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Amerikaanse olievoorraden omhoog

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gestegen. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 29 juni stegen de olievoorraden met circa 1,2 miljoen vaten tot 417,9 miljoen vaten.

Vooraf werd gerekend op een daling met 3,9 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met 1,5 miljoen tot 239,7 miljoen vaten. Gerekend werd op een afname met circa 200.000 vaten.

De voorraden stookolie stegen met 0,1 miljoen vaten tot 117,4 miljoen vaten. Een stijging van 0,4 miljoen vaten was verwacht.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen daalde van 97,5 naar 97,1 procent. Gerekend werd op 97,3 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ADNOC dishes out contract for development of Bu Haseer

Al Yasat Company for Petroleum Operations (Al Yasat), a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has awarded the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract, for the full development of the offshore Bu Haseer field, to Abu Dhabi’s National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC).

The agreement covers engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning activities for offshore facilities, which will see production capacity from the Bu Haseer field increase from today’s 8,000 bpd to 16,000 bpd in 2020.

A key feature of the award is that over half the value of the NPCC contract will feed back into the local economy under ADNOC’s In-Country Value program. The program seeks to stimulate private sector partnerships and opportunities resulting from its 2030 growth strategy, catalyse socio-economic development, improve knowledge transfer and create additional employment for UAE nationals. It reinforces the company’s commitment to supporting local businesses and their role in driving economic diversification and GDP growth.

Mr Abdulmunim Al Kindy, Upstream Director at ADNOC said: “The award of the EPC contract, to further develop Bu Haseer, one of our most recent upstream developments, illustrates our commitment to growing production capacity and is part of our 2030 smart growth strategy, driving a more profitable upstream. Bu Haseer, which forms part of two exploration blocks awarded to CNPC in 2013, demonstrates the substantial exploration and production potential of Abu Dhabi’s subsurface and the commercial opportunities to maximize value from our upstream resources.”

NPCC is a world-class Engineering, Procurement and Construction Company that provides EPC solutions to the Offshore and Onshore oil and gas sectors. NPCC provides engineering, procurement, project management, fabrication, installation and commissioning to project owners and operators. Established in 1973, NPCC is owned by Senaat, an Abu Dhabi Government Holding Company and Consolidated Contractors Group (CCC), an International Construction Group.

The Al Yasat joint venture includes two concession blocks, one offshore and one mixed onshore / offshore. The offshore block, in addition to Bu Haseer, includes a number of oil and gas fields currently under appraisal and development including Belbazem, Umm Al Dholou, and Umm Al Salsal. Bu Haseer is the first of these fields to be developed. The anticipated oil in place from the entire offshore block is 1.5 Billion Standard Barrels. The onshore / offshore concession area is located to the south west of Abu Dhabi and Al Yasat is currently assessing this area’s full commercial potential.

Mr Tayba Al Hashemi, Acting CEO of Al Yasat, and one of the first two female CEOs recently appointed by ADNOC said: “In little more than four years, along with our partners CNPC, we have moved from development planning to production from the Bu Haseer field. By any benchmark this is a significant achievement and we look forward with confidence to quickly moving Bu Haseer to full field development, enhancing the already attractive returns for ADNOC and our partners.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Petroleum, natural gas, and coal still dominate US energy consumption - EIA

Fossil fuels-petroleum, natural gas, and coal—have accounted for at least 80% of energy consumption in the United States for well over a century. The fossil fuel share of total US energy consumption in 2017 was the lowest share since 1902, at a little more than 80%, as US fossil fuel consumption decreased for the third consecutive year. The decline in fossil fuel consumption in 2017 was driven by slight decreases in coal and natural gas consumption. Coal consumption fell by 2.5% in 2017, following larger annual declines of 13.6% and 8.5% in 2015 and 2016, respectively. U.S. consumption of coal peaked in 2005 and declined nearly 40% since then.

Natural gas consumption fell by 1.4% in 2017, a change from recent trends. Unlike coal consumption, which has decreased in 8 of the past 10 years, natural gas consumption has increased in 8 of the past 10 years, and in 2017, was twice that of coal. Natural gas consumption growth has been driven by increased use in the electric power sector. Overall, U.S. consumption of natural gas increased by 24% from 2005 to 2017.

Petroleum consumption increased in 2017, but remains 10% lower than its peak consumption level, also set in 2005. Mainly used in the transportation sector, several petroleum-based fuels are also used in homes, businesses, and industries. Petroleum has been the largest source of energy consumption in the United States since surpassing coal in 1950.

The renewable share of energy consumption in 2017, which includes hydroelectricity, biomass, and other renewables such as wind and solar, was 11.3%, the highest since the late 1910s, when overall energy consumption was lower and biomass consumption—mainly wood—made up a larger share. The largest growth in renewables over the past decade has been in solar and wind electricity generation.

Energy consumption in the United States has undergone many changes over the course of the nation’s history, from wood as the primary resource in the 18th and 19th centuries, to the onset of coal and petroleum use, to the more modern rise of nuclear power in the late 20th century, and to renewables in the early 21st century.

Of course, EIA did not exist to collect data in 1776. The Monthly Energy Review’s pre-1949 estimates of U.S. energy use are deeply indebted to two sources. Much of the data used in earlier energy estimates are from the book Energy in the American Economy 1850-1975, Its History and Prospects by Sam Schurr and Bruce Netschert. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Circular No. 641, Fuel Wood Used in the United States 1630–1930, published in 1942, provides some of the earliest biomass consumption estimates for the United States.

Appendix D of EIA’s Monthly Energy Review compiles these estimates of U.S. energy consumption in ten-year increments from 1635 through 1845 and five-year increments from 1845 through 1945. Data for 1949 through the present day can be found in the latest Monthly Energy Review.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Saudi Aramco plans to change Asia crude oil price formula from October

Reuters reported that Saudi Aramco plans to change the formula used to price its long-term crude oil sales to Asia starting from October, multiple trade sources said. The new formula will be based on the average monthly prices of Oman crude futures traded on the Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME) and the average cash price for Dubai assessed by pricing agency S&P Global Platts, instead of the average of Oman and Dubai prices assessed by Platts, the sources said.

The sources said that Saudi Aramco is expected to officially notify customers in Asia later on Wednesday.

Saudi Aramco, DME and Platts could not be immediately reached for comment.

The DME launched the Oman contract in 2007 and it is the most liquid physically deliverable futures contract for Middle East crude oil. In comparison, there are rarely bids or offers for Oman cargoes during the Platts market-on-close price assessment.

A trader with a North Asian refiner said that "There won't be a big difference in terms of prices as the values between Platts Oman and DME Oman are pretty close."

A Singapore-based trader said that Saudi Aramco's decision could improve liquidity for Oman futures trading on the DME and also for derivative instruments based off the Oman contract for hedging or price conversion purposes.

Source : Reuters
Olieprijs hoger gesloten

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De prijs voor een vat ruwe olie is vrijdag hoger gesloten, maar boekte voor het eerst in drie weken een verlies op weekbasis.

Donderdag sloot de prijs voor een vat ruwe olie op het laagste niveau in meer dan een week, vanwege tekenen van stijgende binnenlandse voorraden.

Op weekbasis daalde de olieprijs de afgelopen handelsweek 0,5 procent.

Uit de meest recente data van de Amerikaanse Energy Information Administration bleek donderdag dat de voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten vorige week zijn gestegen.

In de week eindigend op 29 juni stegen de olievoorraden met circa 1,2 miljoen vaten tot 417,9 miljoen vaten. De data markeerden de eerste stijging sinds de week die eindigde op 1 juni.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met 1,5 miljoen tot 239,7 miljoen vaten, terwijl de voorraden stookolie met 0,1 miljoen vaten stegen tot 117,4 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen daalde van 97,5 naar 97,1 procent. Gerekend werd op 97,3 procent.

Beleggers worstelden vrijdag met de oproep van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump richting de OPEC om de olieprijs te verlagen, na de recente rally, aangewakkerd door verstoringen in het aanbod en inspanningen van het kartel om het overaanbod te verminderen.

Trump riep via een reeks tweets, gericht aan Saoedische functionarissen, op tot een verhoging van de productie om de prijzen omlaag te brengen. De OPEC en bondgenoten, waaronder Rusland, kwamen in juni overeen om de productie met circa 1 miljoen vaten per dag te verhogen, om de verloren productie uit Venezuela en Iran tegen te gaan.

Ondertussen lijken de handelsspanningen tussen China en de Verenigde Staten verder te escaleren. Amerika en China hebben beide importheffingen gezet op goederen afkomstig uit het andere land ter waarde van 34 miljard dollar. De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump dreigde nog heffingen achter de hand hebben op goederen voor nog eens honderden miljarden dollars.

Een augustusfuture voor een vat ruwe olie sloot vrijdag 1,2 procent, ofwel 0,86 dollar, hoger op 73,80 dollar op de New York Mercantile Exchange.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Harde woordenwisseling zet olieprijs hoger

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De olieprijs ging maandag omhoog als gevolg van een stevige woordenwisseling tussen de Amerikaanse president Trump en de Iraanse president Rohani. De oliemarkt was bevreesd dat de export uit het olierijke Iran in gevaar zou kunnen komen.

Dit weekend zei Rohani dat een conflict van de VS met Iran kan uitlopen op de "moeder aller oorlogen". Hij vond dat Trump niet met de staart van de leeuw moest spelen. In reactie schreef Trump maandag in een tweet met alleen blokletters dat Rohani de VS nooit meer moet bedreigen, "anders zul je de gevolgen ervaren, zoals weinigen in de geschiedenis hebben gedaan". "Er is een duidelijke invloed op de markt en dat betreft de olieprijzen", zei strateeg Greg Valliere bij Horizon Investments tegen persbureau Dow Jones. Hij denkt dat Iran, gesteund door Rusland, niet zal terugdeinzen. De septemberfutures van Brent olie stegen maandag met 1,1 procent naar 73,92 dollar, terwijl de septemberfutures van WTI olie 0,8 procent omlaag gingen naar 68,93 procent.
Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Last imports of Iranian oil could be in October - Petroleum Association of Japan

ers are likely to halt Iran crude loading by mid-Sept if the government does not secure an exemption from US sanctions to allow imports to continue.

Mr Takashi Tsukioka, who also serves as chairman of Idemitsu Kosan, said that Japan's last imports of Iranian oil could be in the first half of October ahead of the reimposition of US sanctions on Tehran.

Mr Tsukioka said that Japan reduced Iranian oil imports significantly during previous international sanctions on Iran and the PAJ has been asking the Japanese government to conduct tough negotiations with the United States to maintain current level of Iranian oil imports.

Source : Reuters
Amerikaanse olievoorraden omlaag

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gedaald. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 20 juli daalden de olievoorraden met circa 6,1 miljoen vaten tot 404,9 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met circa 2,3 miljoen tot 233,5 miljoen vaten.

De voorraden stookolie slonken met 0,1 miljoen vaten tot 121,2 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen nam af van 94,3 naar 93,8 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Total profiteert van hogere olieprijzen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Total heeft in het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar de winst bijna zien verdubbelen, geholpen door een hogere productie en olieprijs. Dit maakte de Franse oliereus donderdagochtend bekend.

In het afgelopen kwartaal kwam de nettowinst uit op 3,7 miljard dollar, hetgeen beduidend meer was dan de 2,0 miljard dollar een jaar eerder. De aangepaste nettowinst steeg met 44 procent tot krap 3,6 miljard dollar. Vooraf door FactSet geraadpleegde analisten rekenden op een winst van 3,5 miljard dollar.

De omzet trok op jaarbasis aan van 49,6 miljard tot 52,5 miljard dollar.

Total zag bovendien de operationele nettowinst met 52 procent stijgen tot 4,2 miljard dollar, vooral vanwege de sterke prestaties uit exploratie en productie. De Franse oliereus profiteerde hier van een gestegen productie in combinatie met lagere kosten en hogere prijzen voor koolwaterstof. De productie steeg met 8,7 procent tot 2,7 miljoen vaten olie per dag, met dank aan de bijdrage van Maersk Oil en nieuwe projecten.

Het aandeel Total koerste donderdagochtend 1,7 procent hoger op 53,65 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved
Iran will retaliate if US tries to block oil exports - Mr Bahram Qassemi

Reuters quoted the foreign ministry in Tehran as saying that Iran will respond with equal countermeasures if the United States tries to block its oil exports. US officials are stepping up diplomatic efforts to pressure countries to stop importing Iranian oil. Foreign ministry spokesman Mr Bahram Qassemi, said that "If America wants to take a serious step in this direction it will definitely be met with a reaction and equal countermeasures from Iran."

Supreme Leader Mr Ayatollah Ali Khamenei backed President Hassan Rouhani's suggestion that Iran might block Gulf oil exports if its own exports are stopped.

Iran dismissed an angry warning from President Donald Trump that it risked dire consequences "the like of which few throughout history have suffered before" if it made threats against the United States.

Already fraught relations between Tehran and Washington have worsened in recent days.

Source : Reuters
WTI crude oil will climb to USD 75 a barrel – Gulf News

Mr Steve H Hanke wrote in Gulf News that when taking a glance at the performance of investments in stocks, currencies, and commodities - which is compiled by the “Wall Street Journal” for the Q2 of 2018 - one is struck by the fact that all of the top five performers were commodities. Lean hogs took the top honours, followed by crude oil. Crude’s position didn’t surprise me. Way back in February 2016 - when West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was trading at AED 95.48 a barrel - I was confident that crude oil would make a relentless climb. How could I have been so confident then, and confident now, that today’s WTI price of USD 69.50 a barrel will climb to USD 75 a barrel by year’s end?

To answer these questions, we must have a model - a way of thinking about the problem. In this case, the starting point is Roy W. Jastram’s classic study, The Golden Constant: The English and American Experience 1560-2007. In that work, Jastram finds that gold maintains its purchasing power over long periods of time, with the prices of other commodities adapting to the price of gold.

Taking the broad lead from Jastram, I developed a model that employs the price of gold as a long-term benchmark for the price of oil. So, if the price of oil changes dramatically, the ratio of the oil price to the price of gold (the oil-gold price ratio) will change and move away from its long-term value.

Forces will then be set in motion to move supply and demand, so that the price of oil changes and the long-term oil-gold price ratio is re-established. This represents nothing more than a reversion to the mean. And the mean value for the oil-gold ratio, which is calculated by dividing the price of a barrel of oil by the price of an ounce of gold.

In support of this model, it is worth pointing out that a free-market economic system is an organism, and operates as such. Each organism is organised to maintain a certain “state” of homeostasis, to borrow a term from physiology. Any disturbance from the equilibrium sets in motion behaviour within the organism which tends to re-establish the desired state of equilibrium.

Source : Gulf News
Olieprijs stuwt producentenprijzen

Gepubliceerd op 30 jul 2018 om 07:12 | Views: 1.158

New York WTI spot 27 jul
68,69 -0,92 (-1,32%)

DEN HAAG (AFN) - De stijging van de olieprijs zorgde er in juni voor dat de Nederlandse industrie ook hogere prijzen rekent voor haar producten. Dat meldde het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS).

De prijzen die fabrikanten rekenen voor hun producten gingen vorige maand met 5 procent omhoog in vergelijking met een jaar eerder. De prijsstijging is groter dan een maand eerder toen er op jaarbasis sprake was van een stijging van 3,7 procent.

Vooral in de aardolie-industrie namen de afzetprijzen sterk toe als gevolg van de hogere olieprijzen. In juni moest voor een vat olie circa 65 euro worden betaald. Dat betekende een stijging met 53 procent ten opzichte van een jaar eerder.

Flink duurder

Producten van de aardolie-industrie waren in juni 40,5 procent duurder dan in juni 2017. De afzetprijzen van de chemische industrie stegen met ruim 7 procent, ook goeddeels als gevolg van de olieprijs. De prijzen van de auto-, de kunststof- en rubberindustrie, de metaalproducten- en de machine-industrie stegen ook.

De prijzen in de elektrotechnische en voedingsmiddelenindustrie lagen lager dan een jaar eerder.
Olievoorraden VS omhoog

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gestegen. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 27 juli stegen de olievoorraden met circa 3,8 miljoen vaten tot 408,7 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden daalden met circa 2,5 miljoen tot 231,0 miljoen vaten.

De voorraden stookolie stegen vorige week met 3,0 miljoen vaten naar 124,2 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen steeg van 93,8 naar 96,1 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Olieprijzen geven Petrobras duwtje in de rug

Gepubliceerd op 3 aug 2018 om 13:44 | Views: 471

Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.- Petr 02 aug
11,92 0,00 (0,00%)

SBM Offshore 14:43
13,21 -0,01 (-0,04%)

RIO DE JANEIRO (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Braziliaanse olieconcern Petrobras heeft de wind in de zeilen. Door de gestegen olieprijs boekte het bedrijf de afgelopen periode de hoogste winst sinds 2011. De effecten van een langdurige staking door vrachtwagenchauffeurs werden door de hogere prijzen teniet gedaan.

Petrobras heeft bovendien vrijwel de hele Braziliaanse markt in handen. Het bedrijf had al zowat een monopolie op het gebied van raffinage, maar heeft nu ook de brandstofimport in handen sinds de Braziliaanse overheid de dieselprijzen bevroor als gevolg van de staking.

De omzet van Petrobras groeide naar 84,4 miljard real in het tweede kwartaal, ongeveer 19,4 miljard euro. De winst kwam uit op 10,1 miljard real.
India’s crude oil production to grow by a mere 1 million tonne through 2022 - Oil ministry

ETEnergyWorld reported that India’s crude oil production is expected to increase by a marginal 1 million tonne over the next 4 years through 2022, the oil ministry has said. This is despite Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s call for reducing the country’s crude oil imports by 10 per cent by 2021-22. According to oil ministry’s projections, India will produce around 38.34 MT oil in 2021-2022 as compared to 37.34 MT produced in last financial year ended March 2018, the ministry told Parliamentary Standing Committee on Oil & Gas recently.

The panel said that “The Committee would like to point out that it is almost three years since the Prime Minister had made this call and less progress is seen on the ground,” adding India’s crude oil production has stagnated for the last several years which is a matter of serious concern.

According to the ministry, state-owned and largest petroleum explorer Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) would witness its crude oil production from nomination fields decline 2.25 per cent to 22.55 MT in 2021-2022 from around 23 MT produced last financial year ended March 2018.

Similarly, output from the second largest producer Oil India Ltd (OIL) will decline 5 per cent to 3.46 MT in 2021-2022, from around 3.64 MT produced in 2017-18. Crude oil production from fields operated by private and Joint Ventures (JVs) will increase 16 per cent to 12.33 MT in 2021-2022 from around 10.63 MT produced last fiscal.

Source : ETEnergyWorld
Rosneft boekt hogere winst

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Rosneft heeft in het tweede kwartaal van 2018 een hogere winst en omzet geboekt in vergelijking met het eerste kwartaal. Dit meldde de Russische oliemaatschappij dinsdag.

"Het tweede kwartaal is vooral een weerspiegeling van de inspanningen van het management om de efficiëncy van het bedrijf te verbeteren", zei CEO Igo Sechin. "Als gevolg van een aanzienlijke verbetering van de macro-economische omstandigheden en een robuuste kostenbeheersing steeg het bedrijfsresultaat met meer dan 40 procent op kwartaalbasis en 80 procent op jaarbasis."

Rosneft boekte in het tweede kwartaal een bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) van 565 miljard Russische roebel, ofwel 7,7 miljard euro, in vergelijking met 385 miljard roebel in het eerste kwartaal. Daarbij steeg de bijhorende marge van 21,9 procent eind eerste kwartaal naar 26,9 procent ultimo juni 2018.

De nettowinst bedroeg het afgelopen kwartaal 228 miljard roebel, ofwel 3,1 miljard euro, tegen 81 miljard roebel in de eerste drie maanden van 2018.

De omzet steeg op kwartaalbasis van 1.722 miljard roebel naar 2.065 miljard roebel, wat overeenkomt met 28,1 miljard euro.

De kapitaaluitgaven bedroegen in het tweede kwartaal 229 miljard roebel, in vergelijking met 223 miljard roebel in het eerste kwartaal, terwijl de vrije kasstroom in het tweede kwartaal 221 miljard roebel bedroeg, versus 142 miljard roebel in de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar.

In de eerste zes maanden van 2018 steeg de omzet op jaarbasis 34,8 procent tot 3.787 miljard roebel. De oliemaatschappij rapporteerde een bijna 50 procent hoger bedrijfsresultaat van 950 miljard roebel, terwijl de nettowinst 309 miljard roebel bedroeg. Een jaar eerder was dit nog 75 miljard roebel.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
OPEC July crude oil output surges 340,000 barrel per day from June to 32.66 million barrel per day - Platts survey

Platts reported that Saudi Arabia pumped close to its all-time high in July and several of its OPEC brethren posted their largest crude oil output figures in more than a year and a half, as the bloc appears to be following through on its agreement to unleash more barrels on the market. OPEC produced 32.66 million b/d in July, a 340,000 b/d rise from June, including newest member the Republic of Congo, according to the latest S&P Global Platts survey of industry officials, analysts and shipping data.

Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s largest member, produced 10.63 million b/d, the kingdom’s highest since August 2016, when it produced its record 10.66 million b/d, according to Platts survey archives.

Its Gulf allies Kuwait and the UAE pushed their output to their most since December 2016 — the last month before OPEC and 10 non-OPEC allies agreed to implement supply cuts that are now being eased — as did Iraq and Algeria, the survey found.

Those gains were more than enough to offset output declines in sanctions-hit Iran, crisis-wracked Venezuela and conflict-torn Libya.

OPEC on June 23 agreed with its partners to end overcompliance with their production cuts and boost output by a collective 1 million b/d to replace barrels expected to be shut in by the reimplementation of US sanctions on Iran and Venezuela’s economic quagmire.

OPEC’s July compliance among the 12 members with specified quotas stands at 105%, down from 131% in June, according to Platts calculations.

Iran, which has warned other members against encroaching on its market share, saw its production fall to 3.72 million b/d in July — lowest since January 2017 — as European buyers began winding down their purchases in advance of US sanctions snapping back in November.

Venezuela, suffering from crushing debt, crumbling infrastructure, worker unrest, hyperinflation and US sanctions, continued its output slide to 1.24 million b/d, a 670,000 b/d drop in a year and the lowest in the 30-year history of the Platts OPEC survey, except a debilitating worker strike in late 2002 and early 2003.

Libya’s output dropped 30,000 b/d month-on-month to 670,000 b/d, its lowest since April 2017, the survey found, as it dealt with a militia blockade of its eastern ports that was resolved July 11 and a kidnapping at the Sharara field in the country’s southwest.

Angola’s production remained steady at 1.45 million b/d in July, a 190,000 b/d year-on-year decline, according to the survey, as its mature fields continued to deplete. But the African country should see its production rebound in the coming months with the offshore Kaombo field beginning first production in late July.

Major gainers besides Saudi Arabia include Nigeria, which boosted its output to 1.80 million b/d as the force majeure on key export grade Bonny Light was lifted mid-month, and the UAE and Kuwait, both of whom had signaled their intent to loosen their taps.

UAE output rose to 2.97 million b/d, while Kuwait produced 2.78 million b/d in July, the survey found.

Iraq also raised crude exports from its southern terminals to a record high in July, with its production coming in at 4.57 million b/d, according to the survey.
Newest member Congo produced 310,000 b/d in July, a drop from 330,000 b/d in June.

The Platts OPEC figures were compiled by surveying OPEC and oil industry officials, traders and analysts, as well as reviewing proprietary shipping data.

Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

Source : Platts
Saudi Arabia pumped less crude oil in July – OPEC

Reuters reported that top oil exporter Saudi Arabia pumped around 10.290 million barrels per day of crude in July, two OPEC sources said, down about 200,000 bpd from a month earlier. The amount of oil supplied to the market in July was slightly higher at 10.380 million bpd, the sources said.

Supply to the market – domestically and for export – may differ from production depending on the movement of barrels in and out of storage.

Saudi Arabia told the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries that the kingdom pumped 10.488 million bpd of crude oil in June, an increase of 458,000 bpd from the production figure it submitted for May.

However, crude supply to the market in June was higher than wellhead production at 10.579 million bpd, a figure that includes domestic consumption and all exports, including from storage tanks.

OPEC agreed with Russia and other oil-producing allies in June to raise output from July, with Saudi Arabia pledging a “measurable” supply boost.

OPEC and the non-OPEC producers said they would raise supply by returning to 100 percent compliance with previously agreed output cuts, after months of underproduction. That would mean a roughly 1 million bpd increase in output.

Source : Reuters
Rosneft to raise oil and gas condensate output in Q3 2018

Reuters quoted Russian oil giant Rosneft as saying that it would be able to increase daily oil and gas condensate production in the third quarter of this year after OPEC and oil producers led by Russia agreed to ease production curbs in June. Rosneft said that it had the capacity to raise third-quarter liquids production by 200,000 barrels a day, with approximately 120,000 barrels a day of that already added between June and July.

Energy ministry data showed that Russian oil output rose by 150,000 barrels per day in July from a month earlier, surpassing the amount Moscow had promised to add following a meeting of global oil producers in Vienna in June.

Rosneft said that daily liquids production in the second quarter rose 0.8 percent compared to the same period last year to 4.6 million barrels. Average daily hydrocarbon production in the second quarter rose 0.1 percent in YoY terms to 5.71 million barrels.

The oil company said that its board of directors had approved the structure and parameters of a share buyback programme worth up to USD 2 billion.

It said that the programme would run until the end of 2020, adding it reserved the right to partially cancel it if necessary. The maximum amount of shares and depositary receipts to be repurchased would not exceed 340 million shares.

Source : Reuters
Olievoorraden VS omlaag

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De voorraden ruwe olie in de Verenigde Staten zijn vorige week gedaald. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Energy Information Administration.

In de week eindigend op 3 augustus daalden de olievoorraden met circa 1,4 miljoen vaten tot 407,4 miljoen vaten.

De benzinevoorraden stegen daarentegen met circa 2,9 miljoen tot 233,9 miljoen vaten.

De voorraden stookolie stegen vorige week ook, met 1,2 miljoen vaten naar 125,4 miljoen vaten.

De capaciteitsbenutting van de raffinaderijen steeg van 96,1 naar 96,6 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
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