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In het blad Effect van de VEB stond afgelopen week een stukje over Q-cells. Ze schrijven dat QC wordt gewaardeerd waaruit blijkt dat beleggers geen vertrouwen meer hebben in het herstel. QC heeft thans een marktwaarde van 460 miljoen. Mocht het bedrijf zich gaan hervinden dan biedt het aandeel veel potentie. Een terugkeer tot een winstniveau van 100 miljoen in 2011 of 2012 geeft het aandeel een K/W van 4,6. Het is echter wel speculatief.
Q-Cells Open to Takeover Offer, Not Holding Talks, Chief Executive Says

By Gelu Sulugiuc and Todd White - Jun 8, 2011 5:58 PM GMT+0200

Q-Cells SE (QCE), the German solar-cell manufacturer that’s fallen 56 percent in Frankfurt trading over the past year, is open to a takeover bid, Chief Executive Officer Nedim Cen said.

“If we find the right partner or the right partner finds us, I would not be opposed” to selling the company, Cen said today in an interview at a solar-power conference in Munich. He said the Thalheim-based company is not currently holding talks.

Q-Cells is among a group of European and U.S. solar-gear makers that have faced increased competition from Chinese competitors including JA Solar Holdings Co. and Suntech Power Holdings Co., the world’s largest makers of cells that are used in photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into power.

The shares pared a 3.5 percent loss today to close little changed, down 0.2 percent to 1.69 euros. The stock is the fourth-worst performer in the last 12 months on the Bloomberg Global Leaders Solar Index, which rose 12 percent in the period.

Cen said he was neutral on the negative sentiment that investors are showing toward the stock.

“If people want to go long or want to go short, that’s what the capital markets are all about,” he said. For the photovoltaic-products market to be successful, “consolidation can be a means.”

About 51 percent of Q-Cells outstanding shares have been borrowed by investors for selling short, the most among the 37 members of the Bloomberg solar index, according to information from Data Explorers on Bloomberg. The index average is 12 percent. Investors sell borrowed stock in hopes of making a profit when they buy it back later at a lower price.

Cash Flow, Bonds

The German company reported a negative cash flow of 180 million euros ($262 million) in the first quarter, almost double the cash flow loss from the year-earlier period.

The CEO forecast in a May 12 conference call with analysts that cash flow will stabilize, then significantly increase toward the end of 2011, depending on how demand picks up for its products.

Cen declined to comment on how long the company can run on the cash at hand without borrowing more. The spread on the company’s 5.75 percent bonds has risen 733 basis points to 1,841 points over a comparable German benchmark government bond during the last month, according to Bloomberg data.

To contact the reporters on this story: Gelu Sulugiuc in Copenhagen at gsulugiuc@bloomberg.net; Todd White in Madrid at twhite2@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Todd White at twhite2@bloomberg.net

Heeft er iemand informatie over een bod van Heidelberg op Q-Cells. Zelfs op de website van Q-Cells is daar niets over te vinden.

Dear Mr.

Thank you very much for your e-mail. Let me give you the following information:

This offer is not an offer from Q-Cells. It is an offer from the company Heidelberger Beteiligungsholding (http://www.heidelberger-beteiligungsholding.de/).
They offered 0,205 Euro for every bond of the convertible bonds due in 2015 (not for the Q-Cells share). Trading of the convertible bond 2015 at the moment is around 0,30 Euro so you can imagine that this is a good way of making money.

Viele Grüße/Best regards,

Stefan Lissner
Senior Vice President
Investor Relations

TEL +49 (0)3494 66 99-10101
FAX +49 (0)3494 66 99-10000
EMAIL investor@q-cells.com
WEB www.q-cells.com

Mosterd na de maaltijd! Het is steeds hetzelfde liedje met politici: Als Q-Cells faillier geconcurreerd is en de failliete boel verpatst aan de Chinezen....dan komen de politici in actie....

Ja waarom eigenlijk? Het faillissement van diverse bedrijven kun je niet ongedaan maken, dus wat schiet dat dan verder op?

06.09.2012 13:04

Solarstreit: Brüssel verteidigt Verfahren gegen Peking
BRÜSSEL (dpa-AFX) - Die EU-Kommission verteidigt ihr Anti-Dumping-Verfahren gegen die chinesische Solarbranche. "Die Entscheidung hat eine rein rechtliche Basis", sagte der Sprecher von EU-Handelskommissar Karel De Gucht am Donnerstag in Brüssel.

Der EU-Behörde liege eine Beschwerde vom europäischen Branchenverband Pro Sun von Ende Juli vor. Die Kommission, die die EU in Handelssachen vertritt, habe eine Frist 45 Tagen gehabt, ein Verfahren zu eröffnen oder nicht. "Sie können keine Verbindung sehen zwischen den Handelsvolumen zwischen der EU und China und einem Beschluss, einen Antidumpingfall zu eröffnen", sagte der Sprecher.

Kritik kam aus dem EU-Parlament: Der konservative britische Abgeordnete Robert Sturdy forderte, die EU sollte zunächst eine Verhandlungslösung suchen und einen "Solarkrieg" vermeiden. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hatte sich Ende August bei einem China-Besuch für eine politische Lösung im Solarstreit ausgesprochen.

Rezession ist positiv
Die Börse verschenkt die allerbesten Aktien zu Tiefstpreisen

Die Handelsexperten der Kommission prüfen, ob chinesische Hersteller mit künstlich niedrigen Preisen den Wettbewerb verzerren und damit europäische Konkurrenten schädigen. Es drohen Strafzölle./cb/DP/nmu
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