Esperite (voorheen Cryo Save) « Terug naar discussie overzicht

Esperite - 2020: stuiptrekkingen

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ff_relativeren schreef op 10 februari 2020 20:11:

Grijns. Mijn waarschuwingen over Esperite en over het management lopen al heel wat jaren.
Ik blijf me er over verbazen dat er steeds weer nieuwe IEX aliassen opduiken, die zonder inlezen of voorbereiding, fantaseren over een toekomst voor Esperite.
Je ziet bij bv DGB en Alumexx ook plots nieuwe namen opduiken die zo ongeveer 99% van de folder komen posten. Kopen zogenaamd op een forum aan, en op den duur , als de boel in elkaar stort, zijn ze weer weg.
Vooral bij Alumexx zat er recent 1 die letterlijk een 'harry mens' riedeltje af bleef draaien gericht op een specifieke doelgroep, waarvan je eigenlijk vrij snel kon concluderen wie of welke partij daar achter zat.
Margin Call
Frédéric Amar, de ceo van biotechbedrijf Esperite en stamcelbank Cryo-Save, is onderwerp van een strafrechtelijk onderzoek in Zwitserland. Hij wordt verdacht van verduistering, faillissementsfraude, crimineel mismanagement en schending van transplantatiewetgeving.

Rekeningen niet betaald, AFM krijgt nog 50 K van 'm, CEO zat in voorarrest, is nu weer vrij, AFM wacht berichten uit Zwitserland af, tot dan blijft handel gesloten.

Opmerkelijk genoeg zit het volgens Euronext op t strafbankje wegens niet tijdig inleveren jaarcijfers.
Als deze beerput opengaat, ben ik toch wel heel benieuwd hoe die constructie met Australië in zn werk ging, en waarom de bewuste partij L1 Capital dit deed.
Interessant wel, verdacht van 'verduistering, faillissementsfraude, crimineel mismanagement'. Zet dat even naast wat bijdrages hier. Neem aan dat ook dat straks meegenomen gaat worden?
CEO Esperite verdacht van verduistering en fraude - media

0,0841 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) CEO Frédéric Amar van het beursgenoteerde Esperite is onderwerp van een strafrechtelijk onderzoek in Zwitsersland. Dit schreef het Financieele Dagblad donderdag na bevestiging door het Openbaar Ministerie van Genève.

Volgens de krant wordt Amar verdacht van verduistering, faillissementsfraude, crimineel mismanagement en schending van transplantatiewetgeving.

Volgens de advocaat van Amar berust de kwestie echter op een misverstand, veroorzaakt door verontruste ouders die niet begrijpen hoe de Cryo-Save-organisatie werkt.

Cryo-Save is de stamcelbank van Esperite, die vorig jaar failliet werd verklaard.

Amar zou zelfs tot afgelopen vrijdag in voorlopige hechtenis hebben gezeten.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
The current subsidiaries of the group, Output Pharma, Genoma with Agaata are now considered as assets held for sale. Therefore, they will not be part any longer of the consolidation perimeter of the group.

Esperite was the sole shareholder of CryoSave. First of all, the Company has never been directly managing the daily operations of the Umbilical Stem Cells activities. Furthermore, Esperite and CryoSave are effectively two distinct entities. Finally, Esperite is not a shareholder nor involved any longer with CryoSave or the former cord blood activities. Then, Esperite does not account nor forecast any liability from its former subsidiary Cryo-Save or the current situation. In addition, Esperite is not part of the claims against Cryo-Save. Esperite has already published a Press Release on this topic last week.

This major change in the accounting of the company will reveal different metrics, new to Esperite, like growth of capital and long-term earnings.

Consequently, Esperite will present quarterly updates including investments, cash flow, cash position, earning, stakes and their valuation.

The current cash situation of the company is low but sufficient to maintain the administration at its current level.
The shareholders will vote at the next EGM for the reduction of the Shares Nominal Value from 10 eurocents to 1 eurocent.

This will allow the company to resume with the investment contracts put on hold.

The company is currently talking to a couple of additional investors interested in Esperite’s new strategy.

Esperite’s Loan Notes holders have announced they will convert a significant part of their Loan Notes.
On 30 June 2019, Esperite announced that it had agreed an extension of the maturity dates for EUR 4,750,000 in unsecured convertible Loan Notes . The Loan Notes bear interest at a rate of 15% per year, payable monthly and are convertible into Esperite shares since 1 January 2020 (or at the earlier occurrence of a limited number of events) until maturity at an initial conversion price of EUR 0.10.

The Loan Holders are convinced by the strategy of Esperite and demonstrate their support. Therefore, this decision will reduce the repayment of the due interests and improve the cash position of the company.

Esperite has established itself as an investment group which focuses on the health care sectors with strong biotechnology background and activities. Secondary, Financials and IT companies with potential synergies are of interests. As a result, with more than 20 years of experience, Esperite operates now a light and efficient structure dedicated to growth and active development.

Esperite follows its strategy to invest primarily in smaller-sized companies valuated at a significant discount to their intrinsic value. Hence, another parameter is essential, it measures the company’s ability to generate free cash flow over the short to mid-term.
Future investments would certainly be non-controlling position in durable and good quality businesses.

Esperite is now engaging Innovation, Diversification and Sustainability.

The Company will inform the shareholders in detail during the EGM scheduled on 26 March 2020.

ESPERITE is a diversified investment company group specialized in Immunotherapy, Regenerative Medicine and Precision Medicine. Established in 2000, Esperite is a holding company, listed at Euronext Amsterdam and Paris. ESPERITE invests in companies able to transform the power of state-of-the-art technologies and scientific advancements into high quality products. The company intends to bring the future of medicine to customers today at an affordable price.

ESPERITE provides early access to key information and knowledge, improving the way Science address human diseases and genetic disorders. ESPERITE attains the highest quality and ethical standards in the pursuit of its vision to bring the benefits of personalized medicine to society.

To learn more about the ESPERITE Group, or to book an interview with the CEO Frederic Amar: or visit the websites at
to be held on 26 March 2020 at 14:00 hours CET at
Immeuble le Patio, 35-37 Rue Louis Guérin, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
1. Opening and announcements
2. Business update
3. Esperite 2.0
4. Change of Headquarters location
5. Annual report 2018 – including Corporate Governance
6. Proposal to amend article 4 of the Company’s Articles of Association - Change of shares
capital nominal value (Voting Item)
7. Proposal to amend article 22 Financial Year, Annual Accounts of the Company’s Articles
of Association - (Voting Item)
8. Proposal to appoint two external auditors in relation to the audit of the annual accounts
ending 30st June 2020 (Voting Item)
9. Future Board of Directors configuration. Resignation of Mr. Vincent Borgeot as nonexecutive
director of the Company.
10. Delegation to the Board of Directors of the powers to (a) issue, and grant rights to subscribe
for, shares in the capital of the Company up to a maximum aggregate issuance price of EUR
7,000,000; and (b) restrict or exclude the pre-emptive rights in connection with such issue
of, or grant of rights to subscribe for shares in the capital of the Company, each for a period
of 18 months from the date of the AGM (Voting Item)
11. Delegation to the Board of Directors, for a period of 24 months from the date of the EGM,
of the power to acquire - through purchases on Euronext Amsterdam or otherwise - up to a
maximum of 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of the EGM by
acquiring shares for a purchase price not less than the share nominal value price and not
higher than the average closing price over the five trading days prior to the date of
acquisition at Euronext Amsterdam plus a 10% premium (Voting Item)
12. Any other business
13. Closing
Agendapunt 12.1 resignation of F. Amar and thanks for his undying input for the company
Let op de agendapunten 6 en 10.

- verlagen van de nominale waarde (naar 1 cent ?) ;
- tot € 7 miljoen nieuw kapitaal ophalen (tegen de koers van 2 cent ?)

Dat wordt dan 350 miljoen nieuwe aandelen, bovenop de 52,3 miljoen van nu.
402,3 miljoen uitstaande aandelen na de nieuwe emissie.

Dat is 8x zoveel als vandaag hoor. Dan kom je op € 0,01 nieuwe beurskoers.
De schulden van het oude Esperite zijn er dan ook nog ..

Aadjuh schreef op 17 februari 2020 18:51:

Zal een flinke shuffle worden dan op de EGM
zo lang de man in het gevang zit gebeurd er niets.

ff_relativeren schreef op 17 februari 2020 19:07:

Let op de agendapunten 6 en 10.

- verlagen van de nominale waarde (naar 1 cent ?) ;
- tot € 7 miljoen nieuw kapitaal ophalen (tegen de koers van 2 cent ?)

Dat wordt dan 350 miljoen nieuwe aandelen, bovenop de 52,3 miljoen van nu.
402,3 miljoen uitstaande aandelen na de nieuwe emissie.

Dat is 8x zoveel als vandaag hoor. Dan kom je op € 0,01 nieuwe beurskoers.
De schulden van het oude Esperite zijn er dan ook nog ..

Nominaal omlaag naar 0,01... flink portie aandelen erbij...Dit scenario komt me zeer bekend voor!
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