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Eindelijk is het Russia Report vrijgegeven, betreffende Russische inmenging bij het Brexit referendum in 2016

British government 'lacked curiosity' to see if Russia meddled in Brexit election

The report said successive Conservative governments had turned a blind eye to inquiring into the extent of Russian influence in Britain.

The British Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee has blasted the government for failing to conduct any rigorous analysis of whether or not Russia tried to influence the EU referendum campaign.

And it has urged the UK to establish a Foreign Agents Register to help counter Russian influence, similar to the way Australia's foreign influence register was introduced by the Turnbull government to counter Chinese influence campaigns.

The committee oversees the work of Britain's spy agencies and said Russia views the UK as its third-highest target after the United States and NATO.

It said Russian influence campaigns were the "new normal" for Britain, because President Vladimir Putin sees any weakening of the West as a win for Russia.

lees. verder :

apart is de verwijzing naar LondonGrad,

Londongrad refers to the swanky (London) suburbs of Knightbridge, Belgravia and Mayfair where Russian oligarchs have purchased large swathes of property, dominating the cultural make-up of the areas.


Bill Browder,
initiator van het invoeren van de Magnitsky act (het sanctioneren van Russische personen/bedrijven, die corrupte daden in het Westen uitvoeren) in diverse landen.

zijn reactie op het Russia Report :

My initial take on Russia report: This is a strong report. The ISC recognizes the whole Russian enabler problem in London-lawyers, accountants and consultants getting rich off dirty Russians and refers to link between Russian state and organized crime

The ISC makes good recommendations:

1) Strengthening the NCA to investigate dirty Russian money in the UK,

2) Creating a UK Foreign Agent Registration Act, so there would be transparency in Russian lobbying,

3) Using targeted Magnitsky sanctions against crooked Russian officials

klik op 'deze collectie weergeven' om beide tweets te zien :


Thursday’s TIMES: “Ministers bankrolled by donors linked to Russia”


A familiar theme globally: conservative Members of Parliament in the UK were bankrolled by #RussiansVlag van Rusland. These MPs "coincidentally" backed #Brexit, which weakens the EU (exactly as the Kremlin wants).


Bill Browder :

‘The Russia report is so damning, the U.K. government can’t just do nothing’

My interview on Channel 4 News :

video 6:42 minuut



Bill browder, who gave evidence to the Intelligence and Security Committee, told us

“the new way Russia interferes in Britain is through this buffer network where they use corrupt oligarchs to pay members of the British establishment.”



Bill Browder :

Here my take on the Intellegence and Security Committee report on Russian interference for

video 2:12 minuut

Politici die geld accepteren van Russische Oligarchen, die met name in LondonGrad wonen

Londongrad refers to the swanky (London) suburbs of Knightbridge, Belgravia and Mayfair where Russian oligarchs have purchased large swathes of property, dominating the cultural make-up of the areas.
Brexit: Trade talks between Boris Johnson and EU chief end without agreement
Published4 minutes ago

A dinner between Boris Johnson and EU chief Ursula von der Leyen aimed at breaking the Brexit trade talks deadlock has ended without agreement.
A senior No 10 source said "very large gaps remain between the two sides" but talks will resume.
The source said "a firm decision should be taken about the future of the talks" by Sunday.
The meeting, also attended by negotiators Michel Barnier and Lord Frost, lasted about three hours.


TransNational Crime Organizations

Ca de helft van het Russische zwarte geld wordt witgewassen in de UK

Top official warns of 'disturbing' amount of Russian money laundering in UK

One of the UK’s top officials in monitoring economic crime has today warned about the “disturbing” prevalence of Russian money laundering in London, claiming up to half of all money laundered from the country is done through the UK.

Graeme Biggar, director general of the National Economic Crime Centre, told MPs today that it was “too easy to set up companies here” and that Russian “laundromats” were exploiting the UK’s corporate structure to launder billions of pounds.

Transparency International, an NGO tracking global corruption, said last year that it had “identified more than £5bn worth of property [in the UK] bought with suspicious wealth – one fifth of this originates from Russia”.

Speaking to Westminster’s Treasury Select Committee today, Biggar said: “We’ve done analysis recently in laundromats that have come out of Russia and the former Soviet Union.

“A disturbing proportion of money that comes out of those laundromats – not much shy of 50 per cent in one case – were laundered through UK corporate structures.”

“Not through the UK or UK financial institutions…but corporate structures that have been set up through UK systems.”

Biggar and Angela McLaren, assistant commissioner for economic and cyber crime at the City of London Police, were also grilled on the UK’s low rates of arrests for economic crime.

McLaren said there was about 6,400 people charged for economic crime last year, which is a hit rate of only three per cent.


Putin stimuleerde en financierde de Brexit campagne in 2016.
Manipuleerde de Britse kiezers, middels psycho analytisch bureau Cambridge Analytica's werk, om via advertenties op sociale media sites de kiezer te beïnvloeden om voor Brexit te zijn.
Als tegenprestatie drukte Boris Johnson eind 2019 de Brexit er door.
Bovendien faciliteert Boris Johnson de Russische witwas praktijken onder leiding van Putin, door de Russische olichargen en Russische criminelen en doet Boris Johnson weinig of niets om dit tegen te gaan of te bestraffen.

Putin moet niets hebben van een sterk Europa en heeft liever aparte staten/landen om die individueel aan te pakken en te manipuleren.
ook bij Nexit bewegingen probeert Putin stimulerend op te treden.

Putin heeft hetzelfde in de US gedaan, door Trump in 2016 aan de macht te helpen, ook door werk van psycho analytisch bureau Cambridge Analytica, om de US kiezer te beïnvloeden.
Echter de US kiezer heeft daar in november 2020 een einde aan gemaakt door Biden te kiezen.
Aan de witwas praktijken van Russische ingezetenen zal Biden een einde maken en sancties opleggen aan overtreders.

Bankers quit London as Brexit relocations to EU step up

Investment banks are shifting more rainmakers out of London to financial centres across the European Union, accelerating the pace of moves after the pandemic and uncertainty over Britain’s access to the bloc slowed relocations.

Morgan Stanley (MS.N), Barclays (BARC.L) and Goldman Sachs (GS.N) are among those moving senior bankers, according to sources at the lenders, as European regulators push banks to better staff their EU offices and travel restrictions ease. Local hiring has also increased.

The lack of a breakthrough in talks for a meaningful deal between Brussels and London on financial services post-Brexit has added to the impetus. Client-facing bankers in London are required a "chaperone" based inside the bloc whenever they speak to clients, spurring some to relocate to avoid that complication when sealing deals.


Predictions of an exodus of tens of thousands from London after the 2016 Brexit referendum have not yet materialised -- consultancy EY calculates that 7,600 Brexit-related financial services jobs had left London up until March, a fraction of London's half-a-million financial workforce.

But bankers and analysts say many of the moves are still to happen.

lees verder

De Conservatieven ontvangen voor tienduizenden ponden aan donaties van niet bestaande firma's

The Conservative Party received tens of thousands of pounds from non-existent companies, an Insider investigation has found.

- Two donations went to a current minister
- One company denies donating the money
- Labour call for an investigation.



De 56 jarige Boris Johnson is in het geheim in het huwelijk getreden met de 33 jarige Carrie Symonds,

Mail on Sunday Exclusive: Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds wed in secret ceremony at Catholic Westminster Cathedral in front of 30 guests – the first Prime Minister to marry while in office for 199 years

>>Boris Johnson, 56, exchanged vows with Carrie Symonds, 33, in Catholic Westminster Cathedral yesterday
>>Became the first Prime Minister to marry in office since Lord Liverpool married Mary Chester in 1822
>>Comes just six days after the couple sent out save-the-date cards to guests telling them to keep July 30 free
>>Couple are understood to have been secretly planning the small ceremony for six months despite cards
>>With Mr Johnson set to be back at work next week, it looks unlikely the couple will have a honeymoon

Wat heeft dit met beleggen te maken heer luchtschip, dit is toch niet te geloven dat je dit post.
US President Joe Biden has given UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson a hand-built bicycle at their first meeting as G7 leaders in south-west England.

It was made by a small Philadelphia firm that was given just a few days to build a red, white and blue bike that normally takes months to construct.

Mr Johnson has often been spotted cycling around London.

josti5 schreef op 13 juni 2021 08:26:

O, dus Biden maakt gewoon reclame voor Amerikaanse produkten, op deze trip.
Ja, Trump zou waarschijnlijker met een Chinees product komen; zo dom was hij wel.

objectief schreef op 13 juni 2021 10:04:


Ja, Trump zou waarschijnlijker met een Chinees product komen; zo dom was hij wel.
Einde quote.


Oh God. Thinking of everyone there and hoping that everyone anywhere near Elephant and Castle station in South London is alright. Waiting on news for the safety of the people.

video 0:04 minuut


It is -reportedly- in an auto repair shop underneath Elephant Castle overground station.

Maybe -from a planning perspective- auto repair shops underneath railway stations isn't such a great idea afterall?
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