
Now what you see is that you add Factor VIII, what you see is that reduces your clotting time in vitro. And Factor V Leiden, to our happiness and delight, actually reduced it even better. When we confirmed that experiment into a plasma from a severe hemophilia A patient, you saw exactly the same. So in vitro, we had to prove that it worked in the sense of reducing the ability to reduce the amount of blood. Now the next question you will immediately ask is does this work also in vivo? In other words, in real life situations?
When we did this experiment and we reported to you the first experiment -- and then the scene at the left. What we observed in that experiment and we had to set up these mice models, which is quite hard to do, it took us about a year to get all the tools in place. And we maybe looked upon that a little lightly, but we got it working quite beautifully, even better than many others.
What you can see at the left is an interesting observation we had about end of last year, I think, or the middle of last year. We observed that Factor VIII is very well able to reduce blood loss in such a mouse. And subsequently we observed that the combination of Factor VIII and Factor V, the two things to show you here, first of all, it reduced the amount of Factor VIII that
was needed. And secondly, you saw a kind of synergistic effect.
We said, now this is a very interesting observation. And then came somewhat of a disappointment to us. The disappointment
was, we hoped, of course, because if you want to have a general bleeding indication, we hoped, of course, that Factor VIII -- Factor V Leiden Cambridge would have this effect also on its own. Now very obvious from the right panel is in this particularmodel, which are very difficult to set up, it was not the case.
This had an enormous consequence on our thinking and still has, because we are working on that. First of all, we had to ask ourselves, is this the right model. But that's the easy out for a scientist, you say, okay, [reduce] the right model and it's not the science I favor. So you would say you need a better explanation to say the model is not good if you first set it up for a whole
year and say it is the right model. So accept the model.
And then you have to say, okay, what does this mean. Now it means for sure that it is very hard to move this project at this point
on into development, because if Factor V in this model does not work on its own, it essentially means that the main indication, those are the hemophiliac patients with antibodies to Factor VIII, does not -- do not benefit from it.
And the second point is that, in general, it cannot compete in the situation where you need it as a stand-alone product. So we were very disappointed. We're still working in that area. We think it is an important area to work in. However, if we look at what we have to conclude for it, it's guess PER.C6 produced protein can, in vitro, work, and particularly even in this concept.
Second, in vivo, in the best model we could use and we could make, we needed still Factor VIII and that means to us that the consequences that you cannot use Factor V Leiden Cambridge alone, at least we didn't feel comfortable by doing so. And we keep on working now by improving that situation. But it really -- it means to us that we cannot move this into development.
Now what does that mean? That's the bottom panel you see here, it's essentially we moved it back to research, discovery and innovation. However, we are planning to stay active in the area of hematology.

Yes, I agree..I was off a year

Here is the original presentation in August of 2007, where they lied that they had achieved a POC for Factor five.

Below is the lie from the PR in August 2007 where they had stated they had achieved a POC.

"Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C (Reducing Blood Clotting Time for Haemophiliacs): Progress in producing the product has been achieved and successful proof-of-concept data have been obtained."

They did not lie about lying, they just lied.

I stand corrected.
Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C (Reducing Blood Clotting
Time for Haemophiliacs): Progress in producing the product
has been achieved and successful proof-of-concept data have
been obtained
Ja en dan o.a. het verhaal van 12 maart erbij plakken en nog eens doorlezen. Toedeloe, ik ga lekker naar Dexter!

flosz schreef:

Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C (Reducing Blood Clotting
Time for Haemophiliacs): Progress in producing the product
has been achieved and successful proof-of-concept data have
been obtained
Ja en dan o.a. het verhaal van 12 maart erbij plakken en nog eens doorlezen. Toedeloe, ik ga lekker naar Dexter!
I agree, they admit they lied,they said they had a POC, but they didn't. But they did give an explanation as to why they could be forgiven for lying.

Thank you!
Dat bedoel ik nu met de scherpe kantjes weghalen!!
Zelfs Ron krijgt van mij een aanbeveling!
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