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New German Coalition Aiming for 2030 Coal Exit

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

The three parties negotiating to form Germany's new coalition government are aiming for a coal phase out by 2030, eight years earlier than currently planned. The leaders of German Social Democrats, the Greens and the liberal Free Democrats have presented the results of their preliminary talks and said their parties were ready to enter formal coalition negotiations, putting Germany one step closer to a new government. They said “In order to meet climate goals, an accelerated exit from coal power is required. Ideally, this will be achieved by 2030.”

Other points agreed by the parties include a rapid expansion of renewables, including designating 2 percent of Germany's land for wind power as well as forcing new commercial buildings to put solar panels on their roofs.

The paper also expresses support for the European Commission's Fit for 55 legislation package and pledges to an "immediate climate protection program."

The paper does not amount to a coalition deal, which will only be reached if and when the three parties successfully complete formal negotiations, a process that could take weeks to months.
CIL NCL Starts Coal Supplies to NTPC from Talabira Coal Mines

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

In its effort to strengthen fuel security, NTPC commenced coal offtake from Talabira Mines of NLC in Odisha. As per the agreement, NTPC shall offtake of coal from Talabira mines to Lara and Darlipalli. Besides this, NTPC is also ramping up coal production from its captive mines.

The present installed capacity of NTPC Group is 66,900 MW (including 13,425 MW through JVs/Subsidiaries) comprising of 47 NTPC stations (23 coal-based stations,7 gas-based stations,1 hydro station,1 small hydro,14 solar PV, and 1 wind-based station) and 26 joint venture stations (9 coal-based,4 gas-based,8 hydro,1 small hydro 2 wind and 2 solar PV).
Mozambique laat zijn steenkool best in de grond zitten

Klimaatexpert bij de Mozambikaanse overheid, werkt voor het Belgisch ontwikkelingsagentschap Enabel.

Vandaag om 05:30

Mozambique komt zelden in het Belgische nieuws. En als het dat toch doet, gaat het bijna uitsluitend over oorlog, hongersnood of corruptie. Maar in het land zelf zijn het vooral energie en klimaatverandering die de krantenkoppen halen. Het land heeft de sleutel van de klimaatcrisis voor een deel in eigen handen.

In Maputo, de Mozambikaanse hoofdstad, is het aangenaam vertoeven. Er heerst een gezellige drukte in de stad, met restaurants, kraampjes op elke straathoek en een leuke cultuurscene. Echter, slechts enkele kilometers buiten de stadsgrenzen verandert dat grootstedelijke gevoel onmiddellijk. Asfalt maakt plaats voor zand, hutten nemen de plaats in van flatgebouwen en de drukte voelt loom aan. Het is pas hier dat je beseft waarom Mozambique een van de meeste kwetsbare landen is voor de gevolgen van klimaatverandering. Een hevige storm vaagt een huis, een straat of een heel dorp eenvoudig weg.

4 miljoen
Alleen al in de periode 2016-2019 werden meer dan 4 miljoen mensen getroffen door stormen, droogte en overstromingen.

Uit statistieken spreekt de urgentie van actie tegen de klimaatverandering in Mozambique. Alleen al in de periode 2016-2019 werden meer dan 4 miljoen mensen getroffen door stormen, droogte en overstromingen. De schade door de Cycloon Idai, die het land in 2019 teisterde, wordt geschat op bijna de helft van de nationale begroting. Vrienden die in de stad Beira waren tijdens de stormen van 2019 zagen hoe de stad letterlijk een eiland werd. Het leven was er maanden verstoord en de heropbouw is er nog steeds bezig.

Dit staat in contrast met de grote reserves aan fossiele grondstoffen waarover het land beschikt. De jongste tien jaar is de ontginning van fossiele brandstoffen een steeds belangrijkere rol gaan spelen in de Mozambikaanse economie. In 2006 werden de eerste exploratievergunningen voor steenkoolontginning verleend en stilaan begon een reeks internationale gasbedrijven met het aanboren van aardgasreserves in het noorden van het land. In het centrum van Maputo werken mensen ofwel voor een bank, ofwel voor een ontwikkelingsorganisatie, ofwel in de fossiele-energiesector. De snelle expansie van grondstofextractie werd geprezen om haar potentieel om de Mozambikaanse economie radicaal te doen groeien. Maar nu zelfs de meest verstokte steenkoollanden klimaatbeloften maken, is het de vraag hoe lang die ontginning nog kan duren.

Een zwak institutioneel kader maakt het land tot een speelbal van buitenlandse economische belangen, met Europese bedrijven voorop.
Mozambique heeft als het ware de sleutel van haar eigen doos van Pandora in handen. Momenteel zet de overheid de strategische lijnen uit van haar klimaatbeleid. Economisch is het ontginnen van fossiele brandstoffen belangrijk. Dat wordt afkicken. Tegelijkertijd worden de gevolgen van klimaatverandering hier zo hard gevoeld dat niets doen echt geen optie is. Consistent beleid is, bijna op z’n Belgisch, een hele uitdaging. Een zwak institutioneel kader maakt het land tot een speelbal van buitenlandse economische belangen, met Europese bedrijven voorop. Bovendien wordt de overheid ondersteund door een hele resem ontwikkelingspartners die elk hun eigen klimaatagenda hebben. Met zoveel kapiteins op het schip is het moeilijk een rechte koers te varen.

Vanuit mijn woonkamer zie ik de schepen met steenkool de haven in Maputo uitvaren. Hopelijk kan dat snel anders. In een land met zo veel natuurlijke rijkdom is het potentieel voor duurzame productie immens. En wat vaststaat: als we de 1.5 gradendoelstelling van het akkoord van Parijs willen halen, moeten de Mozambikaanse steenkoolreserves in de grond blijven zitten.

Simon De Clercq is klimaatexpert bij de Mozambikaanse overheid, en werkt voor het Belgische ontwikkelingsagentschap Enabel. Hij schrijft deze column in eigen naam.

BHP Update on Coal Business in July September Quarter

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
05 Nov, 2021, 9:28 am

BHP operational announced Metallurgical coal production decreased by 9% to 9 million tonnes, 16 million tonnes on a 100 per cent basis. Guidance for the 2022 financial year remains unchanged at between 39 and 44 million tonnes (70 and 78 9 million tonnes on a 100 per cent basis), with volumes weighted to the second half of the year following planned maintenance in the September 2021 quarter. Queensland Coal production decreased as a result of planned wash plant maintenance at Goonyella and Peak Downs, planned dragline maintenance at Caval Ridge and mining in higher strip ratio areas at Poitrel in line with the mine plan. This was partially offset by record stripping at BMC and a significant uplift in truck productivity at South Walker Creek.

Energy coal production increased by 17 per cent to 4 million tonnes. Guidance for the 2022 financial year remains unchanged at between 13 and 15 million tonnes. Following our announcement to divest our interest in Cerrejbn in June 2021, Cerrejbn volumes are no longer included in energy coal guidance and will be reported separately until transaction completion, which is expected to occur in the second half of the 2022 financial year. NSWEC production increased as a result of increased stripping volumes enabled by improved truck productivity and reduced wet weather impacts. The shiploader at the Newcastle port, which was damaged in November 2020, is now back in operation and operating at full design capacity.
Beijing zet mijnbouwers onder druk om prijs steenkool
ANP Producties 1 uur geleden

BEIJING (ANP) - Chinese mijnbouwbedrijven moeten met de winter in aantocht de prijzen voor steenkool verlagen om zo een energiecrisis te voorkomen. Beleidsmakers in Beijing zouden de bedrijven daarvoor onder druk zetten, zeker nu het koude weer van nu een voorbode lijkt voor een strenge winter.

Sommige kolenmijnen in de provincie Shanxi, de regio die vorig jaar de meeste kolen produceerde, hebben de prijs per ton steenkool gemaximeerd op 900 yuan, omgerekend 121 euro. Dit zouden ze hebben gedaan nadat ze daartoe door de Nationale Commissie voor Ontwikkeling en Hervorming (NDRC) verplicht werden, aldus bronnen tegen persbureau Bloomberg.

De prijs nu ligt een kwart lager dan de vorige limiet die twee weken geleden in de provincie werd vastgesteld. Toch is het aanzienlijk hoger dan het plafond van 528 yuan dat de NDRC vorige maand overwoog. Dat de commissie deze limiet losliet, heet volgens de bronnen mogelijk te maken met de weerstand onder mijnwerkers.


China, 's werelds grootste gebruiker van steenkool, heeft verschillende maatregelen genomen op de markt voor steenkolen, nadat de prijzen een recordhoogte bereikten. Dat gebeurde na overstromingen in Shanxi. De wateroverlast legde de productie in dit steenkoolrijke gebied nagenoeg stil, waardoor het toch al gebrekkige aanbod van de brandstof verder afnam. China belandde in een energiecrisis die leidde tot stroomstoringen en rantsoenering van de stroomvoorziening.

Beijing eiste daarop van staatsmijnbedrijven dat de steenkoolproductie werd opgevoerd. Ook heeft China de aankoop van overzeese voorraden opgevoerd en heeft het maatregelen om de elektriciteitsprijzen laag te houden, geschrapt. De ingrepen hebben gewerkt. De steenkoolprijzen kelderden de voorbije weken naarmate de binnenlandse mijnen hun productie opvoerden.
BHP Divests Stake in BHP Mitsui Coal to Stanmore Resources

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Nov, 2021, 5:33 am

BHP announced that it has signed a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement to divest its 80% interest in BHP Mitsui Coal, an operated metallurgical coal joint venture in Queensland. Stanmore SMC Holdings Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Stanmore Resources Limited, has agreed to acquire 100 per cent of the shares in Dampier Coal (Queensland) Pty Ltd from BHP Minerals Pty Ltd, the subsidiary which holds BHP’s interest in BMC, for cash consideration of up to USD 1.35 billion. The purchase price comprises USD 1.1 billion cash on completion, USD 100 million in cash six months after completion and the potential for up to USD 150 million in a price-linked earnout payable in the 2024 calendar year. Excluding the price-linked earnout, this represents an Enterprise Value/EBITDA multiple of 6.9x1.

The sale is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions, including customary competition and regulatory approvals. This includes approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board. Stanmore Resources has agreed to a break fee payable where certain conditions are not satisfied.

Stanmore Resources would assume economic and operating control of BMC on completion of the sale, including its share of all current and future liabilities of BMC subject to certain limited exceptions. Completion is expected to occur in the middle of the 2022 calendar year.

BHP will continue to operate BMC until completion and work closely with Stanmore Resources to ensure a successful transition of ownership. BHP will provide certain transitional services to Stanmore Resources for a short period of time after completion.

BHP Mitsui Coal comprises the Poitrel and South Walker Creek operations, Red Mountain Infrastructure and the Wards Well development in Queensland, Australia. BHP Group Limited operates BMC as part of an 80:20 joint venture with Mitsui.
China Boosts Coal Output to Overcome Shortages

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

China's daily coal output has hit a historic high of 12.05 million tonnes last week. The record output came amid a rebound in production activities after a cold wave swept many parts of China in the past week and disrupted coal production. The average daily coal production between November 7 and 9 was 11.75 million tonnes.

National Development and Reform Commission said that “The daily production in major coal-producing regions hit the highest level in recent years. This has consolidated the foundation for ensuring the energy supply and stabilizing prices.”

NDRC added “With railways, highways and ports taking precautionary and responsive measures, the cold weather's impact on coal transport is gradually dwindling and the coal stock in power plants has continued to improve. Stockpiles at power plants exceeded 117 million tonnes, while portside inventories gained nearly 1.5 million tonnes from over a month ago to 5.39 million tonnes.”
Coal India Reports Subdued Performance in Q2 of 2021-22

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Indian state owned Coal India Limited has reported a flat financial performance for the second quarter of the current fiscal with net profit at INR 2,932 crore against IR 2,951 crore during the corresponding period last fiscal. Although total income for the period grew 8.25% to INR 24,072.83 crore, expenses were up more than 12%, at INR 20,424.52 crore leading to a 10% decline in profit before tax. PAT for the quarter to September during the current fiscal was at INR 3,643 crore, against IR 4,060 crore during the same period a year ago.

For the half yearly period CIL’s net profit at INR 6,106 crore increased 21% on a total income of INR 50,035 crore, registering a year-on-year growth of 20.54%. Profit before tax for the period at INR 7,978.81 crore witnessed an above 16% growth though expenses at INR 42,051 crore were higher by 21% compared to the expenses incurred during the six months period last fiscal.
4 Miner Killed in Roof Collapse in Singareni Collieries Coal Mine

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Local media reported that 4 workers of Singareni Collieries Company Limited died when the roof of an underground mine caved in while they were working at Srirampur in Mancherial district on Wednesday. The mishap occurred at SRP3 & 3A incline underground mine in Srirampur. The accident occurred while the workers were doing roof stitching work in the underground mine. Suddenly part of the roof fell. The collapsed roof was 6 metre long, three metre wide, two metre high and the four workers were trapped below it and lost their lives.

At the time of the mishap there were about 21 workers including miners and the supporting staff were discharging duties in the mine.
European Court of Justice Starts Czech & Poland Coal Mine Hearing

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

According to reports in local media, Czech Republic and Poland officials met last week in Luxembourg for the first hearing at the European Court of Justice on the controversial extraction activities at the coal mine in Turów, located close to the German and Czech border. Despite the on going legal action against Poland, Warsaw decided in May to extend the life of the Turów coal mine until 2044 without carrying out an environmental impact assessment. It also refused to the temporary suspension of activities, as requested by the EU's top court. As a result, the EU court in September ordered Poland to pay a €500,000-per-day fine for failing to comply with interim measures. But Poland has voiced reluctance to pay.

In February, Czech Republic filed a complaint against Poland for expanding the life of this open-pit coal mine and demanded its immediate closure, arguing that it is lowering ground water supplies for nearby communities and contributing to air pollution.

The Turów power station provides around five percent of Poland's power, supplying electricity to some 2.3m households, according to the mine operator, state-owned Polish energy group.
Australië ziet ook na klimaattop nog toekomst voor steenkool
ANP Producties 23 uur geleden

De Australische regering heeft medewerkers van de kolensector gerustgesteld na de internationale klimaattop in Glasgow. De Britse premier Boris Johnson voorspelde dat de afspraken die daar zijn gemaakt het einde zullen inluiden van het gebruik van steenkool om energie op te wekken, maar volgens zijn Australische ambtsgenoot Scott Morrison is dat onzin.

Het op termijn afbouwen van steenkoolgebruik is een belangrijk onderdeel van het klimaatakkoord, maar volgens Morrison zal dat voorlopig zo'n vaart niet lopen. "Degenen die in Australië in die sector werken, kunnen dat nog tientallen jaren blijven doen", beklemtoonde hij. "De overgang gaat veel tijd kosten. En ik bied geen excuses aan voor het feit dat Australië opkomt voor zijn nationale belangen."

Australië behoort wereldwijd tot de grootste producenten van steenkool. Vicepremier Barnaby Joyce benadrukte volgens omroep ABC na de klimaattop dat er internationaal nog steeds veel vraag is naar die fossiele brandstof. Daarvan moet Australië profiteren, vond Joyce. Die stond op dat moment voor een vrachttrein vol kolen in de deelstaat New South Wales.
University of Calgary Report Says Coal Mining Would Harm Rockies

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Nov, 2021, 7:04 am

An analysis from the University of Calgary has concluded that coal mining on environmentally sensitive slopes of Alberta's Rocky Mountains wouldn't be an overall benefit to the province. The analysis considers the impacts of a hypothetical open-pit coal mine built on land now considered environmentally sensitive. Much of the technical information was drawn from recent hearings, which rejected the Grassy Mountain coal mine proposal for the Rockies. University's School of Public Policy Economist Ms Jennifer Winter said "The net economic benefit is minimal. When you compare that to the fairly significant impacts to wildlife, to the natural landscape, to other economic activities, it's not in Alberta's interest to proceed."

Ms Winter and her colleagues took a different approach to their analysis than a strict cost-benefit breakdown. She said they tried to get beyond weighing wages earned and taxes paid to examine overall economic, social and environmental impacts. She said "In many of these project assessments, there is a big emphasis on the economic impacts because we have numbers to attach to them. It's much more holistic to look at these other impacts as well and identify not just that there are impacts, but who specifically would be affected."

Those impacts, says the report, affect all Albertans while the benefits are concentrated more tightly. Report concludes "The private benefits are concentrated in the project proponent; any increases in tax revenue are marginal given the size of Alberta’s economy, and any incremental labour income is captured by a few individuals employed by the hypothetical mine. In contrast, the negative environmental and social impacts would affect a much broader population."
China Steps up Coal Imports in October to Reduce Shortages

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
17 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

General Administration of Customs data shows that China’s coal imports in October 2021 nearly doubled YoY to 26.9 million tonnes. The numbers for October were less than September, when China’s coal imports peaked at 32.9 million tonnes. The large purchases come as Chinese people have been suffering severe power outages, which intensified in September. Coal scarcity was aggravated in the beginning of October as key coal mining regions were hit by torrential rain.

More than two-thirds of China’s electricity comes from burning thermal coal. Production shortages, high fuel prices, and booming post-pandemic industrial demand have sparked widespread power shortages. Shortage and surging costs caused thermal coal prices to rise, reaching CNY 1,640 yuan (USD 254) per tonne on October 13, tripling the price at the start of 2021.
Indian Thermal Coal Imports Slip in April-August 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

India has substantially reduced the imports of coal for power generation in the current financial year. Coal Ministry said “In the first five months of the Financial Year 2021 -22 i.e. up to August 2021, the import of all varieties of thermal coal has reduced to 70.85 million tonnes from 84.44 million tonnes during the corresponding months of the financial year 2019-20 representing a decline of about 16%.

Due to the substantial reduction of import of thermal coal in the current year, the total import of coal has also reduced to 94.1 5 million tonnes in the period from April to August 2021 compared to 107.01 million tonnes during the corresponding period of FY 2019-20, a decrease of about 12%.
UMMC Kuzbassrazrezugol Adds Transport Equipment

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
19 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Russian miner Ural Mining Metallurgical Company’s Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company is completing the renewal of the main equipment park planned for 2021. More than a dozen new bulldozers have already started work at the company's opencast mines. In total, Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company’s 2021 production modernisation programme includes the receipt of about 110 units of basic mining and transport equipment, including more than 80 mining dump trucks, 17 bulldozers and 5 motor graders, hydraulic excavators with different bucket volumes.

As a reminder, during 2021, Kuzbassrazrezugol changed its investment plans twice, focusing on the positive dynamics of the coal market and adjusted coal production plans. At the end of 1Q21, it was decided to double the cost of purchasing the main mining and transport equipment: from RUB 7.5 billion to RUB 15.2 billion. This allowed the company to double its delivery of mining trucks planned for 2021 and begin modernising its bulldozer fleet. At the beginning of the third quarter, the investment plan was expanded with two more large-scale modernisation programs: auxiliary technological equipment and non-technological vehicles. In total, Kuzbassrazrezugol Management Company plans to allocate RUB 25.8 billion for the development of production in 2021.
Ukrainian DTEK to Step Up Coal Imports to Meet Shortages

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
19 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Ukrainian media reported DTEK has contracted 600,000 tonnes of coal for the first quarter of 2022, but has a shortage of anthracite for the Luhansk thermal power plant. DTEK CEO Mr Maksym Timchenko said “In general, in 2021, we imported 2.5 million tonnes of coal. For the first quarter of next year, we have already contracted 600,000 tonnes of coal: supplies from Poland and supplies by sea. We have a problem with supplies of anthracite.”

The CEO of DTEK said that deliveries from Poland under the contract by the end of the first quarter of 2022 are expected at 80,000 tonnes per month.

In addition, it is planned to supply 400,000 tonnes from the United States and Colombia in the fourth quarter of this year and 380,000-400,000 tonnes in the first quarter of 2022.
Indian Thermal Coal Imports Slip in April-August 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
18 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

India has substantially reduced the imports of coal for power generation in the current financial year. Coal Ministry said “In the first five months of the Financial Year 2021 -22 i.e. up to August 2021, the import of all varieties of thermal coal has reduced to 70.85 million tonnes from 84.44 million tonnes during the corresponding months of the financial year 2019-20 representing a decline of about 16%.

Due to the substantial reduction of import of thermal coal in the current year, the total import of coal has also reduced to 94.1 5 million tonnes in the period from April to August 2021 compared to 107.01 million tonnes during the corresponding period of FY 2019-20, a decrease of about 12%.

Bodies found at Site of New Zealand Coal Mine Explosion in 2010

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Local media reported that two more bodies have been found at the site of a New Zealand coal mine explosion which killed 29 workers Police used new camera images to make the discovery at the Pike River mine, but the area is still too dangerous to enter so they will not be able to recover the remains. Police Detective Superintendent Mr Peter Read said they had located at least two bodies and possibly a third after a camera was sent down a newly dug hole of the mine in the West Coast region of the South Island. Bodies were found at the far end of the mine, where methane levels remain high.

He added police would not be releasing the images out of respect to the families and declined to describe the conditions of the bodies.

A series of blasts ignited by methane gas ripped through the Pike River Mine on the west coast of the South Island in November 2010, trapping 31 men, though two managed to escape. The blast caused a methane gas fireball which shot 350ft up a ventilation shaft, blackening trees and scorching equipment on the surface. An earlier investigation concluded the Pike River Coal company had exposed miners to unacceptable risks as it strived to meet financial targets. The report found the company ignored 21 warnings that methane gas had accumulated to explosive levels before the disaster.
JSPL to Start Building Botswana Coal Mine in 2022

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Reuters reported that Jindal Steel & Power Limited will start building a coal mine in Botswana's south eastern Mmamabula coalfields in 2022, aiming to supply the export market and a planned coal power plant. Jindal Botswana country head Mr Neeraj Saxena told Reuters "Work will start next year and develop in phases over two to three years. Regional demand is increasing and the South African market has appetite for Botswana coal.”

JSPL aims for the mine to produce 4.5 million tonnes of coal per year.
Russia Proposes Chinese Investments in Coal Mining in Siberia

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Russia wants to invite Chinese investors to develop mineral deposits in its territory. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Mr Alexander Novak at a meeting of the intergovernmental Russian-Chinese commission on energy cooperation said "Thanks to joint efforts, cooperation in the energy sector is progressively developing and has reached an unprecedentedly high level. The volume of mutual trade reached USD 104 billion. This year, 81.7 million tonnes of Russian oil were supplied to China, 39.5 million tonnes of coal were exported, 12 billion cubic meters of gas went through the Power of Siberia pipeline. At the same time, there is a significant potential for the further development of relations in the oil and gas sector & coal.”

Mr Novak said "We are in favor of further increasing coal supplies, and because of this new long-term contract will be worked out, as well as joint development of coal deposits in Russia."

Zalushanskoye coal deposit in Transbaikalia stake was sold to China's largest coal company Shenhua. Production at the deposit with reserves of 742 million tonnes is expected to increase 25 times with the help of Chinese partners - from the current 200 thousand tons per year to 5 million tonnes. Coal mining at this deposit will be conducted in an open way
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